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DeepConcolic (Concolic Testing for Deep Neural Networks)

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Concolic testing alternates between CONCrete program execution and symbOLIC analysis to explore the execution paths of a software program and to increase code coverage. In this paper, we develop the first concolic testing approach for Deep Neural Networks (DNNs). More specifically, we utilise quantified linear arithmetic over rationals to express test requirements that have been studied in the literature, and then develop a coherent method to perform concolic testing with the aim of better coverage. Our experimental results show the effectiveness of the concolic testing approach in both achieving high coverage and finding adversarial examples.

The paper is available in

Work Flow

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Sample Results

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usage: [-h] [--model MODEL] [--inputs DIR] --outputs DIR
                       [--criterion nc, ssc...] [--setup-only] [--init INT]
                       [--max-iterations INT] [--save-all-tests]
                       [--rng-seed SEED] [--labels FILE]
                       [--dataset {mnist,fashion_mnist,cifar10,OpenML:har}]
                       [--vgg16-model] [--filters {LOF}] [--norm linf, l0]
                       [--input-rows INT] [--input-cols INT]
                       [--input-channels INT] [--cond-ratio FLOAT]
                       [--top-classes INT] [--layers LAYER [LAYER ...]]
                       [--feature-index INT] [--fuzzing] [--num-tests INT]
                       [--num-processes INT] [--sleep-time INT]

Concolic testing for neural networks

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --model MODEL         the input neural network model (.h5)
  --inputs DIR          the input test data directory
  --outputs DIR         the outputput test data directory
  --criterion nc, ssc...
                        the test criterion
  --setup-only          only setup the coverage critierion and analyzer, and
                        terminate before engine initialization and startup
  --init INT            number of test samples to initialize the engine
  --max-iterations INT  maximum number of engine iterations (use < 0 for
  --save-all-tests      save all generated tests in output directory; only
                        adversarial examples are kept by default
  --rng-seed SEED       Integer seed for initializing the internal random
                        number generator, and therefore get some(what)
                        reproducible results
  --labels FILE         the default labels
  --dataset {mnist,fashion_mnist,cifar10,OpenML:har}
                        selected dataset
  --vgg16-model         vgg16 model
  --filters {LOF}       additional filters used to put aside generated test
                        inputs that are too far from training data (there is
                        only one filter to choose from for now; the plural is
                        used for future-proofing)
  --norm linf, l0       the norm metric
  --input-rows INT      input rows
  --input-cols INT      input cols
  --input-channels INT  input channels
  --cond-ratio FLOAT    the condition feature size parameter (0, 1]
  --top-classes INT     check the top-xx classifications
  --layers LAYER [LAYER ...]
                        test layers given by name or index
  --feature-index INT   to test a particular feature map
  --fuzzing             to start fuzzing
  --num-tests INT       number of tests to generate
  --num-processes INT   number of processes to use
  --sleep-time INT      fuzzing sleep time

The neural network model under tested is specified by --model and a set of raw test data should be given by using --inputs. Some popular datasets like MNIST and CIFAR10 can be directly specified by using the --dataset option directly. --criterion is used to choose the coverage criterion and --norm helps select the norm metric to measure the distance between inputs. Some examples to run DeepConcolic are in the following.

To run an MNIST model

python --model ../saved_models/mnist_complicated.h5 --dataset mnist --outputs outs/

To run an CIFAR10 model

python --model ../saved_models/cifar10_complicated.h5 --dataset cifar10 --outputs outs/

To test a particular layer

python --model ../saved_models/cifar10_complicated.h5 --dataset cifar10 --outputs outs/ --layers 2

To run MC/DC for DNNs on the CIFAR-10 model

python --model ../saved_models/cifar10_complicated.h5 --criterion ssc --cond-ratio 0.1 --dataset cifar10 --outputs outs

To run MC/DC for DNNs on the VGG16 model (with input images from the data sub-directory)

python --vgg16-model --inputs data/ --outputs outs --cond-ratio 0.1 --top-classes 5 --labels labels.txt --criterion ssc

To run Concolic Sign-sign-coverage (MC/DC) for DNNs on the MNIST model

python --model ../saved_models/mnist_complicated.h5 --dataset mnist --outputs outs --criterion ssclp

DeepConcolic nows supports an experimental fuzzing engine. Try --fuzzing to use it. The following command will result in: one mutants folder, one advs folder for adversarial examples and an adversarial list adv.list.

python src/ --fuzzing --model ./saved_models/mnist2.h5 --inputs data/mnist-seeds/ --outputs outs --input-rows 28 --input-cols 28

Concolic Testing on Lipschitz Constants for DNNs

To run Lipschitz Constant Testing, please refer to instructions in folder "Lipschitz Constant Testing".


We suggest to create an environment using miniconda as follows:

conda create --name deepconcolic
conda activate deepconcolic
conda install opencv 
pip3 install scikit-learn\>=0.22
pip3 install tensorflow\>=2.3
pip3 install pulp\>=2
pip3 install adversarial-robustness-toolbox\>=1.3

Note as of September 2020 one may need to append --use-feature=2020-resolver at the end of each pip3 install command-line to work-around errors in dependency resolution. Further missing dependency errors for a package p can then be solved by uninstalling/installing p.


  AUTHOR    = { Sun, Youcheng
                and Wu, Min
                and Ruan, Wenjie
                and Huang, Xiaowei
                and Kwiatkowska, Marta
                and Kroening, Daniel },
  TITLE     = { Concolic Testing for Deep Neural Networks },
  BOOKTITLE = { Automated Software Engineering (ASE) },
  PAGES     = { 109--119 },
  ISBN      = { 978-1-4503-5937-5 },
  YEAR      = { 2018 }
  AUTHOR    = { Sun, Youcheng
                and Huang, Xiaowei
                and Kroening, Daniel },
  TITLE     = { Testing Deep Neural Networks },
  JOURNAL   = { arXiv preprint arXiv:1803.04792 },
  YEAR      = { 2018 }


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