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An adder

In this assignment you'll implement a compiler for a small language called Adder (because it primarily adds things).


  • Test names cannot have spaces; this is due to the way the Makefile relies on test names being used for filenames.
  • Note that in lecture, we used a (string, int) avlnode as the environment type, here we use a (string * int) list. This is a simpler data structure that's often called an association list. There is a provided find function that looks up a value (an int) by key (a string). Adding to an association list is trivial – simply add onto the front with ::. You are responsible for understanding how ordering in the case of duplicate keys may interact with scope.
  • The starter code had some annoying tab/space discrepancies. Feel free to change to tabs or spaces consistently; neither the generated assembly nor the OCaml compiler relies on tab characters to work correctly.
  • We used parentheses in some examples, like in let x = (let y = 10 in y) in x. Parentheses are not part of the concrete syntax of Adder, so if you want to use this in a test, you must drop the parentheses.

The Adder Language

In each of the next several assignments, we'll introduce a language that we'll implement. We'll start small, and build up features incrementally. We're starting with Adder, which has just a few features – defining variables, and primitive operations on numbers.

There are a few pieces that go into defining a language for us to compile.

  • A description of the concrete syntax – the text the programmer writes

  • A description of the abstract syntax – how to express what the programmer wrote in a data structure our compiler uses.

  • The semantics—or description of the behavior—of the abstrac syntax, so our compiler knows what the code it generates should do.

Concrete Syntax

The concrete syntax of Adder is:

<expr> :=
  | <number>
  | <identifier>
  | let <bindings> in <expr>
  | add1(<expr>)
  | sub1(<expr>)

<bindings> :=
  | <identifier> = <expr>
  | <identifier> = <expr>, <bindings>

Here, a let expression can have one or more bindings.

Abstract Syntax

The abstract syntax of Adder is an OCaml datatype, and corresponds nearly one-to-one with the concrete syntax.

type prim1 =
  | Add1
  | Sub1

type expr =
  | Number of int
  | Prim1 of prim1 * expr
  | Let of (string * expr) list * expr
  | Id of string


An Adder program always evaluates to a single integer. Numbers evaluate to themselves (so a program just consisting of Number(5) should evaluate to the integer 5). Primitive expressions perform addition or subtraction by one on their argument. Let bindings should evaluate all the binding expressions to values one by one, and after each, store a mapping from the given name to the corresponding value in both (a) the rest of the bindings, and (b) the body of the let expression. Identifiers evaluate to whatever their current stored value is. There are several examples further down to make this concrete.

The compiler should signal an error if:

  • There is a binding list containing two or more bindings with the same name
  • An identifier is unbound (there is no surrounding let binding for it)

Here are some examples of Adder programs:

Concrete Syntax Abstract Syntax Answer
5 Number(5) 5
sub1(add1(sub1(5))) Prim1(Sub1, Prim1(Add1, Prim1(Sub1, Number(5)))) 4
let x = 5 in add1(x) Let([("x", Number(5))], Prim1(Add1, Id("x"))) 6
let x = 5, y = sub1(x) in sub1(y) Let([("x", Number(5)), ("y", Prim1(Sub1(Id("x"))))], Prim1(Sub1("y"))) 3

Implementing a Compiler for Adder

You've been given a starter codebase that has several pieces of infrastructure:

  • A parser for Adder (parser.mly and lexer.mll), which takes concrete syntax (text files) and turns it into instances of the expr datatype. You don't need to edit this.

  • A main program ( that uses the parser and compiler to produce assembly code from an input Adder text file. You don't need to edit this.

  • A Makefile that builds, builds a tester for Adder that you will modify (, and manipulates assembly programs created by the Adder compiler. You don't need to edit the Makefile, but you will edit

  • An OCaml program ( that works in concert with the Makefile to allow you to compile and run an Adder program from within OCaml, which is quite useful for testing. You don't need to edit

All of your edits—which will be to write the compiler for Adder, and test it—will happen in and

Writing the Compiler

The primary task of writing the Adder compiler is simple to state: take an instance of the expr datatype and turn it into a list of assembly instructions. The provided compiler skeleton is set up to do just this, broken up over a few functions.

The first is

compile : expr -> instruction list

which takes a expr value (abstract syntax) and turns it into a list of assembly instructions, represented by the instruction type. Use only the provided instruction types for this assignment; we will be gradually expanding this as the semester progresses. This function has an associated helper that takes some extra arguments to track the variable environment and stack offset. These will be discussed in more detail in lecture.

The other component you need to implement is:

to_asm_string : instruction list -> string

which renders individual instances of the instruction datatype into a string representation of the instruction (this is done for you for mov and ret). This second step is straightforward, but forces you to understand the syntax of the assembly code you are generating. Most of the compiler concepts happen in the first step, that of generating assembly instructions from abstract syntax. Do use this assembly guide if you have questions about the concrete syntax (or ask) of an instruction.

Testing the Compiler

The test file has two helper functions that will be useful to you:

t : string -> string -> string -> OUnit.test

The first string given to t (test) is a test name, followed by an adder program (in concrete syntax) to compile and evaluate, followed by a string for the expected output of the program (this will just be an integer in quotes). This helper compiles, links, and runs the given program, and if the compiler ends in error, it will report the error message as a string. This includes problems building at the assembler/linker level, as well as any explicit failwith statements in the compiler itself.

te : string -> string -> string -> OUnit.test

The first string given to te (test-error) is a test name, followed by a program in concrete syntax to compile and evaluate, followed by a string that is a substring of the expected error message. For example, in the starter code there is a test that fails with the substring "not yet", because the Let case fails with an exception that mentions it is "not yet implemented". You should use this helper to explicitly test for the two error cases mentioned above, by raising a distinct string with failwith in the compiler.

Both of these functions store the assembly file your compiler generated in the output/ directory, with the name of the test suffixed by .s, if it was possible to generate. So, for example, the starter tests generate a file called forty_one.s in the output/ directory, containing the compiled code for that case. This can be useful for debugging. If you hand-edit a generated assembly file (to tweak it for an attempted fix), you can then run:

make output/

to trigger the build from that assembly file. This can be helpful if you think you're generating mostly-correct code, but just want to try a small edit to fix something up. It's also helpful if you want to hand-write a small assembly example: you can create .s files from scratch in the output directory to experiment with, if you want to practice with assembly instructions without the compiler in the way.

For files that built completely, the generated *.run executable is also stored in output/.

Running main

The main program built with make main takes a single file as its command-line argument, and outputs the compiled assembly string on standard out. If you want to write files containing Adder code, you can write files in the input/ directory with the suffix .adder, and then run make output/, which will trigger the same process that happens in – the compiler will run on your adder file, and it will attempt to link it with main.c to create an executable. The intermediate files will be stored in output/yourfile.s, output/yourfile.o, and output/

You can run the file by executing:

$ ./output/


This is due by Monday, February 8 at 11:59pm.


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  • OCaml 90.8%
  • Makefile 7.2%
  • C 2.0%