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File metadata and controls

150 lines (134 loc) · 9.49 KB



Fun book, littered with helpful Postgres advice.


  • Data is gold, the real value of a business
  • Humans are not naturally equipped to be custodians of data; they are messy and work off of intuition; where humans are allowed to touch data, they corrupt data; information is power; do not manually fill in data gaps, let the data tell the story
  • Database work tends toward high stakes compared to front-end or other domains; on the one hand you could gain a massive efficiency improvement with a well-placed index, on the other you could destroy the business by dropping a schema
  • Data generated by applications needs to anticipate the questions that the business will have
  • Import everything as text first, then impose types and constraints
  • Use shell scripts with Makefiles until the complexity slows you down; capture the import, ETL, export process as a Makefile / script to make it reproducible
  • Prefer text columns to varchar
  • We trust you, but don't screw up


  • ${CURDIR} - Make variable, the working directory
  • :: - SQL cast operator, or just use cast as
  • @> operator - used to check if a value is in a range, does not work with BTREE index
  • @@ operator - does tsvector match tsquery; use with to_tsquery; see docs
  • \x - psql expanded view, useful for browsing larger records
  • drop if exists - best practice to use this with create statements, avoids peppering the monitoring system with trivial errors
  • ilike - case insensitive like
  • request.body - is full of leeches and vomit
  • ~ - POSIX regex match, use ~* for case insensitive, !~ to not match, etc.
  • ACID - Atomic, Consistent, Isolated, Durable
  • Analyst versus DBA - what the data is versus how well the data lives
  • Arrange, Act, Assert - pattern for writing unit tests
  • BTREE Index - Balanced Tree
  • Common Table Expression (CTE) - SQL feature to pipe results from one query into the next query; clauses that reference each other
  • concurrently keyword - hint to employ parallelism; typically requires an enterprise license, but not with Postgres
  • Cross Join - the cartesian product of two tables
  • Daltons - Atomic Mass Units per charge; AMU/Z
  • Database Heirarchy - cluster -> database -> schema -> table
  • Date Types - common pain point; NASA date format is year-dayofyear; Postgres stores all dates as UTC, converting them at query time
  • Dust Archive - NASA data
  • Egregore - autonomous psychic group mind
  • Enceladus - icy moon of Saturn, most reflective body in the solar system, discovered in 1789 by William Herschel, about the size of Great Britain
  • explain - use to get a query plan
  • Forty-Niners - 1849 gold rush
  • Full-Text Indexing - to_tsvector() on text, 'text' @@ to_tsquery() to search; consider concating text fields together (eg. title and description) to create a search vector; see textsearch controls docs
  • Galapagos - 1977 deep sea trench survey near Galapagos found life living off of heat from hydrothermal vents and toxic chemicals; does not depend on sun's energy
  • Generalized Inverted Index (GIN) - Postgres feature, see doc
  • GIST Index - respects ranges
  • idempotent script - if you run it more than once, you still get the same result
  • Indexes vs Joins - indexing a column (eg. timestamp) to join on can be better than creating a junction table (consumes more disk space, one more step to worry about)
  • International Astronomical Union (IAU) - source of much oblique terminology; produced the Enceladus Nomenclature report
  • Julian date - used by some astronomical tools; big numbers starting with 2
  • Junction Table - many-to-many join; relates two unrelated tables; primary key is a tuple of foreign keys from the tables, enforcing uniqueness is important
  • Leap Years - Excel considers 1900 to be a leap year (it isn't) for compatibility with Lotus 1-2-3; famous outages caused by incorrect leap year calculations include Microsoft Azure in 2012, Zune in 2008
  • Lightning Whistler - very low frequency radio signal generated by lightning
  • M. Sullivan - we see in M. Sullivan who we need when we need them
  • Marine Snow - organic matter that falls to the ocean depths from the surface, feeding life there
  • Mars Climate Orbiter - crashed
  • Materialized View - persisted view as a table, needs a command to refresh
  • Mathieu Differential Equation
  • Methanogenesis - deep sea microbes convert H2 and CO2 into CH4 and H2O
  • Multi-Version Concurrency Control - Postgres uses this to avoid read locks where possible; transactions are performed in virtual memory and committed in one consecutive operation
  • Nadir - the lowest point
  • Niantic - whaling vessel abandoned as part of the San Francisco gold rush
  • Occultation - celestial bodies aligned, starlight can be used to look for evidence of atmosphere or plumes; stellar occultation when a star passes behind a moon or planet
  • Origin of Life Reactor
  • Pappy Van Winkle - bourbon
  • Pattern Matching - Postgres docs
  • PDS - Planetary Data Systems, NASA
  • PK - primary key; don't create a table without a PK, even "just for the lulz"
  • Push-Pull - the more work management gives you, the harder they make it for you to complete that work
  • Quadrupole - four parallel metal rods, part of the INMS
  • Ranges - tsrange keyword, supported closed [] and open () ranges; see docs
  • Sargeable Query - Search ARGugment ABLE, query optimizer can take advantage of an index; non-sargeable is commonly caused by where bar like '%foo' (wildcard at start of search pattern) or where func(* foo) = bar (if possible, invert this as where foo = inverse(bar))
  • Serial Primary Key - convenience feature provided by Postgres; ANSI SQL would require separate create sequence statements with set default nextval(sequence_name) on the column
  • SPASS - Science Planning Attitude Spreadsheet
  • Spreading Ridges, Subduction Zones - tectonically active areas
  • Star Schema - one fact table (measures) joined to by multiple lookup tables (dimensions)
  • Sulcus - subparallel furrow or ridge; the "tiger stripes" on Enceladus are named Damascus, Baghdad, Cairo, and Alexandria and are the source of the plumes
  • TechEd - SAP Conference
  • The Master Schedule - table of every command sent to Cassini
  • View - can specify commonly used joins to pretend that data is denormalized; drop if exists followed by create view script makes it easy to tweak; cannot create an index on a view, but can index a materialized view
  • Window Functions - like an aggregate without a group-by; eg. count(1) over (partition by my_table.category) counts rows along with the category values; the partition can be empty, eg. count(1) over () for a total


  • Amazon Snowball
  • Apache Kafka - for when your ETL out-grows Python homebrew
  • Cognito - AWS identity service
  • Compose - IBM cloud data hosting
  • Compose Infrared Spectrometer (CIRS) - FP3 is the mid-range focal plane, used to detect volcanism
  • Cosmic Dust Analyzer (CDA)
  • CSV data - typically unsanitary (invalid values, incomplete rows)
  • csvkit - cli tools for working with csv
  • csvsql - generate create table sql from csv, beware the column types though
  • cut - bash command to extract part of each input line
  • Google BigTable
  • High Rate Detector (HRD)
  • Imaging Science Subsystem (ISS)
  • Impact Ionization Detector (IID)
  • Ion and Neutral Mass Spectrometer (INMS)
  • JSONB - Postgres binary json format, ridiculously fast
  • Magnetometer (MAG)
  • Marten - .NET lib by Jeremy Miller that provides a document store API using Postgres as a back-end
  • MassiveJS - data access tool that mimics MongoDB
  • Moebius - clone of MassiveJS for Elixir
  • MongoDB BI Connector - uses Postgres
  • Navicat
  • Pandas
  • PETL - Python ETL
  • pg_docs_api - Postgres functions that provide document store functionality
  • pg_dumpall
  • PL/pgSQL - Postgres lang
  • PL/Python - Postgres SQL functions can be written in Python, Ruby, R, Perl, other langs
  • plv8 - JavaScript V8 as a Postgres extension
  • Postgres - might as well call it Postgres, not PostgreSQL; doesn't lend itself to trivial idiocy; works fine as a document db, see JSONB
  • Postico
  • psql - GUIs slow you down; "Every person has their own favourite way of working with data. Most of them that aren't plsql are horrible."
  • Radio and Plasma Wave Science (RPWS)
  • Radio Science Subsystem (RSS)
  • SELFI - Submillimeter Enceladus Life Fundamentals Instrument
  • SQLAlchemy
  • SQLPro
  • TAB files - another name for TSV
  • Visible and Infrared Mass Spectrometer (VIMS)

Names Dropped

  • Dee Yan - author of the fictional Red:4 journal
  • Red:4 - fictional aerospace start-up


  • Postgres Docs
  • The Hyperion Cantos - Dan Simmons book series
  • The Martian - novel


  • COPY schema.table_name FROM file_path WITH DELIMITER ',' HEADER CSV;
  • select my_col::timestampz from my_table; -- test whether column is all valid dates
  • select '2001-01-01'timestampz; -- can see the conversion to local timezone
  • select … at timezone 'UTC' -- force a particular timezone
  • drop table if exists my_table cascade; -- will also drop foreign_key references
  • psql \H \o <filename> # outputs to file as an html table
  • cat ./**/*.csv >combined.csv # will include all header rows, though