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Developer Setup

This repo is configured for VS Code, notably including extensions and settings that run Prettier on .scss and .php files. We also have a number of tasks that we refer to by name. If you are using a different editor, then you can always look at the .vscoded/tasks.json to map those to the underlying shell commands.

Getting up and running

  1. Clone this repo.
  2. In .env, customize values for project if needed
  3. Initiate Docker, by running the WordPress Docker Recreate task.
  4. Add node/gulp dependencies by running yarn install.

That should be it. You can build your theme assets by running Gulp Dev task, then go to the URL in your console to see the site. Note that this will be an empty WordPress site, see below for importing content.

Exporting and Importing database

We have an import script that will grab the most recent folder from a root level _data folder that is otherwise gitignored.

On top of that import, a few modifications for localhosting will be run. These live in _init/local.sql, and those should be copied to the _data folder.

After copying that local.sql file, export your DB from production (check the boxes to add drop tables), and save it into the _data folder. Import by running WordPress DB Import task.

Your wordpress admin will be viewable at /wp-login.php, and you can use the username: admin and password: password.

To help with exports, we also have tasks "Wordpress DB Export" for both production and staging that will save the latest DB to the _data folder. You will need a local version of WP CLI in order for this to work. You can quickly install by running brew install wp-cli if you use use homebrew.

Editing up the theme

All assets are stored in wp-content/themes/timber.

For vendor libraries, we install with NPM. There is a symlink that gets installed via the postinstall task after you install deps that aliases those all of those files from a vendor folder inside of timber/assets/vendor.


The _build folder has our deploy scripts:

  • to manually deploy to staging from your current branch, run ./_build/ staging
  • to manually deploy to production from your current branch, run ./_build/ production

During the deploy process gulp release will run using JSHint which will alert you in the terminal for any warnings/errors. We are only looking at js files in the build:js block of layout.twig and we have it set to skip any /vendor js files.

Gulp will fail if there are any warnings/errors, some of which you may want to ignore which you can do with the following comments:

A directive for telling JSHint to ignore a block of code.

// Code here will be linted with JSHint.
/* jshint ignore:start */
// Code here will be ignored by JSHint.
/* jshint ignore:end */

All code in between ignore:start and ignore:end won't be passed to JSHint so you can use any language extension such as Facebook React. Additionally, you can ignore a single line with a trailing comment:

ignoreThis(); // jshint ignore:line

You can read more about JSHint here

Based on Bubs

This project is based on Bubs by Patronage.

For more docs on getting started with local hosting, multi-site, etc. visit the wiki: