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Parsa Amini edited this page Feb 22, 2017 · 5 revisions

The Computer History Simulation Project

The Computer History Simulation Project is a loose Internet-based collective of people interested in restoring historically significant computer hardware and software systems by simulation. The goal of the project is to create highly portable system simulators and to publish them as freeware on the Internet, with freely available copies of significant or representative software.

V3.9 (and bug fixes to it) is the last feature release of SimH that will be hosted at this web site. All future versions can be found in a public source repository.

SIMH is a highly portable, multi-system simulator.

  • Download the latest sources for SIMH (V3.9-0**) updated 03-May-2012**. The change history can be found in the sim_rev.h header file.
  • Download sources to beta simulators - simulators that have not been finished.
  • Download a zip file containing Windows executables for all the SIMH simulators.  The VAX and PDP-11 are compiled without Ethernet support.
  • Download PDF copies of the documentation here.
  • Download the Word masters of the documentation here.
  • Bug fixes for 3.9-0 can be found here. These include important fixes for the VAX780, PDP-11, and 1401.

SIMH implements simulators for:

  • Data General Nova, Eclipse
  • Digital Equipment Corporation PDP-1, PDP-4, PDP-7, PDP-8, PDP-9, PDP-10, PDP-11, PDP-15, VAX
  • GRI Corporation GRI-909, GRI-99
  • IBM 1401, 1620, 1130,  7090/7094, System 3
  • Interdata (Perkin-Elmer) 16b and 32b systems
  • Hewlett-Packard 2114, 2115, 2116, 2100, 21MX, 1000
  • Honeywell H316/H516
  • MITS Altair 8800, with both 8080 and Z80
  • Royal-Mcbee LGP-30, LGP-21
  • Scientific Data Systems SDS 940
  • SWTP 6800

The beta kit includes simulators for:

  • SiCortex SC-1 processor
  • XDS Sigma 32b processors
  • Digital Equipment Corporation EV-5 processor
  • SAGE 68K

Also available is a collection of tools for manipulating simulator file formats and for cross-assembling code for the PDP-1, PDP-7, PDP-8, and PDP-11.

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