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Pigframe is a minimum Python-based game-engine backend library, designed to simplify and streamline the development process of game applications. Engineered with flexibility and ease of use in mind, Pigframe provides a robust set of tools and functions that enable developers to create immersive and dynamic gaming experiences.

Key Features:

  • Component-Based Architecture: Pigframe adopts a component-based approach, allowing for modular and scalable game development. This architecture facilitates easy addition, modification, and management of game elements.

  • Intuitive Scene Management: Manage game scenes seamlessly with Pigframe's intuitive scene transition and control system. This feature allows for smooth transitions and efficient scene organization.

  • Efficient Entity-Component System: At the heart of Pigframe is an efficient entity-component system (ECS), which promotes a clean separation of concerns and enhances performance.

  • Pythonic Simplicity: Designed with Python's philosophy of simplicity and readability, Pigframe is ideal for those learning game development or individual developers seeking an accessible yet powerful tool.

  • Versatile Integration: Pigframe is optimized to work seamlessly with popular Python game libraries like Pyxel and Pygame, making it a perfect choice for diverse and creative game development projects.

Getting Started:

To get started with Pigframe, simply install the package using pip:

pip install pigframe


Contributions to Pigframe are welcome! Whether it's bug reports, feature requests, or code contributions, your input is valuable in making Pigframe better for everyone.

User guide:

  • import module

    from import World, System, Event, Screen, Component
  • create your own world class which has entities, components, systems, events and screens. It is the core of the game.

    # Implement World class for your own project.
    class App(World):
        def __init__(self):
            self.init() # write initial process which is unique to the game engine and the game you develop.
        ... # other game engine unique methods.
    app = App()
  • create and remove entity

    # Create entity to world.
    entity = app.create_entity() # -> int: entity ID
    # Remove entity from world.
    app.remove_entity(entity) # deletes from entites list
  • add/remove components to entity

    • add components to entity

      # Add component to entity ID.
      # Components are recorded as values where entity ID is the key inside dict.
      # Component instance are created automatically.
      app.add_component_to_entity(entity, ComponentA, component_argsA) # ComponentA is not an instance of Component but type.
      app.add_component_to_entity(entity, ComponentB, component_argsB) # ComponentB is not an instance of Component but type.
      # getter
      app.get_component(ComponentA) # Returns the list of tuple: entity id which has ComponentA, component implementation. 
      app.get_components(ComponentA, ComponentB) # Returns the list of tuple: entity id which has ComponentA and ComponentB, component implementations. 
    • remove components from entity

      app.add_component_to_entity(ent, ComponentA, component_argsA)
      app.add_component_to_entity(ent, ComponentB, component_argsB)
      app.remove_component_from_entity(ent, ComponentA) # remove single component instance from entity
      app.add_component_to_entity(ent, ComponentC, component_argsC)
      app.remove_components_from_entity(ent, ComponentB, ComponentC) # remove components instances from entity
  • use component values inside system, event and screen

    # Example of using get_components() method.
    class SystemA(System):
        def process(self):
            for ent, (component_a, component_b) in, ComponentB):
                list: list of tuple: entity id, list of components
                component_a.x += component_b.x
                component_a.y += component_b.x
  • use entity

    # Example of using entity object
    class EventA(Event):
        def __process(self):
            player = = 0)
            dict: entity object
                key: component type
                value: component
  • add scenes to world

    # Add scenes to world.
    app.add_scenes(["launch", "game", "result", "settings"])
    # scenes getter
    app.sceneces # -> [["launch", "game", "result", "settings"]
  • add/remove system to/from world

    # Add screen to a scene of world. Be sure you have added scenes before adding screens.
    # System instance are created automatically.
    app.add_system_to_scenes(SystemA, "launch", priority = 0, system_args)
    # system with its lower priority than the other systems is executed in advance., by default 0.
    # For here, SystemA().process() runs first in "launch" scene.
    app.add_system_to_scenes(SystemA, "game", priority = 0, system_args)
    app.add_system_to_scenes(SystemB, "launch", priority = 1)
    # Remove system from scene.
    app.remove_system_from_scene(SystemA, ["launch", "game"], system_args = system_args)
  • add/remove screen to/from world

    # Add screen to a scene of world. Be sure you have added scenes before adding screens.
    # Screen instance are created automatically.
    app.add_screen_to_scenes(ScreenA, "launch", priority = 0)
    app.add_screen_to_scenes(ScreenB, "launch", priority = 0)
    app.add_screen_to_scenes(ScreenC, "game", priority = 0, screen_args)
    # Remove screen from scene.
    app.remove_screen_from_scene(ScreenB, "launch")
  • add/remove event to/from world

    # Add an event, event triger to a scene of world. Be sure you have added scenes before adding events.
    # Event instance are created automatically.
    app.add_event_to_scene(EventA, "game", callable_triger, priority = 0)
    # Remove event from scene.
    app.remove_event_from_scene(EventA, "game")
  • add scene transitions settings

    app.add_scene_transition(scene_from = "launch", scene_to = "game", triger = callable_triger)
    # triger has to be callable.
  • execute systems, events and draw screens

    # Pyxel Example
    class App(World):
        def run(self):
  , self.draw)
        def update(self):
            self.process() # World class has process method.
            # process method calls these internal methods below.
            # 1. process_systems()
            # 1. process_events()
            # 1. scene_manager.process()
        def draw(self):
    # Pygame Example
    class App(World):
        def run(self):
            while self.running:
        def update(self):
        def draw(self):


game engine example contents
Pygame control a ball examples of system, event, component, entity and world implementations.
Pyxel control a ball examples of system, event, component, entity and world implementations.