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72 lines (51 loc) · 3.85 KB

File metadata and controls

72 lines (51 loc) · 3.85 KB


Thank you for your interest in contributing! PRs are very welcome for the following:

  • New data package targets, allowing dpm users to generate data packages that run in more environments.
  • Improvements to docs or command output.

For other types of changes, please share your idea by creating an issue in this repository, or sending a message in our Slack community at

Running tests

Running a project's test suite is a great first step when preparing to make improvements to the code. dpm has two kinds of tests: unit and integration.

To run unit tests,

cargo test --lib --bins

Running integration tests is not yet as straightforward as we'd like it to be. Please check back here soon!


This project uses the standard Cargo-based workflow, except where noted. The Cargo book is a great reference.

If you modify proto/dpm_agent.proto, run make to regenerate all the static dpm-agent client stubs.

NOTE: The Python stub in /static/python/src/backends/dpm_agent/ is generated with absolute imports, so revert the change below before you commit.

diff --git a/static/python/src/backends/dpm_agent/ b/static/python/src/backends/dpm_agent/
index 11c4989..d7119e1 100644
--- a/static/python/src/backends/dpm_agent/
+++ b/static/python/src/backends/dpm_agent/
@@ -2,9 +2,7 @@
 """Client and server classes corresponding to protobuf-defined services."""
 import grpc

-# NB: This import must remain relative!
-# Any change to an absolute import should be rejected.
-from . import dpm_agent_pb2 as dpm__agent__pb2
+import dpm_agent_pb2 as dpm__agent__pb2

 class DpmAgentStub(object):

Repo layout

This repo is a Cargo package containing 2 targets:

  • src/bin/, a binary target that is dpm itself
  • src/, a library target whose sole use is generating docs via cargo doc

This and other layout choices follow Rain's Rust CLI recommendations. Thanks, @sunshowers!


To create a new release, follow these steps:

  1. Examine the changes in the "Unreleased" section of the changelog and determine the SemVer severity of the release: major, minor, or patch. The rest of these instructions refer to this new version as vX.Y.Z.
  2. Create a "release PR": A PR that:
    1. Updates the version field in the package's manifest to be "X.Y.Z".
    2. Resets the changelog. Do this by duplicating the "Unreleased" section, re-titling the lower duplicate to be X.Y.Z - <today's date>, removing empty sections from the new version entry, and removing the items from the sections of "Unreleased".
  3. Merge the release PR.
  4. Create the GitHub release.
    1. Go to, type "vX.Y.Z" in the "Choose a tag" input and select "Create new tag ... on publish".
    2. Title the release vX.Y.Z.
    3. In the text area, copy/paste the contents of the vX.Y.Z section of the changelog.
    4. Press Publish release.
  5. Create and merge a PR to update the dpm Homebrew formula. In particular, update the tag and revision values to be the tag and SHA of the commit associated with the release created in the previous step.

That's it! After completing step 4 a GitHub workflow will be triggered that builds release assets and attaches them to the just-created release. This asynchronous work normally takes about 15 minutes to complete.