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🛰 A demo Toil pipeline for HPC's group meeting.


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🐄 A demo Toil pipeline for HPC's group meeting.

Make a cow say something:

$ toil_say jobstore --message "Juno is great!"

    < Juno is great! >
            \   ^__^
            \  (oo)\_______
                (__)\       )\/\
                    ||----w |
                    ||     ||


This package uses docker to manage its dependencies, there are 2 ways of using it:

  1. Running the container in single machine mode without --batchSystem support:

     # using docker
     docker run -it papaemmelab/toil_say --help
     # using singularity
     singularity run docker://papaemmelab/toil_say --help
  2. Installing the python package from pypi and passing the container as a flag:

     # install package
     pip install toil_say
     # run with docker
         --docker papaemmelab/toil_say
         --volumes <local path> <container path>
         --batchSystem LSF
     # run with singularity
         --singularity docker://papaemmelab/toil_say
         --volumes <local path> <container path>
         --batchSystem LSF

See docker2singularity if you want to use a singularity image instead of using the docker:// prefix.


Contributions are welcome, and they are greatly appreciated, check our contributing guidelines!


This package was created using Cookiecutter and the papaemmelab/cookiecutter-toil project template.