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An RxJava API for handling MQTT messages with an implementation using the Paho Java MQTT library.

The main interface is ObservableMqttClient, which can be used to connect, publish and subscribe to a broker in a reactive way.

API Changes in 1.2.0

In previous versions, the same MqttMessage class was used for both publishing and subscribing. However, some of the fields in a message received by a subscriber are not needed by a publisher - specifically, the message id. Message identifier is set by the underlying MQTT server, not the publishing client.

Additionally, the topic that the message was received on is useful to a subscriber but redundant for a publisher.

Hence MqttMessage is now split into sub-interfaces: PublishMessage and SubscribeMessage. Only SubscribeMessage requires a message id or topic.

API Changes in 1.1.0

In the 1.0.x branch, all of the ObservableMqttClient methods returned an Observable<T>. This was not ideal as some did not return any data (e.g. Observable<Void>) or returned just a single value (e.g Observable<PublishToken>).

With the release of RxJava 2.0 there are new reactive types that can be used to better model these methods. In the 1.1.0 release, the ObservableMqttClient API has changed to make use of more appropriate reactive types from RxJava 2.

  1. Methods that previously returned Observable<Void> now return Completable. This new type is described in the What's Different in 2.0 document for RxJava. This is better from an idiomatic reactive programming perspective. In fact, this change is essential because RxJava 2 no longer supports null. Methods affected are connect(), disconnect(), unsubscribe() and close(). If you were handling onNext() for some reason, move this code to onComplete().
  2. The publish() method that returned a 'one-shot' Observable<PublishToken> now uses Single<PublishToken>. If you were handling both onComplete() and onNext(), merge this code together as a Single<T> does both at the same time.
  3. The subscribe() method now returns a Flowable<MqttMessage> rather than an Observable<MqttMessage>. Flowable<T> is a more suitable choice for supporting backpressure. You shouldn't need to change your code unless you want to support backpressure, in which case you should pass a FlowableSubscriber<MqttMessage> to Flowable.subscribe(FlowableSubscriber<MqttMessage>) (see below for more on backpressure).


The subscribe() methods of ObservableMqttClient return a Flowable<MqttMessage> using the BackpressureStrategy provided (the default will be BackpressureStrategy.BUFFER). Behind the scenes, this is done using the Flowable.create(FlowableEmitter<T>, BackpressureStrategy) factory method described in the RxJava 2 documentation.

If you subscribe to this Flowable<MqttMessage> with a FlowableSubscriber<MqttMessage> the BackpressureStrategy will be applied if you are unable to request messages fast enough. A FlowableSubscriber<T> signals that it is ready to receive data by calling request() on the Subscription to the Publisher<T>. This is described in the RxJava documentation.

Note that the other subscribe(xxx) methods of Flowable<T> do not apply backpressure.

Obtaining the client

The default Paho implementation of ObservableMqttClient can be obtained like this:

final IMqttAsyncClient paho = new MqttAsyncClient(...);
final ObservableMqttClient client = PahoObservableMqttClient.builder(paho)
    ... // Customise

The builder allows you to override the default BackpressureStrategy if desired (see above for a description of how backpressure works).


Asynchronously connect to the broker using an RxJava Completable.

client.connect().subscribe(() -> {
  // do something on completion
}, e -> {
  // do something on error


Asynchronously publish a message to the broker using an RxJava Single.

final PublishMessage msg = PublishMessage.create(...);
client.publish("mytopic", msg).subscribe(t -> {
  // do something on success
}, e -> {
  // do something on error


Asynchronously subscribe to a topic (or topics) using an RxJava Flowable<T>. For each message received, the subscriber is called with the message. The QOS level desired can be passed along with the topic.

client.subscribe("mytopic", 1).subscribe(msg -> {
  // do something with message
  final byte[] body = msg.getPayload();
}, e -> {
  // do something on error


Asynchronously unsubscribe from a topic (or topics) using an RxJava Completable.

client.unsubscribe("mytopic").subscribe(() -> {
  // do something on disconnect completion
}, e -> {
  // do something on error


Asynchronously disconnect from the broker using an RxJava Completable.

client.disconnect().subscribe(() -> {
  // do something on disconnect completion
}, e -> {
  // do something on error


Asynchronously close the client and relase all resources using an RxJava Completable.

client.close().subscribe(() -> {
  // do something on close completion
}, e -> {
  // do something on error


The binaries for each release should be available in Maven Central.
