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Trying to make Cypress, TypeScript and IstanbulJS work together

There is a question on stackoverflow dedicated to this repository

I am trying to generate code coverage reports with IstanbulJS for my code written in TypeScript and tested with Cypress. But things get reported out of place:

IstanbulJS's HTML report with hit counter in the wrong lines

I created a git repository MCVE specifically for this question, so you can reproduce exactly my situation:

git clone
cd cy-ts-istanbul-question
npm install
npm test
# And then open the file `coverage/index.ts.html` to see the image above.

How to fix that?


I have some code written in TypeScript which I transpile and bundle to a single JavaScript (ES6) file with rollup, rollup-plugin-typescript2 and rollup-plugin-istanbul. This works perfectly, my source code in TypeScript becomes a file ready to be included with a <script> tag into the browser and used.

Secondly, I use cypress to run tests on an HTML page which includes the transpiled JS code mentioned above. This also works perfectly, cypress is able to test my functions originally written in TypeScript.

Now, I want to set up coverage reports for those tests. On Cypress FAQ we can find the question Is there code coverage? to which the answer is currently no (regarding built-in functionality) but is in discussion as a welcome thing to be done in the future, and in fact it can be done.

The thing is: the guy who did it above was not using TypeScript. I am. So I have a little extra step to do, and this is where I'm currently stuck. Intuitively, I think this is just a matter of configuring IstanbulJS to follow the source maps correctly, but I couldn't find any documentation on how to do it. Every guide about TypeScript + IstanbulJS that I can find assumes that I am using Mocha, but I'm not - I am using Cypress with a transpiled source coming from TypeScript.

Note: I am aware that in general the usual "code coverage" approach to cypress testing doesn't make much sense, but in my exact situation I think it does, I've thought about it already, please don't make this frame challenge to the question.