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GenRate Redux

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GenRate Redux package aims simplify redux implementation


npm install @patrtorg/aliquam-laborum-corporis



import { model, as  } from '@patrtorg/aliquam-laborum-corporis'
import { PayloadAction } from '@reduxjs/toolkit';

const state = {
  email: as<string>(''), // required
  password: as<string>(), // optional
  remember: as<boolean | undefined>(false), // optional with default
  profile: {
    name: as<string>();
    hobbies: as<string[]>();

export type UserState = typeof state;

export default model(
  'user', // slice name
  state, // slice state
    // reducers
    set(state, action: PayloadAction<UserState>) {
      Object.assign(state, action.payload)
  }, {
    // selectors
    isPlayingBasketball: (state) => state.profile?.hobbies?.indexOf('basketball') > -1

Nested Slice

import { model, as, asModelList, StateType } from '@patrtorg/aliquam-laborum-corporis'
import { PayloadAction } from '@reduxjs/toolkit';

const commentState = { 
  message: as<string>(), 
  likes: as<number>(0) 

const Comment =  model('comment', commentState, {
  set(state, action: PayloadAction<string>) {
    state.message = action.payload
  addLike(state) {
    state.likes += 1

const postState = {
  content: as<string>(),
  newCommentStatus: as<string>('idle'),
  comments: asModelList(Comment, []) // as type model array

type PostState = StateType<typeof postState>

const Post = model('post', postState, 
  // ReducerCreators
  ({ reducer, asyncThunk }) => ({ 
    set: reducer<string>(state, { payload }) {
      state.content = payload
    addComment: asyncThunk(  // async reducer
      async (comment: string) => {
        const response = await apiAddComment(comment)
        pending: state => {
          state.newCommentStatus = "loading"
        fulfilled: (state, action) => {
          state.newCommentStatus = "idle"
          state.message = action.payload
        rejected: state => {
          state.newCommentStatus = "failed"

  // selectors
  }), {
    commentsWithLikes: (state) => state.comments.filter(c => c.likes > 0)

// usage in react 

const Post = () => {
  const content = Post.useContent()
  const comments = Post.useCommentsWithLikes();

  const addComment = Post.useAddComment();
  return (
        (comment, i) => (
          <div key={i}>
            <button onClick={() => comment.addLike()} /> // inherit model actions


import { select, arg } from '@patrtorg/aliquam-laborum-corporis'
import User from './models/user'

const getProfileName = select([User.profile], (profile) =>;

// selector with arguments
const hasHobby = select(
  (hobbies, hobby) => hobbies.find(h => h == hobby);

// using on react 
const name = useSelector(getProfile); // 
const name = getProfile.useSelect();

// with arguments
const isPlayingBadminton = useSelector(state => hasHobby(state, 'badminton'));
const isPlayingBasketball = hasHobby.useSelect('basketball');

Slice in react

import User from './models/user'

const Component = () => {

  // auto memoized selector
  const user = User.useAll(); // eq = useSelector(state => state.user)

  // deep selector

  // sampe as 
  // cachedUser = (state) => state.user;
  // cachedProfile = createSelector([main], state => state.profile)
  // cachedName = createSelector([profile], state =>
  // deep = useSelector(name);
  const name = User.profile.useName() 

  // get action with dispatch
  const setUser = User.useSet();

  return (
      <span> {user &&} </span>
      <button onClick={() => setUser({ email: 'test@gmail' })} /> 

RTX Query

import { fetch } from '@patrtorg/aliquam-laborum-corporis'

const { api, get, post } = fetch('posts')

type User = {
  id: number,
  name: string

const UserApi = api({
  getOne: get<User, number>((id) => `users/${id}`),
  update: post<User, Partial<User>>((update) => ({ url: `users/${id}`, body: update }))
  // test: get<User, number>(
  //   (id) => `users/${id}`, {
  //     transform: (res) =>,
  //     tags: (_post, _err, id) => [{ type: 'Posts', id: }] // provideTags
  //   } 
  // )

function Component () => {
  const [user, { isFetching }] = UserApi.useGetQuery(1);
  const [updateUser, { isLoading }] = UserApi.useUpdateMutation())

  return (
      {isFetching ? 'Loading' : }
      <button onClick={() => updateUser({ name: 'test' })} />