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File metadata and controls

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Asynchronous Initialization

If the initializeAsync parameter of the AtlasDB configuration is set to true, AtlasDB will be able to start even when some of the necessary resources are not ready yet. The main use of this feature is to avoid race conditions when starting multiple services simultaneously and allow AtlasDB to start even if, e.g., the KVS is still starting up.

To simplify initialization of objects depending on a transaction manager that may be asynchronously initialized, TransactionManagers has an asyncInitializationCallback() parameter allowing users to specify a custom callback that should be executed when ready.

If initializeAsync is set to false, the callback will be run synchronously (blocking until it is done) as the last step in creating the transaction manager. If initializeAsync is set to true, the callback will also be run asynchronously:

  1. Once all the resources for the transaction manager have become ready, but before the transaction manager becomes initialized, the registered callback will be run asynchronously. Note that calls to the transaction manager from the callback at this time bypass the initialization checks.
  2. If the callback fails and should not be retried, the transaction manager will be closed.
  3. If the callback is successful, the transaction manager then becomes initialized.

Using Callbacks

For an example of using callbacks, refer to TargetedSweeper. The simplest way of using this functionality is to implement the CallbackInitializable interface. The initialize method should initialize all the resources that require an initialized transaction manager, and the onInitializationFailureCleanup should specify any cleanup to be done in case of failure, if necessary. The callback that should be passed to the TransactionManagers builder is then given by the interface:

  1. If initialization should not be retried on failure use singleAttemptCallback().
  2. If initialization should be retried on failure use retryUnlessCleanupThrowsCallback().
  3. If initialization should be conditionally retried on failure also use retryUnlessCleanupThrowsCallback(), but the onInitializationFailureCleanup method should throw when the condition is not satisfied.