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redox-client - Ruby gem facade for Redox APIs

This gem makes it easy to consume Redox APIs.

Note: This is pre-release software under active development and should be considered unstable until version 1.0.0


  • supports creation of multiple Redox Sources, each with its own API key and secret
  • automatically requests Redox access tokens when needed in a thread safe way
  • provides ruby style DTOs to conveniently consume and generate Redox camel cased JSON


Add the following to your Gemfile:

gem "redox-client"

and run:

bundle install


To uses redox-client effectively you will want to be familiar with the Redox APIs and in particular how sources, destinations, and subscriptions work.

Create a Redox Source.

source =
    endpoint: ENV["REDOX_ENDPOINT"],
    api_key: ENV["REDOX_API_KEY"],
    secret: ENV["REDOX_SECRET"]

Build query object for API you wish to execute:

query =
      first_name: "Timothy",
      middle_name: "Paul",

Perform the query using your source and the appropriate destination id:

result = query.perform source, "my-destination-id"

The result object is a DTO containing the Redox response:

result.patient.identifiers.first.id_type   # => "MR"        # => "0000000001"

See the specs/ for more examples.

Authentication and Lifecycle

Redox::Source requests a Redox access token using the Redox API key and secret. The access token is used until it is near expiration, which is typically 1 day after being issued. So a Redox::Source object is intended to be created once and reused.

Since Redox::Source has shared state, i.e., the access token and its expiration time, Redox::Source uses a Monitor to be thread safe.

Supported APIs

  • PatientSearch.Query
  • Scheduling.Booked
  • Media.New
  • File Upload


Nota Bene: This project uses VCR to record HTTP requests and responses and play them back during tests. Do NOT use Redox production credentials when developing tests.

Initial Setup

After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install gem dependencies and a git pre-commit hook. The pre-commit hook checks test fixtures for Redox credential exposure. While recommended the hook is not required and can be removed or replaced if desired. After setup completes run rake to run all the tests.


This project uses rspec and VCR. VCR provides fast deterministic testing of HTTP APIs. It also makes it possible to set up any server response you want to test by authoring the server responses directly. This comes in handy when trying to test edge cases that might occur but are hard to reproduce.

Some effort has been made to filter credentials from recorded HTTP interactions, but you should always carefully review all your changes before pushing them to avoid credential exposure.

Recording and Playing Back Cassettes

The VCR_MODE environment variable controls whether VCR is recording cassettes or playing them back. When recoding cassettes the following environment variables are used to call Redox APIs:

  • REDOX_ENDPOINT: base URL of Redox API endpoint (e.g.,
  • REDOX_API_KEY: Redox apiKey used by /auth/authenticate
  • REDOX_SECRET: Redox secret used by /auth/authenticate

Set these to the credentials for the Redox environment you are using for testing.

When playing back cassettes these environment variables are ignored and no API requests are made to Redox.

To make a new test with a new recording, set environment variables above then:

env VCR_MODE=record rspec spec/my_new_spec.rb

This will record all API requests made by the test. Be careful: if you run all the tests with VCR_MODE=record it will re-record all the cassettes.

The default mode is playback, so to playback cassettes just run rspec.

Coding Style

This project adheres to StandardRB. Additionally # frozen_string_literal is required in Ruby source files, and is enforced by Rubocop.

Run rake to run the style checks. Run rake fix to fix violations.

Useful commands

  • rake - run all tests (lint, Redox cred scan, rspec)
  • rake fix - Fix RuboCop and StandardRB violations
  • rake vcr:fix - attempt to replace real looking credentials in VCR cassettes with dummy test values.
  • rake -T - see available rake tasks
  • bin/console - get an interactive prompt for experimenting

Release Process

This project uses Semantic Versioning

Prepare release on main branch, then run:

rake prepare:release

and follow the instructions.