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File metadata and controls

127 lines (96 loc) · 6.91 KB
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Installation Data
How beacon interactions are defined

From scanning and translating to hacking and tuning, installations are points within the park where a guest can interact with show element through Datapad. Datapad defines six types of installations, each with their own unique features or functions, in addition to two meta-installations.

Installation Types

Type ID Description
Device DeviceInstallation Used primarily for door access panels, but also used for moisture vaporators, antennas, maps, Zabaka's workshop window, the Falcon, etc.
Droid DroidInstallation Droids like R-3X in Oga's Cantina, L4-R6 and C2-B9 outside of the droid workshop, etc.
Tune TuneInstallation Typically wall- and turret-mounted antennas throughout the park, but also the Deck 6 atrium console at SWGS
Scan ScanInstallation Crate barcodes that grant rewards
Text Translate TextTranslateInstallation Areas where Aurebesh is written in a place that can be scanned and translated
Audio Translate AudioTranslateInstallation Only used in Dok-Ondar's den, to translate a sample of Ithorese
Scan Group (Meta-installation) ScanGroupInstallation Groups Scan installations into similar or area-based groups, used for specific activities that only require interacting with one crate from each group
Mid-Level Group (Meta-installation) MidLevelGroupInstallation Groups physically localized installations together to group them at far zoom levels on the map


These structures aren't installations themselves but are used in installation definitions.


Field Type Description
quantity int Quantity of the entity to give
type string Inventory item type, one of: Item, Credits
itemId string Datapad Snowflake that represents the inventory item, if type is Item


Field Type Description
imagePath string Image path relative to the content root

Generic Installations

These fields are common to all installation types.


  • If no thumbnail image is defined, a generic one will be used
Field Type Description
id string Datapad Snowflake that represents this entity
type string Installation type ID, as defined above
name string Human-readable internal name of the installation
nameKey string Localization lookup key for the name
nameKeyAlt string Alternate localization lookup key for the name which overrides nameKey, if present
descriptionKey string Localization lookup key for the description
canUseWaypointOnly string Allows enabling the installation in Datapad if a relevant beacon packet is received even if the corresponding wayside beacon is unavailable
doesAutoStartSwgsChat bool If true, immediately starts the mission defined by triggerableMission when interacted with
triggerableMission bool Mission to immediately start on interaction
doesShowOnDisambig bool If true, shows on the "Multiple items detected" screen as an interactive entity
doesShowOnMap bool If true, shows on the map as an interactive location
firstTimeRewards reward[] Reward to grant to the guest on first scan
subsequentRewards reward[] Reward to grant to the guest on first scan
images image[] Thumbnail images used in the detail page. If more than one is specified, the first is used. If none are specified, falls back to the relevant thumbnail image
isBeaconLocked bool If true, the installation is locked in Datapad unless the installation beacon is physically nearby
triggerableShows string[] A list of Datapad Snowflakes that represent the triggerable shows this installation activates
dlr_detailViewKeyAltText string Localization lookup key for the thumbnail alt-text at DLR
dlr_thumbnailAltText string Human-readable internal thumbnail alt-text at DLR
dlr_thumbnailPath string Image path relative to the content root for the DLR thumbnail
wdw_detailViewKeyAltText string Localization lookup key for the name
wdw_thumbnailAltText string Human-readable internal thumbnail alt-text at WDW
wdw_thumbnailPath string Image path relative to the content root for the WDW thumbnail
premiumRewards ?[] Unused, not parsed out of the JSON
showInCastUI bool Unused, not parsed out of the JSON

Device Installation

Field Type Description
isBlip bool True if the show effect is resident to the locking beacon and not a separate show effect
isTerritoryWarEnabled bool True if the installation should appear in Territory War filtered results when a Territory War is active

Droid Installation

No installation-specific fields.

Tune Installation

Field Type Description
transmissions string[] List of Datapad Snowflakes that represent the Transmission inventory items this installation grants

Scan Installation


  • If the total rewards granted by the installation on any scan total to zero, a No Access dialog will be shown
Field Type Description
barcodeData string The data encoded in the corresponding Aztec barcode
isEncrypted bool True if the installation should require the completion of a decryption minigame before awarding the contents
isSwgsScan bool True to show a Not Available dialog instead of the No Access dialog when the Datapad is in SWGS mode and no corresponding installation is currently available

Text Translate Installation

Field Type Description
markerPaths string[] List of image paths, relative to the content root, to use as the AR recognition markers

Audio Translate Installation

Field Type Description
audioTranslateShows string[] Ordered list of Datapad Snowflakes that represent the audio translate shows this installation can trigger in sequence

Scan Group Installation

Field Type Description
installationIds string[] List of Datapad Snowflakes that represent the installations that the group contains

Mid-Level Group Installation

Field Type Description
installationIds string[] List of Datapad Snowflakes that represent the installations that the group contains
canSplitWhenZoomedIn bool True if the map icon can split up at closer zoom levels into the constituent installations