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jedi ignores extra paths #236

eyalk11 opened this issue Nov 1, 2022 · 7 comments

jedi ignores extra paths #236

eyalk11 opened this issue Nov 1, 2022 · 7 comments


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eyalk11 commented Nov 1, 2022

I am on windows.

My current config is:

    root_dir = function() return vim.loop.cwd() end,
    init_options = {
        workspace = {
             extraPaths = {'./gui','./engine','./input'}

And it simply doesn't recognize much of my workspace. I tried using \ as well.
How can I see what folders it uses as workspace? Can I access jedi.Project somehow?

Also I did the following try:


And it worked!

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pappasam commented Nov 1, 2022

@eyalk11 to help debug, can you please send me a link to a GitHub repo that contains an example directory of Python modules you're trying to get Jedi to analyze, along with what exactly you're trying to do (search workspace, get auto-completion, jump to definition, etc)

Also, some info that will make this easier to debug:

  1. Your Python version?
  2. Your LSP client?
  3. Your text editor?
  4. Your jedi-language-server version?
  5. Your windows version?
  6. Anything else you think might be helpful

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eyalk11 commented Nov 1, 2022

  1. Python version: 3.9.6
  2. I am using nvim-lspconfig . I check the symbols using:
    Telescope lsp_workspace_symbols .
  3. nvim v0.80
  4. 0.38.0
  5. windows 10 .

I think that what confuses it is that I use
sys.path.insert dynamically there inside
But that doesn't explain the extra path thing. It does analyze the symbols of , but not of most of the project.
I wish it had ignored sys.path and worked with all py files in the directory.

current relevant config (on_attach defines keymaps).

local capabilities = require('cmp_nvim_lsp').update_capabilities(vim.lsp.protocol.make_client_capabilities())

capabilities = capabilities,
   on_attach = on_attach,
    root_dir = function() return vim.loop.cwd() end,
    init_options = {
        workspace = {
             extraPaths ={'./gui','./engine','./input'}


Thanks a lot

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eyalk11 commented Nov 1, 2022

I got crash several times when I added the workspace directory to vim (src/compare_my_stocks). I use the windows \ in there.
vim.lsp.buf.add_workspace_folder The root compare-my-stocks is already there.

Also, it keeps saying

[INFO][2022-11-02 01:46:57] ...lsp/handlers.lua:489	"No pyproject.toml file found."
[WARN][2022-11-02 01:46:57] ...lsp/handlers.lua:487	"stubPath C:\\Users\\ekarni\\mypy\\stockscomp\\typings is not a valid directory."

Though I am not sure it is your client.

See the traceback in the log.

[DEBUG][2022-11-02 01:42:44] .../vim/lsp/rpc.lua:364	"rpc.send"	{  jsonrpc = "2.0",  method = "workspace/didChangeWorkspaceFolders",  params = {    event = {      added = { {          name = "C:\\Users\\ekarni\\compare-my-stocks\\src\\compare_my_stocks",          uri = "file:///C:/Users/ekarni/compare-my-stocks/src/compare_my_stocks"        } },      removed = { {} }    }  }}
[DEBUG][2022-11-02 01:42:44] .../vim/lsp/rpc.lua:364	"rpc.send"	{  jsonrpc = "2.0",  method = "workspace/didChangeWorkspaceFolders",  params = {    event = {      added = { {          name = "C:\\Users\\ekarni\\compare-my-stocks\\src\\compare_my_stocks",          uri = "file:///C:/Users/ekarni/compare-my-stocks/src/compare_my_stocks"        } },      removed = { {} }    }  }}
[DEBUG][2022-11-02 01:42:44] .../vim/lsp/rpc.lua:364	"rpc.send"	{  jsonrpc = "2.0",  method = "workspace/didChangeWorkspaceFolders",  params = {    event = {      added = { {          name = "C:\\Users\\ekarni\\compare-my-stocks\\src\\compare_my_stocks",          uri = "file:///C:/Users/ekarni/compare-my-stocks/src/compare_my_stocks"        } },      removed = { {} }    }  }}
[DEBUG][2022-11-02 01:42:44] .../vim/lsp/rpc.lua:364	"rpc.send"	{  jsonrpc = "2.0",  method = "workspace/didChangeWorkspaceFolders",  params = {    event = {      added = { {          name = "C:\\Users\\ekarni\\compare-my-stocks\\src\\compare_my_stocks",          uri = "file:///C:/Users/ekarni/compare-my-stocks/src/compare_my_stocks"        } },      removed = { {} }    }  }}
[ERROR][2022-11-02 01:42:44] .../vim/lsp/rpc.lua:439	"rpc"	"jedi-language-server"	"stderr"	'Traceback (most recent call last):\r\n  File "c:\\users\\ekarni\\appdata\\local\\nvim-data\\lsp_servers\\jedi_language_server\\venv\\lib\\site-packages\\pygls\\", line 152, in deserialize_message\r\n'
[ERROR][2022-11-02 01:42:44] .../vim/lsp/rpc.lua:439	"rpc"	"jedi-language-server"	"stderr"	'    deserialize_params(data, get_params_type)\r\n  File "c:\\users\\ekarni\\appdata\\local\\nvim-data\\lsp_servers\\jedi_language_server\\venv\\lib\\site-packages\\pygls\\", line 138, in deserialize_params\r\n'
[ERROR][2022-11-02 01:42:44] .../vim/lsp/rpc.lua:439	"rpc"	"jedi-language-server"	"stderr"	"    data['params'] = params_type(**params)\r\n"
[ERROR][2022-11-02 01:42:44] .../vim/lsp/rpc.lua:439	"rpc"	"jedi-language-server"	"stderr"	'  File "c:\\users\\ekarni\\appdata\\local\\nvim-data\\lsp_servers\\jedi_language_server\\venv\\lib\\site-packages\\pygls\\lsp\\types\\", line 58, in __init__\r\n'
[ERROR][2022-11-02 01:42:44] .../vim/lsp/rpc.lua:439	"rpc"	"jedi-language-server"	"stderr"	'    super().__init__(**data)\r\n  File "pydantic\\", line 342, in pydantic.main.BaseModel.__init__\r\n'
[ERROR][2022-11-02 01:42:44] .../vim/lsp/rpc.lua:439	"rpc"	"jedi-language-server"	"stderr"	"pydantic.error_wrappers.ValidationError: 2 validation errors for DidChangeWorkspaceFoldersParams\r\nevent -> removed -> 0 -> uri\r\n  field required (type=value_error.missing)\r\nevent -> removed -> 0 -> name\r\n  field required (type=value_error.missing)\r\n"
[ERROR][2022-11-02 01:42:44] .../vim/lsp/rpc.lua:439	"rpc"	"jedi-language-server"	"stderr"	'\r\nDuring handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:\r\n\r\nTraceback (most recent call last):\r\n  File "C:\\Users\\ekarni\\.pyenv\\pyenv-win\\versions\\3.9\\lib\\", line 197, in _run_module_as_main\r\n'
[ERROR][2022-11-02 01:42:44] .../vim/lsp/rpc.lua:439	"rpc"	"jedi-language-server"	"stderr"	'    return _run_code(code, main_globals, None,\r\n  File "C:\\Users\\ekarni\\.pyenv\\pyenv-win\\versions\\3.9\\lib\\", line 87, in _run_code\r\n'
[ERROR][2022-11-02 01:42:44] .../vim/lsp/rpc.lua:439	"rpc"	"jedi-language-server"	"stderr"	"    exec(code, run_globals)\r\n"
[ERROR][2022-11-02 01:42:44] .../vim/lsp/rpc.lua:439	"rpc"	"jedi-language-server"	"stderr"	'  File "C:\\Users\\ekarni\\AppData\\Local\\nvim-data\\lsp_servers\\jedi_language_server\\venv\\Scripts\\jedi-language-server.exe\\", line 7, in <module>\r\n  File "c:\\users\\ekarni\\appdata\\local\\nvim-data\\lsp_servers\\jedi_language_server\\venv\\lib\\site-packages\\jedi_language_server\\", line 125, in cli\r\n'
[ERROR][2022-11-02 01:42:44] .../vim/lsp/rpc.lua:439	"rpc"	"jedi-language-server"	"stderr"	'    SERVER.start_io()\r\n  File "c:\\users\\ekarni\\appdata\\local\\nvim-data\\lsp_servers\\jedi_language_server\\venv\\lib\\site-packages\\pygls\\", line 225, in start_io\r\n'
[ERROR][2022-11-02 01:42:44] .../vim/lsp/rpc.lua:439	"rpc"	"jedi-language-server"	"stderr"	'    self.loop.run_until_complete(\r\n  File "C:\\Users\\ekarni\\.pyenv\\pyenv-win\\versions\\3.9\\lib\\asyncio\\", line 642, in run_until_complete\r\n'
[ERROR][2022-11-02 01:42:44] .../vim/lsp/rpc.lua:439	"rpc"	"jedi-language-server"	"stderr"	'    return future.result()\r\n  File "c:\\users\\ekarni\\appdata\\local\\nvim-data\\lsp_servers\\jedi_language_server\\venv\\lib\\site-packages\\pygls\\", line 78, in aio_readline\r\n'
[ERROR][2022-11-02 01:42:44] .../vim/lsp/rpc.lua:439	"rpc"	"jedi-language-server"	"stderr"	"    proxy(b''.join(message))\r\n  File \"c:\\users\\ekarni\\appdata\\local\\nvim-data\\lsp_servers\\jedi_language_server\\venv\\lib\\site-packages\\pygls\\\", line 456, in data_received\r\n"
[ERROR][2022-11-02 01:42:44] .../vim/lsp/rpc.lua:439	"rpc"	"jedi-language-server"	"stderr"	'    json.loads(body.decode(self.CHARSET),\r\n  File "C:\\Users\\ekarni\\.pyenv\\pyenv-win\\versions\\3.9\\lib\\json\\", line 359, in loads\r\n'
[ERROR][2022-11-02 01:42:44] .../vim/lsp/rpc.lua:439	"rpc"	"jedi-language-server"	"stderr"	'    return cls(**kw).decode(s)\r\n  File "C:\\Users\\ekarni\\.pyenv\\pyenv-win\\versions\\3.9\\lib\\json\\", line 337, in decode\r\n'
[ERROR][2022-11-02 01:42:44] .../vim/lsp/rpc.lua:439	"rpc"	"jedi-language-server"	"stderr"	'    obj, end = self.raw_decode(s, idx=_w(s, 0).end())\r\n  File "C:\\Users\\ekarni\\.pyenv\\pyenv-win\\versions\\3.9\\lib\\json\\", line 353, in raw_decode\r\n'
[ERROR][2022-11-02 01:42:44] .../vim/lsp/rpc.lua:439	"rpc"	"jedi-language-server"	"stderr"	'    obj, end = self.scan_once(s, idx)\r\n  File "c:\\users\\ekarni\\appdata\\local\\nvim-data\\lsp_servers\\jedi_language_server\\venv\\lib\\site-packages\\pygls\\", line 154, in deserialize_message\r\n'
[ERROR][2022-11-02 01:42:44] .../vim/lsp/rpc.lua:439	"rpc"	"jedi-language-server"	"stderr"	"    raise JsonRpcInvalidParams()\r\npygls.exceptions.JsonRpcInvalidParams: Invalid Params\r\n"

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pappasam commented Nov 2, 2022

@eyalk11 in your example, you should specify your path from the root of your git repository (eg, where you've put your

So: extraPaths ={'./src/compare_my_stocks/gui','./src/compare_my_stocks/engine','./src/compare_my_stocks/input'}

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pappasam commented Nov 2, 2022

The above works for me when using the repository you referenced:

Peek 2022-11-01 17-23

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eyalk11 commented Nov 4, 2022

Thanks for the effort. It doesn't work in my environment. How is it best to debug it?

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pappasam commented Nov 4, 2022

Not sure, but please let me know if you figure out what's wrong. Happy to add your findings to a FAQ in case someone else has a similar issue

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