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contains different kind of helper functions and classes

implements abstract classes as support for the other algorithms - for example implementing the score() function for all classifiers and regressors.

Both possible use cases for Machine Learning algorithms are implemented, the abstract implementation of a standard Classifier and a standard Regressor, both used for Supervised Learning. Similar to sklearn the following functionalities are implemented

  • _classifier - the standart Classifier with
    • train()
    • predict()
    • score()
  • _regressor - the standard Regressor with
    • train()
    • predict()
    • score()

Furthermore added functionality:

  • convertSeconds() that converts seconds into hours, minutes and seconds

implements several loss-/activation-functions (for deep_learning) and the metrics for score()-evaluation

The following functionality is implemented here:

  • get_activation_function() providing different kinds of activation functions for the Layers of a Neural Networks. A short description about activation functions can be found here. The following ones are implemented:

    • Sigmoid
    • Tangens Hyperbolicus
    • Rectified Linear Unit
    • Leaky Rectified Linear Unit
    • Soft-Max
  • loss_function() provides different kind of loss functions used for the training of a Neural Network. A short introduction towards loss functions can be found here. The following of the presented functions are implemented:

    • Mean squared Error for Regression
    • Mean absolute Error for Regression
    • Mean squared logarithmic Error for Regression
    • Hinge for binary classification
    • Squared Hinge for binary classification
    • Cross Entropy for binary classification - here called Binary Cross Entropy
    • Categorical Cross Entropy for multi-class classification - here called Multi-Class Cross Entropy
    • Kullback-Leibler Divergence for multi-class classification

    Furthermore added are:

  • calc_rates() calculates the true positives, the false positives, the true negatives and the false negatives each class → What are these rates?

  • classifier_score() calculates possible evaluation metrics - described here - for a Classifier, including:

    • Recall
    • Precision
    • Accuracy
    • F1 score
    • Balanced Accuracy being similar to Accuracy but paying respect to an unbalanced number of samples for different classes
  • regressor_score() calculates possible evaluation metrics - described above - for a Regressor, including:

    • L1-norm
    • L2-norm
    • Mean squared Error
    • Mean absolute Error
    • Root mean squared Error

implements classes and functions for data preprocessing:

  • MinMaxScaler - Splits arrays or matrices into random train and test subsets, similar to MinMaxScaler by sklearn. Here you will find a brief introduction into the meaning of Scaling, Standardizing and Normalizing
  • train_test_split - implements a MinMaxScaler that scales all given data into the range from 0 to 1, similar to train_test_split by sklearn. Why splitting your dataset into train and test samples is important, can be found here.