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File metadata and controls

61 lines (50 loc) · 2.65 KB

VM overview mode


Columns are:

PID = process id
MAIN-CLASS = the "jvm name" but often the entry point class (with used main() method)
HPCUR = currently used heap memory
HPMAX = maximum heap memory the jvm can allocate
NHCUR = currently used non-heap memory (e.g. PermGen)
NHMAX = maximum non-heap memory the jvm can allocate
CPU = CPU utilization
GC = percentage of time spent in garbage collection (~100% means that the process does garbage collection only)
VM = Shows JVM vendor, java version and release number (S6U37 = Sun JVM 6, Update 37)
USERNAME = Username which owns this jvm process
#T = Number of jvm threads
DL = If !D is shown if the jvm detected a thread deadlock

Detail mode (Single-VM monitoring)

Command-line: <pid>

 JvmTop 0.4.1 alpha   amd64,  4 cpus, Linux 2.6.18-34

PID 3539: org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap
ARGS: start
VMARGS: -Djava.util.logging.config.file=/home/webserver/apache-tomcat-5.5[...]
VM: Sun Microsystems Inc. Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 1.6.0_25
UP: 869:33m #THR: 106 #THRPEAK: 143 #THRCREATED: 128020 USER: webserver
CPU: 4.55% GC: 3.25% HEAP: 137m / 227m NONHEAP: 75m / 304m
Note: Only top 10 threads (according cpu load) are shown!

25 http-8080-Processor13 RUNNABLE 4.55% 1.60%
128022 RMI TCP Connection(18)-10.101. RUNNABLE 1.82% 0.02%
36578 http-8080-Processor164 RUNNABLE 0.91% 2.35%
36453 http-8080-Processor94 RUNNABLE 0.91% 1.52%
27 http-8080-Processor15 RUNNABLE 0.91% 1.81%
14 http-8080-Processor2 RUNNABLE 0.91% 3.17%
128026 JMX server connection timeout TIMED_WAITING 0.00% 0.00%
128025 JMX server connection timeout TIMED_WAITING 0.00% 0.00%
128024 JMX server connection timeout TIMED_WAITING 0.00% 0.00%
128023 JMX server connection timeout TIMED_WAITING 0.00% 0.00%

Columns are:

TID = thread id
NAME = thread name
STATE = current thread state
CPU = current CPU utilization (in ratio to available cpu time on all processors)
TOTALCPU = CPU utilization (in ratio to process cpu consumption) since the thread is alive
BLOCKEDBY = the thread id which blocks this thread