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Enterprise Manager

Piotr Andzel edited this page Oct 2, 2019 · 1 revision

Enterprise Manager is a managing tool for OAI-PMH repository.


  • Apache Cassandra distributed data store

Installation and configuration

Building from sources

Refer to section Building and installation for exact instructions.

Creation of datastore

  1. Download and install Apache Cassandra.
  2. Create database schema from demeter-schema.cql; Use Cassandra command line cqlsh to execute the following statement: <cassandra_home>\bin\cqlsh.bat -f <demeter_home>\demeter-enterprise-manager\etc\demeter-schema.cql


Each web server offers different mechanisms for deployment. Refer to the user guide of your server for further instructions.
If your server is an Apache Tomcat, the easiest way is just to copy demeter-enterprise-manager/target/demeter-enterprise-manager-<version>.war web application into the <TOMCAT_HOME>/webapps deployment directory and let the server unpack and install the application. Once its done, the application would be available at http://<hostname>:<port>/demeter-enterprise-manager-<version> URL.

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