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Releases: davidberenstein1957/concise-concepts

added sense2vec, standalone and fuzzy matching support

12 Jan 23:09
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added new features:

  • sense2vec support #26
  • standalone support
  • fuzzy matching support #24
  • binarized word2vec model support

minor bug fixes

  • original data was over-written by expanded data => prior knowledge was only inferred once
  • "key_word" and "word_key" got mixed up for logging when verbose=True

resolved bug where original data was overwritten

12 Jan 15:24
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Overwriting the original data disables re-inferring the original knowledge to the rest of the model.

added option for Standalone usage

12 Jan 14:49
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added support for standalone usage

added wildcard operator * to compund words patterns

30 Dec 10:00
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Merge pull request #28 from Pandora-Intelligence/davidberenstein1957-…



resolve python 3.8 versioning error

04 Dec 08:21
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added typing from list to List

bug fix case sensitive entity scoring

04 Dec 08:06
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#25 entity scoring did not work in combination with case sensitivity

bug fixes and efficiency updates by Tom Aarsen

10 Nov 17:24
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  • Resolve several breaking bugs.
  • Perform a large optimization regarding string normalization and KeyedVector membership.
  • Perform simple code optimization each localized to just a few lines.

small feature updates, bug fixes and documentation update

09 Oct 10:33
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#17 resolved an issue that caused duplicate logging for the same missing keys. Also introduced verbose option.
#18 introduced json_path to export matching patterns to a custom path.
#19 defaults to key if example words are not present in the embedding model.

added more extensive logging and better default parameters

27 Sep 12:45
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corrected for missing class initialization

resolved #13

26 Sep 12:31
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Added correct character escaping Regex lowercase match
Added correct n-gram join.