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aborts installation on raspbian #175

jtr-dev opened this issue Apr 9, 2015 · 0 comments

aborts installation on raspbian #175

jtr-dev opened this issue Apr 9, 2015 · 0 comments


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jtr-dev commented Apr 9, 2015

npm http 200
abort: (ÐKâ ‹½ìðO½èOYþê 0Ÿå

==== Stack trace ============================================

Security context: 0x39234659 #0#
1: _parse(aka parse)
[/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/tar/lib/extended-header.js:~61](this=0x3ee9c50d #1#,c=0x3eea1d65 #2#)
2: emit [events.js:95](this=0x3ee9c50d #1#,type=0x4bf1486d <String[4]: data)
3: arguments adaptor frame: 2->1
4: _read [/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/tar/lib/entry.js:111](this=0x3ee9c50d #1#)
8: _read [native v8natives.js:1594](this=0x3ee9c50d #1#)
9: write [/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/tar/lib/entry.js:68](this=0x3ee9c50d #1#,c=0x3eea1d65 #2#)
10: _process
[/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/tar/lib/parse.js:104](this=0x3ee46781 #3#,c=0x3eea1ced #4#)
11: /* anonymous _/
[/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/tar/lib/parse.js:~45](this=0x3ee467f9 #5#,c=0x3eea1ced #4#)
12: emit [events.js:95](this=0x3ee467f9 #5#,type=0x4bf1486d <String[4]: data)
13: arguments adaptor frame: 2->1
14: emitChunk
#5#,flush=0x39208091 <undefined)
15: arguments adaptor frame: 0->1
16: resume [/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/block-stream/block-stream.js:58](this=0x3ee467f9 #5#)
17: arguments adaptor frame: 1->0
18: resume [/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/fstream/lib/reader.js:~249](this=0x3ee46781 #3#,who=0x39208091 <undefined)
19: arguments adaptor frame: 0->1
20: /
anonymous /
21: emit [events.js:92](this=0x3ee46981 #6#,type=0x748af135 <String[5]: ready)
22: /
anonymous /
[/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/fstream/lib/dir-writer.js:39](this=0x39234701 #7#,er=0x39208081 <null)
23: arguments adaptor frame: 2->1
24: /
anonymous */
[/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/mkdirp/index.js:20](this=0x39234701 #7#,er=0x39208081 <null)
26: oncomplete [fs.js:107](this=0x3ee885e5 #8#)
27: arguments adaptor frame: 1->0

==== Details ================================================

[1]: _parse(aka parse)
[/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/tar/lib/extended-header.js:~61](this=0x3ee9c50d #1#,c=0x3eea1d65 #2#) {
// stack-allocated locals
var i = 260
var l = 410
var b = 67
var val = 0x3eea2c09 <String[4]: File>
// expression stack (top to bottom)
[05] : 0
[04] : 2086114
--------- s o u r c e c o d e ---------
function parse(c) {? if (this._state === ERR) return?? for ( var i =
0, l = c.length? ; i < l? ; this._position++,
this._fieldPos++, i++) {? // console.error("top of loop,
size="+this._size)?? var b = c[i]?? if (this._size >= 0 &&
this._fieldPos > this._size) {? error(this, "field exceed...


[2]: emit [events.js:95](this=0x3ee9c50d #1#,type=0x4bf1486d <String[4]: data) {
// stack-allocated locals
var arguments = 0x3eea1e11 #9#
var er = 0x39208091
var handler = 0x31c3e9e1 #10#
var len = 0x39208091
var args = 0x39208091
var i = 0x39208091
var listeners = 0x39208091
// heap-allocated locals
var type = 0x4bf1486d <String[4]: data>
// expression stack (top to bottom)
[08] : 0x3eea1d65 #2#
[07] : 0x3ee9c50d #1#
--------- s o u r c e c o d e ---------
function (type) {? var er, handler, len, args, i, listeners;?? if
(!this._events)? this._events = {};?? // If there is no 'error'
event listener then throw.? if (type === 'error') {? if
(!this._events.error ||? (typeof this._events.error ===
'object' &&? !this._events.error.length)) ...


[3]: arguments adaptor frame: 2->1 {
// actual arguments
[00] : 0x4bf1486d <String[4]: data>
[01] : 0x3eea1d65 #2# // not passed to callee

[4]: _read [/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/tar/lib/entry.js:111](this=0x3ee9c50d #1#) {
// stack-allocated locals
var chunk = 0x3eea1d65 #2#
var mql = 0x39208091
// expression stack (top to bottom)
[04] : 0x3eea1d65 #2#
[03] : 0x4bf1486d <String[4]: data>
[02] : 0x3ee9c50d #1#
--------- s o u r c e c o d e ---------
function () {? // console.error(" Tar Entry _read", this.path)??
if (this._paused || this._reading || this._ended) return?? // set
this flag so that event handlers don't inadvertently? // get multiple
_read() calls running.? this._reading = true?? // have any data to
emit?? while (this._index < thi...


[8]: _read [native v8natives.js:1594](this=0x3ee9c50d #1#) {
// stack-allocated locals
var arguments = 0x3eea1dd5 #11#
var c = 0x3eea1de5 <JS Array[2]>#12#
var d = 0
var e = 0x39208091
var f = 0x39208091
var g = 0x39208091
var h = 0x39208091
// expression stack (top to bottom)
[11] : 0
[10] : 2
[09] : 0x3eea1de5 <JS Array[2]>#12#
[08] : 0x3ee9c50d #1#
[07] : 0x4985e25d #13#
--------- s o u r c e c o d e ---------
function (){??"use strict";???if(%_IsConstructCall()){?return
%NewObjectFromBound(b);?}?var c=%BoundFunctionGetBindings(b);??var
%Apply(c[0],c[1],arguments,0,d);?}?var e=c.length-2;?var f=new


[9]: write [/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/tar/lib/entry.js:68](this=0x3ee9c50d #1#,c=0x3eea1d65 #2#) {
// stack-allocated locals
var ql = 0
// expression stack (top to bottom)
[01] : 0x3ee9c50d #1#
--------- s o u r c e c o d e ---------
function (c) {? if (this._ending) this.error("write() after end()",
null, true)? if (this._remaining === 0) {? this.error("invalid
bytes past eof")? }?? // often we'll get a bunch of \0 at the end of
the last write,? // since chunks will always be 512 bytes when
reading a tarball.? if (c.length > th...


[10]: _process [/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/tar/lib/parse.js:104](this=0x3ee46781 #3#,c=0x3eea1ced #4#) {
// stack-allocated locals
var entry = 0x3ee9c50d #1#
var zero = 0x39208091
var i = 0x39208091
// expression stack (top to bottom)
[04] : 0x3eea1d65 #2#
[03] : 0x3ee9c50d #1#
--------- s o u r c e c o d e ---------
function (c) {? assert(c && c.length === 512, "block size should be
512")?? // one of three cases.? // 1. A new header? // 2. A part of
a file/extended header? // 3. One of two or more EOF null blocks??
if (this._entry) {? var entry = this._entry? entry.write(c)?
if (entry._remaining === 0) {?...


[11]: /* anonymous */
[/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/tar/lib/parse.js:~45](this=0x3ee467f9 #5#,c=0x3eea1ced #4#) {
// optimized frame
[12]: emit [events.js:95](this=0x3ee467f9 #5#,type=0x4bf1486d <String[4]: data) {
// stack-allocated locals
var arguments = 0x3eea1d2d #14#
var er = 0x39208091
var handler = 0x3ee468c5 #15#
var len = 0x39208091
var args = 0x39208091
var i = 0x39208091
var listeners = 0x39208091
// heap-allocated locals
var type = 0x4bf1486d <String[4]: data>
// expression stack (top to bottom)
[08] : 0x3eea1ced #4#
[07] : 0x3ee467f9 #5#
--------- s o u r c e c o d e ---------
function (type) {? var er, handler, len, args, i, listeners;?? if
(!this._events)? this._events = {};?? // If there is no 'error'
event listener then throw.? if (type === 'error') {? if
(!this._events.error ||? (typeof this._events.error ===
'object' &&? !this._events.error.length)) ...


[13]: arguments adaptor frame: 2->1 {
// actual arguments
[00] : 0x4bf1486d <String[4]: data>
[01] : 0x3eea1ced #4# // not passed to callee

[/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/block-stream/block-stream.js:145](this=0x3ee467f9 #5#,flush=0x39208091 <undefined) {
// stack-allocated locals
var padBytes = 0x39208091
var bufferIndex = 0
var out = 0x3eea1ced #4#
var outOffset = 0
var outHas = 0
var cur = 0x3ee6cbc5 #16#
var curHas = 14848
var l = 0x39208091
var i = 0x39208091
// expression stack (top to bottom)
[11] : 0x3eea1ced #4#
[10] : 0x4bf1486d <String[4]: data>
[09] : 0x3ee467f9 #5#
--------- s o u r c e c o d e ---------
function (flush) {? // debug("emitChunk flush=%j emitting=%j
paused=%j", flush, this._emitting, this._paused)?? // emit a
chunk? if (flush && this._zeroes) {? // debug(" BS
push zeroes", this._bufferLength)? // push a chunk of zeroes?
var padBytes = (this._bufferLength % this._chun...


[15]: arguments adaptor frame: 0->1 {

[16]: resume [/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/block-stream/block-stream.js:58](this=0x3ee467f9 #5#) {
// expression stack (top to bottom)
[00] : 0x3ee467f9 #5#
--------- s o u r c e c o d e ---------
function () {? // debug(" BS resume")? this._paused = false?

return this._emitChunk()?}


[17]: arguments adaptor frame: 1->0 {
// actual arguments
[00] : 0x3ee46781 #3# // not passed to callee

[18]: resume [/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/fstream/lib/reader.js:~249](this=0x3ee46781 #3#,who=0x39208091 <undefined) {
// optimized frame
[19]: arguments adaptor frame: 0->1 {

[20]: /* anonymous */
[/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/tar/lib/extract.js:57](this=0x3ee46981 #6#) {
// expression stack (top to bottom)
[00] : 0x3ee46781 #3#
--------- s o u r c e c o d e ---------

function () {? me.pipe(me._fst, { end: false })? me.resume()? }


[21]: emit [events.js:92](this=0x3ee46981 #6#,type=0x748af135 <String[5]: ready) {
// stack-allocated locals
var arguments = 0x3ee9b27d #17#
var er = 0x39208091
var handler = 0x3ee4711d #18#
var len = 0x39208091
var args = 0x39208091
var i = 0x39208091
var listeners = 0x39208091
// heap-allocated locals
var type = 0x748af135 <String[5]: ready>
// expression stack (top to bottom)
[07] : 0x3ee46981 #6#
--------- s o u r c e c o d e ---------
function (type) {? var er, handler, len, args, i, listeners;?? if
(!this._events)? this._events = {};?? // If there is no 'error'
event listener then throw.? if (type === 'error') {? if
(!this._events.error ||? (typeof this._events.error ===
'object' &&? !this._events.error.length)) ...


[22]: /* anonymous */
[/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/fstream/lib/dir-writer.js:39](this=0x39234701 #7#,er=0x39208081 <null) {
// expression stack (top to bottom)
[01] : 0x748af135 <String[5]: ready>
[00] : 0x3ee46981 #6#
--------- s o u r c e c o d e ---------
function (er) {? if (er) return me.error(er)? // ready to start
getting entries!? me.ready = true? me.emit("ready")?

me._process()? }


[23]: arguments adaptor frame: 2->1 {
// actual arguments
[00] : 0x39208081
[01] : 0x3ee8849d <String[69]:
// not passed to callee

[24]: /* anonymous */
[/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/mkdirp/index.js:20](this=0x39234701 #7#,er=0x39208081 <null) {
// heap-allocated locals
var er = 0x39208081
// expression stack (top to bottom)
[03] : 0x3ee8849d <String[69]:
[02] : 0x39208081
[01] : 0x39234701 #7#
[00] : 0x3ee88105 #19#
--------- s o u r c e c o d e ---------
function (er) {? if (!er) {? made = made || p;?
return cb(null, made);? }? switch (er.code) {?
case 'ENOENT':? mkdirP(path.dirname(p), mode,
function (er, made) {? if (er) cb(er, made);?
else mkdirP(p, ...


[26]: oncomplete [fs.js:107](this=0x3ee885e5 #8#) {
// stack-allocated locals
var arguments = 0x3ee9b225 #20#
// expression stack (top to bottom)
[03] : 0x3ee9b225 #20#
[02] : 0x39208081
[01] : 0x3ee884b1 #21#
--------- s o u r c e c o d e ---------

function () {? return cb.apply(null, arguments);? }


[27]: arguments adaptor frame: 1->0 {
// actual arguments
[00] : 0x39208081 // not passed to callee

==== Key ============================================

#0# 0x39234659: 0x39234659
#1# 0x3ee9c50d: 0x3ee9c50d
domain: 0x39208081
_events: 0x3ee9c5e1 #22#
_maxListeners: 10
readable: 0x392080b1
writable: 0x392080b1
_needDrain: 0x392080c1
_paused: 0x392080c1
_reading: 0x392080b1
_ending: 0x392080c1
_ended: 0x392080c1
_remaining: 0
_queue: 0x3ee9c8b9 <JS Array[1]>#23#
_index: 1
_queueLen: 1
props: 0x3ee9cab1 #24#
_header: 0x3ee9b741 #25#
_extended: 0x3ee9cadd #26#
_global: 0x3ee9caf9 #27#
type: 0x7482358d <String[14]: ExtendedHeader>
path: 0x3ee9b8cd <String[30]: PaxHeader/package/package.json>
size: 1434
fields: 0x3ee9d391 #28#
_position: 1284
_fieldPos: 5
_state: 1
_sizeBuf: 0x3ee9d419 <JS Array[0]>#29#
_keyBuf: 0x3ee9d449 <JS Array[2]>#30#
_valBuf: 0x3ee9d4b1 <JS Array[0]>#31#
_size: 24
_key: 0x3eea2b71 <String[12]: NODETAR.type>
meta: 0x392080b1
#2# 0x3eea1d65: 0x3eea1d65
length: 410
parent: 0x3ee463d5 #32#
offset: 1536
#3# 0x3ee46781: 0x3ee46781
domain: 0x39208081
_events: 0x3ee467ed #33#
_maxListeners: 10
writable: 0x392080b1
readable: 0x392080b1
_stream: 0x3ee467f9 #5#
position: 1536
_fst: 0x3ee46981 #6#
_paused: 0x392080c1
_eofStarted: 0x392080c1
_ended: 0x392080c1
_entry: 0x3ee9c50d #1#
#4# 0x3eea1ced: 0x3eea1ced
length: 512
parent: 0x3ee463d5 #32#
offset: 1536
#5# 0x3ee467f9: 0x3ee467f9
readable: 0x392080b1
writable: 0x392080b1
_opt: 0x3ee46841 #34#
_chunkSize: 512
_offset: 2048
_buffer: 0x3ee4684d <JS Array[1]>#35#
_bufferLength: 14336
_zeroes: 0x3ee4685d #36#
_events: 0x3ee468a5 #37#
_paused: 0x392080c1
_needDrain: 0x392080b1
_emitting: 0x392080b1
#6# 0x3ee46981: 0x3ee46981
domain: 0x39208081
_events: 0x3ee469c5 #38#
_maxListeners: 10
type: 0x74822e31 <String[9]: Directory>
props: 0x3ee2b5f1 #39#
depth: 0
clobber: 0x392080b1
parent: 0x39208081
root: 0x3ee46981 #6#
path: 0x3ee46d1d <String[69]:
_path: 0x3ee46d1d <String[69]:
basename: 0x3ee46d8d <String[7]: package>
dirname: 0x3ee46e89 <String[61]:
linkpath: 0x39208081
size: 0x39208091
readable: 0x392080c1
writable: 0x392080b1
_buffer: 0x3ee46ee9 <JS Array[0]>#40#
ready: 0x392080b1
filter: 0x48c31121 #41#
_madeDir: 0x39208081
#7# 0x39234701: 0x39234701
#8# 0x3ee885e5: 0x3ee885e5
domain: 0x39208081
oncomplete: 0x3ee884f1 #42#
#9# 0x3eea1e11: 0x3eea1e11
length: 2
callee: 0x39239cc5 #43#
#10# 0x31c3e9e1: 0x31c3e9e1
#11# 0x3eea1dd5: 0x3eea1dd5
length: 0
#12# 0x3eea1de5: 0x3eea1de5 <JS Array[2]>
0: 0x4985e25d #13#
1: 0x3ee9c50d #1#
#13# 0x4985e25d: 0x4985e25d
#14# 0x3eea1d2d: 0x3eea1d2d
length: 2
callee: 0x39239cc5 #43#
#15# 0x3ee468c5: 0x3ee468c5
#16# 0x3ee6cbc5: 0x3ee6cbc5
length: 16384
parent: 0x3ee463d5 #32#
offset: 0
#17# 0x3ee9b27d: 0x3ee9b27d
length: 1
callee: 0x39239cc5 #43#
#18# 0x3ee4711d: 0x3ee4711d
#19# 0x3ee88105: 0x3ee88105
#20# 0x3ee9b225: 0x3ee9b225
length: 1
callee: 0x3ee884f1 #42#
#21# 0x3ee884b1: 0x3ee884b1
#22# 0x3ee9c5e1: 0x3ee9c5e1
data: 0x31c3e9e1 #10#
#23# 0x3ee9c8b9: 0x3ee9c8b9 <JS Array[1]>
0: 0x3eea1d65 #2#
#24# 0x3ee9cab1: 0x3ee9cab1
#25# 0x3ee9b741: 0x3ee9b741
block: 0x3ee9b691 #44#
cksumValid: 0x392080b1
path: 0x3ee9b8cd <String[30]: PaxHeader/package/package.json>
mode: 420
uid: 0x3ee9bac5 <Number: 1999294651>
gid: 0x3ee9bbed <Number: 1343951410>
size: 1434
mtime: 0x3ee9bd19 <Number: 1389896742>
cksum: 6972
type: 0x4bf15b65 <String[1]: x>
linkpath: 0x4bf0812d <String[0]: >
ustar: 0x3ee9bf41 <String[6]: ustar\x00>
ustarver: 0x3ee9bf89 <String[2]: 00>
uname: 0x4bf0812d <String[0]: >
gname: 0x4bf0812d <String[0]: >
devmaj: 0
devmin: 0
fill: 0x4bf0812d <String[0]: >
#26# 0x3ee9cadd: 0x3ee9cadd
#27# 0x3ee9caf9: 0x3ee9caf9
#28# 0x3ee9d391: 0x3ee9d391
#29# 0x3ee9d419: 0x3ee9d419 <JS Array[0]>
#30# 0x3ee9d449: 0x3ee9d449 <JS Array[2]>
0: 83
1: 67
#31# 0x3ee9d4b1: 0x3ee9d4b1 <JS Array[0]>
#32# 0x3ee463d5: 0x3ee463d5
length: 16384
#33# 0x3ee467ed: 0x3ee467ed
entry: 0x3ee47575 <JS Array[3]>#45#
unpipe: 0x3ee471c9 #46#
drain: 0x3ee47399 #47#
error: 0x3ee475b9 <JS Array[3]>#48#
close: 0x3ee475d9 <JS Array[3]>#49#
finish: 0x3ee47465 #50#
data: 0x3ee9b3f5 #51#
end: 0x3ee9b4a9 #52#
#34# 0x3ee46841: 0x3ee46841
#35# 0x3ee4684d: 0x3ee4684d <JS Array[1]>
0: 0x3ee6cbc5 #16#
#36# 0x3ee4685d: 0x3ee4685d
length: 512
parent: 0x3ef0a9ad #53#
offset: 3584
#37# 0x3ee468a5: 0x3ee468a5
error: 0x3ee46881 #54#
data: 0x3ee468c5 #15#
end: 0x3ee468e9 #55#
drain: 0x3ee4690d #56#
#38# 0x3ee469c5: 0x3ee469c5
ready: 0x3ee4711d #18#
close: 0x3ee9b5c9 <JS Array[2]>#57#
drain: 0x3ee9b419 #58#
error: 0x3ee9b485 #59#
#39# 0x3ee2b5f1: 0x3ee2b5f1
type: 0x74822e31 <String[9]: Directory>
path: 0x3efe133d <String[69]:
strip: 1
uid: 1000
gid: 1000
filter: 0x48c31121 #41#
Directory: 0x392080b1
root: 0x39208081
parent: 0x39208081
#40# 0x3ee46ee9: 0x3ee46ee9 <JS Array[0]>
#41# 0x48c31121: 0x48c31121
#42# 0x3ee884f1: 0x3ee884f1
#43# 0x39239cc5: 0x39239cc5
#44# 0x3ee9b691: 0x3ee9b691
length: 512
parent: 0x3ee463d5 #32#
offset: 0
#45# 0x3ee47575: 0x3ee47575 <JS Array[3]>
0: 0x3ee470e5 #60#
1: 0x3ee2a64d #61#
2: 0x3ee9b33d #62#
#46# 0x3ee471c9: 0x3ee471c9
#47# 0x3ee47399: 0x3ee47399
#48# 0x3ee475b9: 0x3ee475b9 <JS Array[3]>
0: 0x3ee47235 #63#
1: 0x3ee47595 #64#
2: 0x3ee9b485 #59#
#49# 0x3ee475d9: 0x3ee475d9 <JS Array[3]>
0: 0x3ee47405 #65#
1: 0x3ee2a629 #66#
2: 0x3ee9b4a9 #52#
#50# 0x3ee47465: 0x3ee47465
listener: 0x3ee4727d #67#
#51# 0x3ee9b3f5: 0x3ee9b3f5
#52# 0x3ee9b4a9: 0x3ee9b4a9
#53# 0x3ef0a9ad: 0x3ef0a9ad
length: 8192
used: 6200
#54# 0x3ee46881: 0x3ee46881
#55# 0x3ee468e9: 0x3ee468e9
#56# 0x3ee4690d: 0x3ee4690d
#57# 0x3ee9b5c9: 0x3ee9b5c9 <JS Array[2]>
0: 0x3ee47165 #68#
1: 0x3ee9b4a9 #52#
#58# 0x3ee9b419: 0x3ee9b419
#59# 0x3ee9b485: 0x3ee9b485
#60# 0x3ee470e5: 0x3ee470e5
#61# 0x3ee2a64d: 0x3ee2a64d
#62# 0x3ee9b33d: 0x3ee9b33d
#63# 0x3ee47235: 0x3ee47235
#64# 0x3ee47595: 0x3ee47595
#65# 0x3ee47405: 0x3ee47405
listener: 0x3ee47259 #69#
#66# 0x3ee2a629: 0x3ee2a629
#67# 0x3ee4727d: 0x3ee4727d
#68# 0x3ee47165: 0x3ee47165

#69# 0x3ee47259: 0x3ee47259

I'm using $ sudo npm install -g spark-cli

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