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Backing up a Passbolt package installation
Backing up a Passbolt package installation
From DEB/RPM package

import Prerequisites from '/docs/hosting/_includes/backup/_prerequisites.mdx'; import BackupList from '/docs/hosting/_includes/backup/_list.mdx'; import MigrateOldToNew from '/docs/hosting/_includes/backup/_migrate-to-new.mdx'; import SecretKeys from '/docs/hosting/_includes/backup/_secret-keys.mdx'; import Chips from "/src/components/Chips/Chips";

CE Pro

What to backup?

If you are a PRO user, ensure you have a backup of your subscription key.

There are also several elements you need to backup:

1. The database

We made a dedicated command in order to make a backup of the database, it uses mysqldump but we recommend to use the passbolt command as it has been made to avoid any pasting or logins details errors.

Replace WEB_SERVER_USER with the correct one. Depending on your OS, it could be nginx, www-data, etc.

sudo su -s /bin/bash -c "/usr/share/php/passbolt/bin/cake passbolt mysql_export" WEB_SERVER_USER

2. The server public and private keys

The GPG server keys are stored under /etc/passbolt/gpg/ folder:

  • private key is serverkey_private.asc
  • public key is serverkey.asc

3. The application configuration

Passbolt package stores all configuration files under /etc/passbolt/* but the one you need is /etc/passbolt/passbolt.php

4. The avatars

:::info[Since Passbolt 3.2] User's avatars are no longer stored on disk but on the avatars table of passbolt database. :::

Back up /usr/share/php/passbolt/webroot/img/avatar to avoid losing the profile images.

sudo tar cvfzp passbolt-avatars.tar.gz -C /usr/share/php/passbolt/ webroot/img/avatar