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Back-end development for my social media platform - The last book page

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The last book page - The social network for reading

Last page logo

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The live link can be found here

To view the README of the backend API repository, please click here


The aim of this application is to provide the possibility of commenting on book readings, hence the name: the last book page, as a call to socialise reading every time the last page of a book is closed, and also to organise future readings (hence the bookmarks).

Table of contents

Table of contents generated with markdown-toc

User Experience (UX)

User Stories

In total 48 User Stories have been created and executed in 15 Epics (Milestones). In the backend 20 User Stories with 8 Epics, and in the Frontend 26 User Stories with 7 Epics (2 User Stories are pending). Epic 11 was added in the backend while the frontend was being developed to add the option to insert stickers in comments and have the API provide that information. Search fields were sometimes added in the backend to meet the frontend's wishes for search and display information. In the commit history you can see how the tasks were executed as the development of the application progressed.

Backend Django REST API


#1 As a Developer, I can create and develop the profiles app so that the users can create their own profiles

#2 As a Developer, I can serialize the profiles app so that the data can be used as python native datatype and can be render to JSON

#15 As a Developer, I can, I can install Django with its dependencies so that can be created the project and apps to develop


#13 As a Developer, I can Install and develop the books app so that users can create their own books

#14 As a Developer, I can serialize the books app so that the data can be used as python native datatype and can be render to JSON


#3 As a Developer, I can Install and develop the comments app so that users can create their own comments

#4 As a Developer, I can serialize the comments app so that the data can be used as python native datatype and can be render to JSON

#5 As a Developer, I can develop the comment detail view so that the user can develop Read, Update, Delete and retrieve data of comments

#6 As a Developer, I can serialize the comments detail app so that the data can be used as python native datatype and can be render to JSON


#7 As a Developer, I can Install and develop the likes app so that users can create their own likes

#8 As a Developer, I can serialize the likes app so that the data can be used as python native datatype and can be render to JSON


#11 As a Developer, I can Install and develop the followers app so that users can create their own followers

#12 As a Developer, I can serialize the followers app so that the data can be used as python native datatype and can be render to JSON


#9 As a Developer, I can Install and develop the bookmarks app so that users can create their own bookmarks

#10 As a Developer, I can serialize the bookmarks app so that the data can be used as python native datatype and can be render to JSON


#16 As a Developer, I can optimize, document and fix bugs so that users can use the API with the expected functionalities

#17 As a Developer, I can create filters so that users can access as much useful data as the API can provide

#19 As a Developer, I can program tests to evaluate the behaviour of the api so that users can get the expected functionalities


#36 - As a Developer, I can Install and develop the stickers app so that users can add notes to comments of books

#37 As a Developer, I can serialize the stickers app so that the data can be used as python native datatype and can be render to JSON

Frontend React


#20 As a User, I can register an account so that , I can access to the features available to registered users

#21 As a User, I can access to a navigation bar on every page so that , I can easily view and access to desired content

#22 As a User, I can register for an account so that , I can access to information dedicated to registered users

#23 As a User, I can log out so that , I can safely disconnect from the site

#24 As a logged-in User, I can see my login status so that I know my status of logged in or logged out of my account


#27 As a User, I can view the complete comments so that , I can access and read the comments of the app

#28 As a logged-in User, I can create comments so that , I can add content to the website

#31 As a logged-in User, I can like a comment so that , I can show my approval and interest in the commentary

#32 As a User, I can see the newest comments at the top so that I am up to date with the latest content


#29 As a logged-in User, I can edit my comments so that , I can update and do corrections of my contents added

#30 As a logged-in User, I can delete my comments so that , I can remove any comment that I don't want to share more

#33 As a User, I can keep scrolling through the images that are loaded automatically so that I visit all the browse easy all the content

#34 As User**, I can search the content easily so that **, I can find with simplicity any wished information**


#38 As a User, I can view stickers on comments so that , I can read other user

#40 As a logged-in User and owner of the sticker, I can update my sticker so that , I can fix any error

#41 As a logged-in User and owner of the sticker, I can delete my sticker so that , I can remove any unwanted sticker from the site


#42 As a User, I can view the profiles of other users so that , I can see their bio and learn more about them

#43 As a logged-in User, I can customise my profile with an avatar so that my profile can be easy to be identified within the site

#44 As a logged-in User, I can have the option to follow/unfollow users so that , I can keep track of their content


#46 As a logged-in User, I can add new books so that , I can add comments about the book

#47 As a logged-in User, I can edit and update any book so that , I can fix or update the content of fields

#48 As a logged-in User, I can delete books that I have created so that , I can delete books duplicated or not desired


#49 As a logged-in User, I can delete books that I have created so that , I can delete books duplicated or not desired

#50 As a Logged-in User, I can view the list of my bookmarks, so that , I can to see the books to check and review

#51 As a logged-in User, I can edit and change any bookmark so that , I can change the status of the book in my bookmark

#52 As a logged-in User, I can remove a bookmark so that , I can remove bookmarks of book not desired


#53 As logged-in User, I can send message to any other user, so that I can do any communication about books comments, readings...

#54 As logged-in User, I can read messages from any user, so that , I can be informed about any communication received

Agile Methodology

For the management of the development of the application, an agile approach was used and for this purpose a kanban board was used as you can see in the link.

GitHub kanban board

A GitHub Issue was created for each User Story, which was then allocated to a milestone (Epic).


For the design of the site I have opted for simplicity and few colours to achieve good visibility of the content with good contrast.


Wireframes have been generated to guide the design and development process to achieve the desired functionality. For the creation of the wireframes miro has been used.


Homepage sign in

Mobile - Homepage logged-in

Homepage sign up

Mobile - Homepage logged-in

Homepage logged out

Desktop - Homepage logged-out

Homepage = comments / Feed / Liked structure web logged in

Desktop - Homepage logged-in

Create comment

Desktop - Create comment

Book / Bookmarks structure

Desktop - Homepage logged-in



Mobile - Homepage logged-in


Homepage sign in

Mobile - Homepage logged-in

Homepage sign up

Mobile - Homepage logged-in

Homepage / Feed / Liked structure web logged in

Mobile - Homepage logged-in

Book / Bookmarks structure

Desktop - Homepage logged-in


Desktop - Homepage logged-in

Colour Scheme

Colours have been chosen to provide good contrast to allow good access to and viewing of the content. The aim is to create a positive user experience for all visitors to the site.

Colour Palette

Colour palette from Coolors


The images used on the site relate to the context in which they are shown or to books and libraries. Images are taken from Pexels


As font, was selected Roboto, intending to create an elegant and calming visual theme, while ensuring easy readability and consistency across multiple devices. In case there are any issues with the primary font choices, a reliable backup font, Sans-serif, has been selected to ensure consistent styling throughout the app.

Security Features and Defensive Design

Form Validation

A warning message will appear to the user when inaccurate or empty data is entered into a form, identifying the specific field that caused the issue. This prevents the form from being submitted until the issue is resolved, ensuring that only accurate and complete data is processed.




  • A customised logo was created using which is a free logo generator.

The last page logo

  • The logo is prominently positioned in the top-left corner of the navigation bar. It is linked to the homepage to make it easy for users to navigate back to the main page of the website.

Navigation Bar

  • The navigation bar is present on all pages of the website and allows for easy navigation. The Navbar includes a logo and links to various pages. The links on the Navbar will change depending on whether the user is logged into their account or not.

User has not logged in Navbar

Navigation section logged out user

User logged-in Navbar

Navigation section logged in user

Navigation section logged in user

  • If a user is logged in, their profile avatar will be displayed in the navigation bar and also a side navigation menu will appear. This menu provides a logged-in user with the ability to manage and save comments, books and sign out of their account.

Home Page

  • The homepage offers a variety of features for both logged-in and logged-out users, including the search functionality which allows users to search for comments and profiles. To improve the user experience, a loading spinner appears while the user is typing their search query. If no search results are found, an image accompanied by the text 'No results found' is displayed to help users quickly understand the outcome of their search.


Search Functionality

Search bar

User Account Pages

  • The authentication pages are based on the 'moments walkthrough' provided by Code Institute, with minor adjustments made to suit the needs of my project. The authentication process works seamlessly and meets the requirements I had in mind for my project.

Sign Up

Register form

Sign In

Login section

Sign Out

  • When the user clicks on the sign-out tab in the side navigation bar, a pop-up sign-out modal appears, providing users with a clear confirmation option to sign out of their account. This feature ensures a smooth and secure user experience, enhancing the usability of the application.

Sign out nav link

Comment Detail Page

Comment Action Buttons

Comment action buttons

  • On the comment detail page, if the logged-in user is the owner of the comment, they will have the option to edit or delete the comment by the presence of a menu which consists of an edit and delete icon.

Edit Comment

  • Clicking on the edit icon for a comment will display the comment with the prepopulated data, allowing users to easily make edits and updates to their content.

Edit comment page

Add Comment

  • Users can easily add new comment by accessing the 'Add comment' tab located in the side navigation bar, providing a simple and streamlined way to create content.

Add comment tab

Create comment

Delete Comment

  • By clicking on the delete icon in the Comment Edit dropdown menu, users can easily remove their comments from the database.

Delete comment option

Stickers Section

  • The stickers section on a comment detail page is accessible to both logged-in and logged-out users. However, to create a sticker, users must be signed in, as the sticker input field is only displayed to authenticated users. This ensures a secure and efficient adding of stickers process for users.

Sticker section for unauth user

Update Sticker

  • The process of updating a sticker has been made even more user-friendly through the implementation of the Comment dropdown menu component. This feature provides users with the ability to easily update or delete their stickers. By clicking on the edit icon, the sticker data is automatically prepopulated, making the editing process seamless and efficient.

Update sticker box

Delete Sticker

Delete sticker icon

My Feed Page

  • A user's feed will compose of comments which the user is following. The feed page has the same styling as Home and Liked as it uses the Comment component. The Infinite scroll component is used to continuously display comments, allowing the user to not have to change pages to view more comments.

Feed tab

My Bookmarks Page

  • The Bookmarks page displays a user's collection of bookmarked books, easily identified by a bookmark icon on the comment component. By simply selecting the bookmark option, a comment can be saved to the user's personal Bookmarks page. The bookmark page has the same styling as Book as it uses the Book component.

Bookmarks tab

Bookmark options

Profile Page

  • The user profile page features an avatar image, along with the total number of comments, followers, and the following count. This functionality has been thoroughly tested to ensure that the counts accurately increment and decrement in response to various user actions, such as following a user or adding a new comment.

Profile page

Edit Profile

  • For an improved user experience, the edit profile page comes with prepopulated data, making it easier for users to quickly update their profile information without having to re-enter existing data.

Profile edit tab

Profile edit page

Change Username

  • For an improved user experience, the change username functionality comes prepopulated with the user's current username.

Profile change username

Change password

  • To enhance the security of users' accounts, the application provides an option for users to change their password, giving them greater control over the protection of their personal information.

Profile change password

Error Page

  • A simple 404 error page has been implemented to improve the user experience in cases where the user enters an incorrect URL. This page provides a clear and user-friendly message, guiding the user back to the website's homepage and helping them find the information they are looking for.

404 page display


  • React notifications have been used in the app to enhance the user experience by providing real-time feedback and alerts to the user. This has contributed to a better user experience as users are immediately notified of any changes or actions taken within the app, such as successful logins, errors or notifications for removing content. By providing these notifications, users can stay informed and engaged with the app, leading to a smoother and more seamless experience. Additionally, the use of notifications also adds an element of interactivity and visual appeal to the app, making it more engaging and dynamic for users.

Future Features

In the future, there are several functionalities that I would like to implement. I have left the initial user stories that were created in the project kanban board as potential areas for future improvement and these have been left in the Future Features section of the kanban board. The key areas I would like to add to the site include:

  • #53 As logged-in User, I can send message to any other user, so that I can do any communication about books comments, readings...

  • #54 As logged-in User, I can read messages from any user, so that , I can be informed about any communication received

It could also be interesting to add the option of rating books and to include searches by category (genre).

Some reusable components


Asset.js is a versatile and reusable component that is used throughout my app to display a loading spinner in a visually appealing way. With customizable props such as spinner, src, and message, the component can be easily adapted to suit different use cases and design requirements. When the src prop is present, the component displays an image with customizable alt text provided by the message prop. When the message prop is present, the component displays a paragraph of text below the image.


The Avatar.js component is designed to display user avatars with a high degree of flexibility and reusability. Separating the avatar display from other components and pages enables more efficient code organization and easier maintenance. With customizable height and an optional text overlay, the Avatar component can adapt to different page designs and layouts, allowing for seamless integration into different parts of the site. Additionally, by including a timestamp in the image source, the Avatar component ensures that the image is always up-to-date and reloaded from the server when necessary. This feature helps prevent the browser from caching outdated images and ultimately contributes to improved site performance.



MoreDropdown.js is a reusable component that renders a dropdown bar with edit and delete options. It is built using React and React Bootstrap components and styled using CSS. The component consists of a custom DropdownMenu component that renders a menu icon (fas fa-ellipsis-v), and a Bootstrap Dropdown component that contains the dropdown menu items. The menu items include an Edit option and a Delete option, each with an associated icon. The component is designed to be flexible and customizable, allowing it to easily integrate elsewhere and modify its behaviour and appearance as needed. This component is being used within Comment.js, Book.js and Sticker.js to allow users to edit and delete elements.

Dropdown menu

React Infinite Scroll component

React Infinite Scroll is used to load content continuously as the user scrolls down a webpage. This feature works by loading new content into the webpage when the user reaches the bottom of the page, without requiring the user to manually click a Load More button. In the app, the React Infinite Scroll feature is being used to display a list of comments, books, and bookmarks. When a user scrolls down the page, the application automatically loads new comments, books, and bookmarks from the server and displays them in the list. This means that the user can continue scrolling indefinitely and the application will keep loading new content as needed, without requiring the user to refresh the page or click a button to load more content. This feature provides a seamless user experience, as the user can easily browse through a large amount of content without interruptions or delays.



This custom hook allows you to toggle a component's state based on clicks outside of it. It is useful for things like menus or popovers that need to be dismissed when the user clicks outside of them. I am using this hook in my NavBar.js component to automatically close the Navbar.Toggle Bootstrap component for small screen sizes. When the user clicks on the menu, it toggles the expanded state using the setExpanded function. The expanded value is then used to conditionally render the menu items. When the user clicks outside of the menu, the useClickOutsideToggle hook automatically updates the expanded state to false, hiding the menu.


The useRedirect hook is a custom React hook that uses the React Router and Axios libraries to handle navigation and API requests. Its primary function is to redirect the user based on their authentication status, ensuring that they are directed to the appropriate page based on whether they are logged in or out. When called, the hook sends a POST request to refresh the authentication token using the Axios library. If the user is logged in, they will be redirected to the home page using the useHistory hook from the React Router library. If there is an error refreshing the token or the user is logged out, they will also be redirected to the home page. This hook streamlines navigation in my React app and simplifies the logic for handling authentication.

Languages Used



Programs, Frameworks & Libraries Used


Miro - Miro was used to create the basic wireframes during the design process.

Google DevTools - Once the website was made to a basic deployment level, Google DevTools was used frequently

Git - Git was used for version control by utilizing the Gitpod terminal to commit to Git and Push to GitHub.

GitHub - GitHub is used to store the project's code after being pushed from Git.

Heroku - Heroku is a cloud platform that lets people build, deliver, monitor, and scale apps. It supports several programming languages. Heroku was used for the deployment of this project.

W3C Markup Validator -

JSHint Validator - Jshint was used to validate the JavaScript code. It shows any warnings and errors within my code.

Cloudinary - A cloud-hosting website, used for hosting my images.


ReactJS - React allows you to build user interfaces out of individual pieces called components. React components are JavaScript functions. React Bootstrap - It was used as a supportive toolkit for front-end styling.

Libraries & NPM packages

React Bootstrap 4.6 - React Bootstrap provides a popular framework for building responsive mobile-first sites with built-in CSS & Javascript libraries.

axios - Axios is a promise-based HTTP Client for node.js and the browser.

jwt-decode - Securely implement authentication with JSON Web Tokens.

react-datepicker - A simple and reusable Datepicker component used for my date of publication field in a book.

react-dom - React library for rendering components in the DOM.

react-infinite-scroll-component - React component for implementing infinite scrolling.

react-notifications - Library for displaying notifications.

react-router-dom - React Router is a JavaScript framework that enables the creation of single-page web or mobile apps that allows navigating without refreshing the page.


Testing details can be found separately in the file.


This site was made using GitHub & Gitpod. The site was further developed using React, a JavaScript front-end framework.

Fork a repository

A fork is a copy of a repository. Forking a repository allows you to freely experiment with changes without affecting the original project. The steps are as follows:

  1. On navigate to the repository page.
  2. In the top-right corner of the page, click Fork.

GitHub Fork

You can fork a repository to create a copy of the repository and make changes without affecting the upstream repository.

Clone a repository

In GitHub, you have the option to create a local copy (clone) of your repository on your device's hard drive. The steps are as follows:

  1. On navigate to the repository page.
  2. Locate the Code tab and click on it.
  3. In the expanded window, click the two squares icon to copy the HTTPS link of the repository.

GitHub Clone

If you use a online dev IDE integrated in github as gitpod or codeanywhere, you can click on it and open the IDE to do changes

  1. On your computer, open Terminal.
  2. Navigate to the directory of choice (cd <path-of-dev>).
  3. Type git clone
  4. Press Enter and the local clone of the repository will be created in the selected directory.

Install dependencies

  1. Enter this command in the terminal:
npm install

Make sure your package.json dependencies look like this:

"dependencies": {
    "@testing-library/jest-dom": "^5.17.0",
    "@testing-library/react": "^11.2.7",
    "@testing-library/user-event": "^12.8.3",
    "axios": "^0.21.4",
    "bootstrap": "^4.6.0",
    "jwt-decode": "^3.1.2",
    "react": "^17.0.2",
    "react-bootstrap": "^1.6.7",
    "react-datepicker": "^4.16.0",
    "react-dom": "^17.0.2",
    "react-infinite-scroll-component": "^6.1.0",
    "react-router-dom": "^5.3.0",
    "react-scripts": "^4.0.3",
    "web-vitals": "^1.1.2"
  1. To test the app, run the command:
npm start


Using Heroku to deploy the API and React projects

The following guide will assist you in deploying both your React front-end project and your Django API back end.

Setting up WhiteNoise for static files

Because the React part of the project contains static files, we need to store all the static files for deployment, using WhiteNoise. WhiteNoise will also store the static files for the Django Admin panel, so you’ll be able to easily access that from the deployed URL as well.

In the terminal:

  1. Ensure your terminal location is in the root directory, then install whitenoise with the following command
pip3 install whitenoise==6.4.0
  1. Add this dependency to your requirements.txt file with the following command
pip3 freeze > requirements.txt
  1. Create a new empty folder called staticfiles in the root directly with the following command
mkdir staticfiles



  1. In the INSTALLED_APPS list, ensure that the ‘cloudinary_storage’ app name is below ‘django.contrib.staticfiles’. This ensures that Cloudinary will not attempt to intervene with staticfiles, and allows whitenoise to become the primary package responsible for static files


  1. In the MIDDLEWARE list, add WhiteNoise below the SecurityMiddleware and above the SessionMiddleware


  1. In the TEMPLATES list at the DIRS key, add the following code to the DIRS list, to tell Django and WhiteNoise where to look for Reacts index.html file in deployment
os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'staticfiles', 'build')


  1. In the static files section, add the STATIC_ROOT and WHITENOISE_ROOT variables and values to tell Django and WhiteNoise where to look for the admin static files and Reacts static files during deployment
STATIC_ROOT = BASE_DIR / 'staticfiles'
 WHITENOISE_ROOT = BASE_DIR / 'staticfiles' / 'build'

Adding the route to serve the index template

Configuring the route to allow the React front end to be viewed.

The React front end will be served from the domain’s root URL, so we need to ensure that this is the React part of the project and not the DRF interface you worked with when the projects were separate. So we will add the code below to ensure that the home page will display the React application. Any 404 errors redirect the user back to the React application where the request will be handled by the react-router-dom. We will also adjust our URLs so that all URLs for the DRF API contain /api/ to ensure that the API’s routes do not clash with the React application’s routes.

In the file of your Django Rest Framework application:

  1. Remove the root_route view from the .views imports


  1. Import the TemplateView from the generic Django views
from django.views.generic import TemplateView


  1. In the url_patterns list, remove the root_route code and replace it with the TemplateView pointing to the index.html file
path('', TemplateView.as_view(template_name='index.html')),





  1. At the bottom of the file, add the 404 handler to allow React to handle 404 errors
handler404 = TemplateView.as_view(template_name='index.html')


  1. Add api/ to the beginning of all the API URLs, excluding the path for the home page and admin panel


In axiosDefault.js:

  1. Now that we have changed the base path for the API route, we need to prepend all API requests in our react application with /api. Open the axiosDefaults.js file, comment back in the axios.defaults.baseURL and set it to "/api"


Compiling the static files

Combining both Django and React static files and compiling them.

Now that the code for collecting and accessing the static files has been created, we can compile all of the static files from both the Django admin panel and the React files into the staticfiles folder for deployment.

  1. Collect the admin and DRF staticfiles to the empty staticfiles directory you created earlier, with the following command in the terminal
python3 collectstatic


  1. Next, we will compile the React application and move its files to the staticfiles folder. In another terminal, cd into the frontend directory
cd frontend


  1. Then run the command to compile and move the React files
npm run build && mv build ../staticfiles/.


You will need to re-run this command any time you want to deploy changes to the static files in your project, including the React code. To do this, you need to delete the existing build folder and rebuild it. This command will delete the old folder and replace it with the new one: npm run build && rm -rf ../staticfiles/build && mv build ../staticfiles/.

  1. Now your staticfiles folder should be filled with all the static files needed for deployment


Depending on your specific dependency versions, your file structure in the staticfiles folder may be slightly different from the above image. The folders we need to be sure are there are the admin and build folders.

Adding a runtime.txt file

This will ensure Heroku uses the correct version of Python to deploy your project.

  1. In the root directory of your project, create a new file named runtime.txt

  2. Inside the runtime.txt, add the following line:



Testing the Build

Now that all the settings are in place, we can test that the builds for both parts of the project are running together on the same server port.

  1. Ensure all running servers are terminated. In any running terminals press Ctrl+C

  2. In your file, ensure that both the DEBUG and DEV environment variables are commented out


  1. Run the Django server, in the terminal type

python3 runserver

  1. Open the preview on port 8000 to check that your application is running

The React server should not be running. This is a test to check that Django is serving the React static files.

Preparing your existing Heroku app for deployment

If you have not deployed this application to Heroku before, you can find most of the steps for this in the Deployment section of the Django REST Framework module. Please ensure that you have added those settings, plus the additional ones below.

  1. Log into your Heroku account and access the dashboard for your DRF application

  2. Go to Settings and open the Config Vars

  3. Ensure your application has an ALLOWED_HOST key, set to the URL of your combined project, remove the https:// at the beginning and remove the trailing slash at the end

  4. Ensure your application has a CLIENT_ORGIN key and set it to the URL of your combined project. This time keep the https:// at the beginning but remove the trailing slash at the end


If you had a value for CLIENT_ORIGIN before, this would have been for your separate React project deployment on Heroku, now this value needs to be updated to the URL for your combined application.

  1. Ensure all your settings are in place, including the ones from the Deployment section of the Django REST Framework module. Including saving, committing and pushing any changes made to your code

  2. Deploy your application from the Deploy tab in your Heroku dashboard



I have used a considerable amount of content throughout the site, inspired by the Code Institute's moments tutorial. However, I made several modifications to the project to customise it and make sure it met the requirements. While I kept certain aspects that worked well, I made sure to add my own unique touch to the project. Overall, I really enjoyed putting this project together.


I would like to thank my daughters (Alina and Amelie Urquiola Meschkat) and their mother (Judith Meschkat) for their support and understanding during the hours they have given me for the project, as well as my girlfriend (Maria Casiopea) for his presence. I am especially grateful to my former mentor Sandeep Aggarwal and the Code Institute training programme. Finally, I would like to give special thanks to my brother (Alberto Cabrera) for his support and trust.


Back-end development for my social media platform - The last book page






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