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reScaled API Reference



Entity, that might be used as a pattern, namely: primitive string, primitive number, or an instance of RegExp.

Notice how RegExp is a subtype of Pattern in this nomenclature.

This documentation heavily relies on the definition of Pattern, but nevertheless you don't necessarily have to import and use it explicitly.


combined(...patterns: Pattern[]): RegExp

Concatenate several input patterns into a single RegExp.

combined(/a/g, /b/s);
// /ab/gs
combined("a", /b/);
// /ab/

Note: here and later, in all the functions that take in several patterns as arguments list (i.e. whose signature is similar to f(...pattern: Pattern[])) will accumulate and intelligently combine all the flags from all the given patterns. To remove unwanted flags, use combinedWithoutFlags function (see below).

combinedWithFlags(flags: string)(...patterns: Pattern[]): RegExp

Concatenate several input patterns into a single RegExp, and add given flags to it.

combinedWithFlags("g")("a", /b/);
// /ab/g
combinedWithFlags("gs")("a", /b/);
// /ab/gs

combinedWithoutFlags(flags: string)(...patterns: Pattern[]): RegExp

Concatenate several input patterns into a single RegExp, and remove given flags from it.

combinedWithoutFlags("g")("a", /b/g);
// /ab/
combinedWithoutFlags("gs")("a", /b/gm);
// /ab/m
combinedWithoutFlags()("a", /b/g);
// /ab/g

Notice how in the third example no flags were removed, which means that you have to specify all the unwanted flags exactly.

detached(...patterns: Pattern[]): RegExp

Expect the pattern to be a whole string, rather than a part of it.

detached("a", /b/);
// /^ab$/

eitherOf(...patterns: Pattern[]): RegExp

Expect appearance of one of the given patterns.

eitherOf("abc", "def");
// /(?:abc|def)/
eitherOf("a", /b/);
// /(?:a|b)/

Notice that in the second example a character set is a more optimal solution, so in the case of single characters prefer using eitherOfChars() function or regex literal [ab] if possible.

eitherOfChars(...characters: string[]): RegExp

Expect appearance of one of the characters given in the input. The argument(s) of this function must be primitive string(s), it is an error to provide arguments of other types.

eitherOfChars("a", "B");
// /[aB]/
// /[chArates]/
eitherOfChars("hello", "world");
// /[helowrd]/
eitherOfChars(/a/g, /b/i);
// Validation failed: value is not primitive: value <RegExp> /a/g
eitherOfChars(42, 17);
// Validation failed: value is not of type "string": value <number> 42

enclosedInCurlyBraces(...patterns: Pattern[]): RegExp

Also available as enclosedIn.curlyBraces.

Enclose pattern(s) in {} curly braces.

enclosedInCurlyBraces("a", /b/);
// /\{ab\}/
import { enclosedIn } from "re-scaled";

enclosedIn.curlyBraces(/a/g, /b/s);
// /\{ab\}/gs

enclosedInParentheses(...patterns: Pattern[]): RegExp

Also available as enclosedIn.parentheses.

Enclose pattern(s) in () round brackets.

enclosedInParentheses("a", /b/);
// /\(ab\)/
import { enclosedIn } from "re-scaled";

enclosedIn.parentheses(/a/g, /b/s);
// /\(ab\)/gs

enclosedInSquareBrackets(...patterns: Pattern[]): RegExp

Also available as enclosedIn.squareBrackets.

Enclose pattern(s) in [] square brackets.

enclosedInSquareBrackets("a", /b/);
// /\[ab\]/
import { enclosedIn } from "re-scaled";

enclosedIn.squareBrackets(/a/g, /b/s);
// /\[ab\]/gs

grouped(...patterns: Pattern[]): RegExp

Group several input patterns into a non-capturing group.

grouped("a", /b/);
// /(?:ab)/

oneOrMore(...patterns: Pattern[]): RegExp

Expect at least one appearance of the given pattern.

oneOrMore("a", /b/);
// /(?:ab)+/

optional(...patterns: Pattern[]): RegExp

Make pattern optional.

optional("a", /b/);
// /(?:ab)?/

repeatedAtLeast(count: number)(...patterns: Pattern[]): RegExp

Also available as repeated.atLeast.

Repeat pattern at least count amount of times. The value of count must be a non-negative natural number (0, 1, 2 etc.). This is being internally checked by the package @valuer/main, so any invalid value will cause an error to be thrown.

repeatedAtLeast(3)("a", /b/);
// /(?:ab){3,}/
import { repeated } from "re-scaled";

repeated.atLeast(10)(/c/g, /d/s);
// /(?:cd){10,}/gs
repeatedAtLeast(-7)("a", /b/);
// Validation failed: min repeat count should not be a negative number: value <number> -7

Note that in the case of invalid count, the error prevents the intermediate function from being created.

repeatedBetween(min: number, max: number)(...patterns: Pattern[]): RegExp

Also available as repeated.between.

Repeat pattern between min and max amount of times inclusively. The values of both min and max must be non-negative natural numbers (0, 1, 2 etc.). This is being internally checked by the package @valuer/main, so any invalid value will cause an error to be thrown.

repeatedBetween(2, 3)("a", /b/);
// /(?:ab){2,3}/
repeatedBetween(3, 2)("c");
// /(?:c){2,3}/

Notice how the reverse range is intelligently taken care of in this example.

import { repeated } from "re-scaled";

repeated.between(17, 42)(/d/, "e");
// /(?:d){17,42}/
repeatedBetween(-1, 2)(/f/, /g/);
// Validation failed: min repeat count should not be a negative number: value <number> -1
repeatedBetween(1, 2.5)(/f/, /g/);
// Validation failed: max repeat count is not an integer: value <number> 2.5

Note that in the case of invalid min and/or max, the error prevents the intermediate function from being created.

repeatedTwice(...patterns: Pattern[]): RegExp

Also available as repeated.twice.

Repeat pattern exactly twice.

repeatedTwice("a", /b/);
// /(?:ab){2}/
import { repeated } from "re-scaled";

repeated.twice(/c/, /d/);
// /(?:cd){2}/

repeatedThrice(...patterns: Pattern[]): RegExp

Also available as repeated.thrice.

Repeat pattern exactly three times.

repeatedThrice("a", /b/);
// /(?:ab){3}/
import { repeated } from "re-scaled";

repeated.thrice(/c/, /d/);
// /(?:cd){3}/

repeatedTimes(count: number)(...patterns: Pattern[]): RegExp

Also available as repeated.times.

Repeat pattern exactly count amount of times. The value of count must be a non-negative natural number (0, 1, 2 etc.). This is being internally checked by the package @valuer/main, so any invalid value will cause an error to be thrown.

repeatedTimes(42)("a", /b/);
// /(?:ab){42}/
import { repeated } from "re-scaled";

repeated.times(17)(/c/, /d/);
// /(?:cd){17}/
repeatedTimes("five")("e", /f/);
// Validation failed: repeat count is not an integer: value <string> five

Note that in the case of invalid count, the error prevents the intermediate function from being created.

separatedBy(separator: Pattern)(...patterns: Pattern[]): RegExp

Concatenate several input patterns into a single RegExp, separating them by a given separator pattern.

separatedBy(", ")(1, 2, 3);
// /(?:1, 2, 3)/
separatedBy("|")("hello", "hola");
// /(?:hello|hola)/

storedAs(name: string)(...patterns: Pattern[]): RegExp

Concatenate several input patterns into a single RegExp and store the result under a given name.

This function uses a new ES2018 feature, called Named Capturing Groups.

storedAs("word")("a", "b", "c");
// /(?<word>abc)/