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Docgen Example
Automatically generated documentation from the oneRepo CLI, straight to easy to read Markdown.

:::note The following content is auto-generated using the official documentation plugin directly from oneRepo's internal configuration itself. :::

{/* start-auto-generated-from-cli /} {/ @generated SignedSource<<08893ba03b34cdb9ab05787ac817a439>> */}


one <command> [options...]
Option Type Description
--dry-run boolean Run without actually making modifications or destructive operations
--verbosity, -v count, default: 2 Set the verbosity of the script output. Increase verbosity with -vvv, -vvvv, or -vvvvv. Reduce verbosity with -v or --quiet
--version boolean Show the oneRepo CLI version.
Advanced options
Option Type Description
--help, -h boolean Show this help screen
--quiet, -q boolean Silence all output from the logger. Effectively sets verbosity to 0.
--show-advanced boolean Pair with --help to show advanced options.
--skip-engine-check boolean Skip the engines check, which ensures the current Node.js version is within the expected range.

one build

Build public Workspaces using esbuild.

one build [options...]
Option Type Description
--affected boolean Select all affected Workspaces. If no other inputs are chosen, this will default to true.
--all, -a boolean Run across all workspaces
--staged boolean Use files on the git stage to calculate affected files or Workspaces. When unset or --no-staged, changes will be calculated from the entire branch, since its fork point.
--workspaces, -w array List of Workspace names to run against
Advanced options
Option Type Description
--from-ref string Git ref to start looking for affected files or workspaces
--through-ref string Git ref to start looking for affected files or workspaces

Build all Workspaces.

one build

Build the graph Workspace only.

one build -w graph

Build the graph, cli, and logger Workspaces.

one build -w graph cli logger

one change

Aliases: one changes, one changesets

Manage changes and changesets for publishable workspaces.

one change <command>

one change add

Aliases: one change

Add changesets for modified Workspaces.

one change add [options...]

This command will prompt for appropriate Workspace(s), prompt for the release type, and request a descriptive change entry. Once all information has been entered, a change entry file will be created in the appropriate Workspace(s). Be sure to commit these files – they will be used later when you are ready to version and publish Workspaces to the registry for use outside of the Monorepo.

Option Type Description
--add boolean, default: true Add the modified package.json files to the git stage for committing.
--affected boolean Select all affected Workspaces. If no other inputs are chosen, this will default to true.
--all, -a boolean Run across all workspaces
--type "major", "minor", "patch" Provide a semantic version bump type. If not given, a prompt will guide you through selecting the appropriate type.
--workspaces, -w array List of Workspace names to run against
Advanced options
Option Type Description
--filenames "hash", "human", default: "human" Filename generation strategy for change files. If 'human', ensure you have the human-id package installed.
--from-ref string Git ref to start looking for affected files or workspaces
--prompts "guided", "semver", default: "guided" Change the prompt question & answer style when adding change entries.
--staged boolean Use files on the git stage to calculate affected files or Workspaces. When unset or --no-staged, changes will be calculated from the entire branch, since its fork point.
--through-ref string Git ref to start looking for affected files or workspaces

one change migrate

Migrate from Changesets to oneRepo changes.

one change migrate
Advanced options
Option Type Description
--filenames "hash", "human", default: "human" Filename generation strategy for change files. If 'human', ensure you have the human-id package installed.

one change publish

Aliases: one change release

Publish all Workspaces with versions not available in the registry.

one change publish [options...]

This command is safe to run any time. By default, only Workspaces that have previously gone through the one change version process will end up being published. Use --all for all Workspaces or --workspaces <workspace-name> to specify individual Workspaces to try publishing.

For each Workspace, the registry will be queried first to ensure the current version in the Workspace does not yet exist in the registry. If a version does exist, the Workspace will be skipped.

Option Type Description
--all, -a boolean Run across all workspaces
--otp boolean Set to true if your publishes require an OTP for NPM.
--skip-auth boolean Skip auth checks. This may be necessary for some internal registries using PATs or tokens.
--workspaces, -w array List of Workspace names to run against
Advanced options
Option Type Description
--affected boolean Select all affected Workspaces. If no other inputs are chosen, this will default to true.
--allow-dirty boolean Bypass checks to ensure no there are no un-committed changes.
--from-ref string Git ref to start looking for affected files or workspaces
--staged boolean Use files on the git stage to calculate affected files or Workspaces. When unset or --no-staged, changes will be calculated from the entire branch, since its fork point.
--through-ref string Git ref to start looking for affected files or workspaces

Publish the api Workspace and its dependencies, if necessary.

one change publish -w api

Attempt to publish all non-private Workspaces.

one change publish --all

one change show

Preview the next versions and changelogs for Workspaces.

one change show
Option Type Description
--all, -a boolean Run across all workspaces
--format "json", "plain", default: "plain" Choose how the results will be returned.
--workspaces, -w array List of Workspace names to run against

one change snapshot

Aliases: one change snap

Publish a snapshot pre-release.

one change snapshot

Periodically you may want to publish a snapshot release – something that needs testing from the registry, but should not update the current version nor be made widely available. For these cases, use --snapshot and versions will be published in the format 0.0.0-{tag}-{hash}, where {hash} is a short version of the current git sha. By appending a prerelease to version 0.0.0, discoverability is greatly reduced.

Option Type Description
--all, -a boolean Run across all workspaces
--allow-dirty boolean Bypass checks to ensure no there are no un-committed changes.
--otp boolean Prompt for one-time password before publishing to the registry
--reset boolean, default: true Reset package.json changes before exiting. Use --no-reset to disable.
--tag string, default: "prerelease" Distribution tag to apply when publishing the pre-release.
--workspaces, -w array List of Workspace names to run against

one change verify

Aliases: one change required

Ensure there are change entries for every modified public Workspace.

one change verify

Add this to your pre-commit or pre-merge task lifecycles to ensure that changes to public & publishabled Workspaces are always accompanied with change entries.

one change version

Update version numbers for publishable workspaces

one change version
Option Type Description
--all, -a boolean Run across all workspaces
--allow-dirty boolean Bypass checks to ensure no there are no un-committed changes.
--prerelease, --pre, --pre-release string Create a pre-release using the specified identifier.
--workspaces, -w array List of Workspace names to run against

Create a prerelease for the next version the form of 1.2.3-alpha.0.

one change version --prerelease=alpha

one codeowners

Aliases: one owners

Manage codeowners

one codeowners <command>

one codeowners show

Show the code owners for files and Workspaces.

one codeowners show [options]
Option Type Description
--affected boolean Select all affected Workspaces. If no other inputs are chosen, this will default to true.
--all, -a boolean Run across all workspaces
--files, -f array Determine Workspaces from specific files
--format "plain", "json", default: "plain" Choose how the results will be returned.
--list boolean Just list the owners without the files
--staged boolean Use files on the git stage to calculate affected files or Workspaces. When unset or --no-staged, changes will be calculated from the entire branch, since its fork point.
--workspaces, -w array List of Workspace names to run against
Advanced options
Option Type Description Required
--from-ref string Git ref to start looking for affected files or workspaces
--provider "github", "gitlab", "gitea", "bitbucket" Codeowner provider determines where the CODEOWNERS file(s) will be written.
--through-ref string Git ref to start looking for affected files or workspaces

Show the codeowners for currently modified files.

one codeowners show

List the unique set of codeowners given an input workspace-name.

one codeowners show --list -w <workspace-name>

one codeowners sync

Sync code owners from Workspace configurations to the repository’s CODEOWNERS file.

one codeowners sync

This command will sync each Workspace’s codeowners to the repository’s configured vcs.provider compatible code owners file.

  • github: .github/CODEOWNERS
  • gitlab: .gitlab/CODEOWNERS
  • gitea: .gitea/CODEOWNERS
  • bitbucket: CODEOWNERS
Option Type Description
--add boolean Add the updated CODEOWNERS file to the git stage.
Advanced options
Option Type Description Required
--provider "github", "gitlab", "gitea", "bitbucket" Codeowner provider determines where the CODEOWNERS file(s) will be written.

one codeowners verify

Verify the CODEOWNERS file is up to date and unmodified.

one codeowners verify
Advanced options
Option Type Description Required
--provider "github", "gitlab", "gitea", "bitbucket" Codeowner provider determines where the CODEOWNERS file(s) will be written.

one dependencies

Aliases: one dependency, one deps, one dep

Safely manage Workspace dependencies across your repository.

one dependencies <command> [options...]

one dependencies add

Add dependencies to Workspaces.

one dependencies add -w <workspace-names...> --dev [devDependencies...] --prod [prodDependencies...] [options...]

If a version is not provided with the command-line input, this command will look for currently installed versions of the requested dependencies throughout all Workspaces within the Workspace Graph. If only one version is found, it will be used, regardless of the --mode provided.

If multiple versions of the requested dependencies are found in the Workspace Graph, a prompt will be presented to choose the appropriate version.

Otherwise, the latest version will be requested from the registry.

Option Type Description
--all, -a boolean Run across all workspaces
--dedupe boolean, default: true Deduplicate dependencies across the repository after install is complete.
--dev, -d array Add dependencies for development purposes only.
--mode "strict", "loose", "off", default: "loose" Version selection mode. Use strict to use strict version numbers, loose to use caret (^) ranges, and off for nothing specific.
--prod, -p array Add dependencies for production purposes.
--workspaces, -w array One or more Workspaces to add dependencies into

Install the latest version of normalizr from the registry, using a strict version number.

one dependencies add -w my-workspace -d normalizr --mode strict

Install the latest version of normalizr from the registry, using a caret (^) version number range, enabling newer minor and patch releases to satisfy the dependency in the future.

one dependencies add -w my-workspace -d normalizr --mode loose

Install react as a production dependency and babel-core as a development dependency in both workspace-a and workspace-b.

one dependencies add -w workspace-a workspace-b -d babel-core -p react

one dependencies remove

Remove dependencies from Workspaces.

one dependencies remove -w [workspaces...] -d [dependencies...] [options...]
Option Type Description Required
--all, -a boolean Run across all workspaces
--dedupe boolean, default: true Deduplicate dependencies across the repository after install is complete.
--dependencies, -d array Dependency names that should be removed.
--workspaces, -w array List of Workspace names to run against

one dependencies verify

Verify dependencies across workspaces.

one dependencies verify [options...]

Dependencies across Workspaces can be validated using one of the various modes:

  • off: No validation will occur. Everything goes.
  • loose: Reused third-party dependencies will be required to have semantic version overlap across unique branches of the Graph.
  • strict: Versions of all dependencies across each discrete Workspace dependency tree must be strictly equal.
Option Type Description
--all, -a boolean Run across all workspaces
--mode "strict", "loose", "off", default: "loose" Version selection mode. Use strict to use exact version matches, loose to accept within defined ranges (^ or ~ range), and off for no verification.
--workspaces, -w array List of Workspace names to run against

one docgen

Generate documentation for the oneRepo cli.

one docgen [options...]

Help documentation should always be easy to find. This command will help automate the creation of docs for this command-line interface. If you are reading this somewhere that is not your terminal, there is a very good chance that this command was already run for you!

Add this command to your one Repo tasks on pre-commit to ensure that your documentation is always up-to-date.

Option Type Description
--add boolean Add the output file to the git stage
--format "markdown", "json", default: "markdown" Output format for documentation
--heading-level number Heading level to start at for Markdown output
--out-file string, default: "./docs/src/content/docs/plugins/docgen/example.mdx" File to write output to. If not provided, stdout will be used
--out-workspace string, default: "root" Workspace name to write the --out-file to
--safe-write boolean, default: true Write documentation to a portion of the file with start and end sentinels.
Advanced options
Option Type Description
--command string Start at the given command, skip the root and any others
--use-defaults boolean Use the oneRepo default configuration. Helpful for generating default documentation.

one eslint

Aliases: one lint

Run eslint across files and workspaces

one eslint [options...]
Option Type Description
--add boolean Add modified files after write to the git stage.
--affected boolean Select all affected Workspaces. If no other inputs are chosen, this will default to true.
--all, -a boolean Run across all workspaces
--cache boolean, default: true Use cache if available
--extensions array, default: ["ts","tsx","js","jsx","cjs","mjs","astro"] Make ESLint check files given these extensions.
--files, -f array Determine Workspaces from specific files
--fix boolean, default: true Apply auto-fixes if possible
--pretty boolean, default: true Control ESLint’s --color flag.
--quiet boolean Report errors only
--staged boolean Use files on the git stage to calculate affected files or Workspaces. When unset or --no-staged, changes will be calculated from the entire branch, since its fork point.
--workspaces, -w array List of Workspace names to run against
Advanced options
Option Type Description
--from-ref string Git ref to start looking for affected files or workspaces
--github-annotate boolean, default: true Annotate files in GitHub with errors when failing lint checks in GitHub Actions
--through-ref string Git ref to start looking for affected files or workspaces

one generate

Aliases: one gen

Generate files, folders, and Workspaces from templates.

one generate [options...]

To create new templates add a new folder to config/templates and create a .onegen.cjs configuration file. Follow the instructions online for more:

Option Type Description
--type, -t string Template type to generate. If not provided, a list will be provided to choose from.
Advanced options
Option Type Description Required
--templates-dir string, default: "config/templates" Path to the templates

one graph

Run core Graph commands

one graph <command>

one graph show

Show this repository’s Workspace Graph using an online visualizer or output Graph representations to various formats.

one graph show [options...]

This command can generate representations of your Workspace Graph for use in debugging, verifying, and documentation. By default, a URL will be given to visualize your Graph online.

Pass --open to auto-open your default browser with the URL or use one of the --format options to print out various other representations.

Option Type Description
--affected boolean Select all affected Workspaces. If no other inputs are chosen, this will default to true.
--all, -a boolean Run across all workspaces
--format, -f "mermaid", "plain", "json" Output format for inspecting the Workspace Graph.
--open boolean Auto-open the browser for the online visualizer.
--staged boolean Use files on the git stage to calculate affected files or Workspaces. When unset or --no-staged, changes will be calculated from the entire branch, since its fork point.
--workspaces, -w array List of Workspace names to run against
Advanced options
Option Type Description
--from-ref string Git ref to start looking for affected files or workspaces
--through-ref string Git ref to start looking for affected files or workspaces
--url string, default: "" Override the URL used to visualize the Graph. The Graph data will be attached the the g query parameter as a JSON string of the DAG, compressed using zLib deflate.

Print a URL to the online visualizer for the current affected Workspace graph.

one graph show

Open the online visualizer for your full Workspace graph.

one graph show --all --open

Generate a Mermaid graph to a file, isolating just the given <workspaces...> and those that are dependent on it.

one graph show --format=mermaid -w <workspaces...> > ./out.mermaid

one graph verify

Verify the integrity of the repo’s dependency Graph and files in each Workspace.

one graph verify

This command will first validate dependencies across Workspace Graph trees using the given --mode as well as Workspace configuration file integrity using the repo’s defined JSON schema validators.

Dependencies across Workspaces can be validated using one of the various modes:

  • off: No validation will occur. Everything goes.
  • loose: Reused third-party dependencies will be required to have semantic version overlap across unique branches of the Graph.
  • strict: Versions of all dependencies across each discrete Workspace dependency tree must be strictly equal.
Option Type Description
--mode "strict", "loose", "off", default: "loose" Dependency overlap validation method.
Advanced options
Option Type Description
--custom-schema string, default: "config/graph-schema.ts" Path to a custom JSON schema definition

one hooks

Manage git repository hooks

one hooks <command>

one hooks create

Create git hooks

one hooks create
Option Type Description
--add boolean, default: true Add the hooks to the git stage for committing.
--hook "applypatch-msg", "pre-applypatch", "post-applypatch", "pre-commit", "pre-merge-commit", "prepare-commit-msg", "commit-msg", "post-commit", "pre-rebase", "post-checkout", "post-merge", "pre-receive", "update", "post-receive", "post-update", "pre-auto-gc", "post-rewrite", "pre-push", "proc-receive", "push-to-checkout", default: ["pre-commit","post-checkout","post-merge","post-rewrite"] The git hook to create. Omit this option to auto-create recommended hooks.
--overwrite boolean Overwrite existing hooks
Advanced options
Option Type Description Required
--hooks-path string Tracked path to use for git hooks. This option is defaulted via the oneRepo root config.

one hooks init

Aliases: one hooks sync

Initialize and sync git hook settings for this repository.

one hooks init
Advanced options
Option Type Description Required
--hooks-path string Tracked path to use for git hooks.

one install

Install the oneRepo CLI into your environment.

one install [options...]
Option Type Description
--force boolean Force installation regardless of pre-existing command.
--location string Install location for the binary. Default location is chosen as default option for usr/bin dependent on the OS type.
--version string, default: "1.0.0" Version of oneRepo to install. Defaults to the current version.

one jest

Aliases: one test

Run tests using Jest.

one jest [options...] -- [passthrough]
one jest [options...]

This test commad will automatically attempt to run only the test files related to the changes in your working state. If you have un-committed changes, only those related to files that are in a modified state will be run. If there are no un-committed changes, test files related to those modified since your git merge-base will be run. By passing specific filepaths as extra passthrough arguments an argument separator (two dasshes --), you can further restrict the tests to those files and paths.

Additionally, any other Jest CLI options can be passed as passthrough arguments as well after an argument separator (two dashes --)

Option Type Description
--affected boolean Select all affected Workspaces. If no other inputs are chosen, this will default to true.
--all, -a boolean Run across all workspaces
--inspect boolean Break for the the Node inspector to debug tests.
--pretty boolean, default: true Control Jest’s --colors flag.
--staged boolean Use files on the git stage to calculate affected files or Workspaces. When unset or --no-staged, changes will be calculated from the entire branch, since its fork point.
--watch boolean Shortcut for jest --watch mode.
--workspaces, -w array List of Workspace names to run against
Advanced options
Option Type Description
--config string, default: "./jest.config.js" Path to the jest.config file, relative to the repo root.
--from-ref string Git ref to start looking for affected files or workspaces
--passWithNoTests boolean, default: true Allows the test suite to pass when no files are found. See plugin configuration to disable.
--through-ref string Git ref to start looking for affected files or workspaces

Run only tests related to modified files.

one jest ,test

Runs jest in --watch mode against the currently affected files.

one jest ,test --watch

Run Jest in watch mode against a particular file.

one jest ,test --watch -- path/to/test.ts

Pass any other Jest CLI options after the argument separator.

one jest ,test -- --runInBand --detectOpenHandles

one prettier

Aliases: one format

Format files with prettier

one prettier [options...]
Option Type Description
--add boolean Add modified files after write
--affected boolean Select all affected Workspaces. If no other inputs are chosen, this will default to true.
--all, -a boolean Run across all workspaces
--check boolean Check for changes.
--files, -f array Determine Workspaces from specific files
--staged boolean Use files on the git stage to calculate affected files or Workspaces. When unset or --no-staged, changes will be calculated from the entire branch, since its fork point.
--workspaces, -w array List of Workspace names to run against
Advanced options
Option Type Description
--cache boolean, default: true Use Prettier’s built-in cache to determin whether files need formatting or not.
--from-ref string Git ref to start looking for affected files or workspaces
--github-annotate boolean, default: true Annotate files in GitHub with errors when failing format checks in GitHub Actions.
--through-ref string Git ref to start looking for affected files or workspaces

one tasks

Run tasks against repo-defined lifecycles. This command will limit the tasks across the affected Workspace set based on the current state of the repository.

one tasks --lifecycle=<lifecycle> [options...]

You can fine-tune the determination of affected Workspaces by providing a --from-ref and/or through-ref. For more information, get help with --help --show-advanced.

Option Type Description Required
--affected boolean Select all affected Workspaces. If no other inputs are chosen, this will default to true.
--all, -a boolean Run across all workspaces
--ignore-unstaged boolean Force staged-changes mode on or off. If true, task determination and runners will ignore unstaged changes.
--lifecycle, -c "pre-commit", "post-commit", "post-checkout", "pre-merge", "post-merge", "build", "pre-deploy", "pre-publish", "post-publish" Task lifecycle to run. All tasks for the given lifecycle will be run as merged parallel tasks, followed by the merged set of serial tasks.
--list boolean List found tasks. Implies dry run and will not actually run any tasks.
--shard string Shard the lifecycle across multiple instances. Format as <shard-number>/<total-shards>
--staged boolean Backup unstaged files and use only those on the git stage to calculate affected files or workspaces. Will re-apply the unstaged files upon exit.
--workspaces, -w array List of Workspace names to run against
Advanced options
Option Type Description
--from-ref string Git ref to start looking for affected files or workspaces
--ignore array, default: ["**/","**/"] List of filepath strings or globs to ignore when matching tasks to files.
--through-ref string Git ref to start looking for affected files or workspaces

Shard all tasks for the pre-merge lifecycle into 5 groups and runs the first shard.

one tasks --lifecycle=pre-merge --shard=1/5

Shard all tasks for the pre-merge lifecycle into 5 groups and runs the third shard.

one tasks --lifecycle=pre-merge --shard=3/5

one tsc

Aliases: one typescript, one typecheck

Sync TS project references

one tsc [options...]

Checks for the existence of tsconfig.json file and batches running tsc --noEmit in each Workspace.

Option Type Description
--affected boolean Select all affected Workspaces. If no other inputs are chosen, this will default to true.
--all, -a boolean Run across all workspaces
--pretty boolean, default: true Control TypeScript’s --pretty flag.
--staged boolean Use files on the git stage to calculate affected files or Workspaces. When unset or --no-staged, changes will be calculated from the entire branch, since its fork point.
--workspaces, -w array List of Workspace names to run against
Advanced options
Option Type Description
--from-ref string Git ref to start looking for affected files or workspaces
--through-ref string Git ref to start looking for affected files or workspaces
--tsconfig string, default: "tsconfig.json" The filename of the tsconfig to find in each Workspace.
--use-project-references, --project-references, --project-refs boolean, default: true Automatically sync and use typescript project references

one vitest

Aliases: one test

Run unit tests using Vitest

one vitest ,test [options...] -- [passthrough]
one vitest [options...]

This test commad will automatically attempt to run only the test files related to the changes in your git branch. By passing specific filepaths as extra passthrough arguments after two dashes (--), you can further restrict the tests to those specific files only.

Additionally, any other Vitest CLI options can be used as passthrough arguments as well after an argument separator (two dashes --).

Option Type Description
--affected boolean Select all affected Workspaces. If no other inputs are chosen, this will default to true.
--all, -a boolean Run across all workspaces
--inspect boolean Break for the the Node inspector to debug tests.
--staged boolean Use files on the git stage to calculate affected files or Workspaces. When unset or --no-staged, changes will be calculated from the entire branch, since its fork point.
--watch boolean Shortcut for vitest --watch mode.
--workspaces, -w array List of Workspace names to run against
Advanced options
Option Type Description
--config string, default: "./vitest.config.ts" Path to the vitest.config file, relative to the repo root.
--from-ref string Git ref to start looking for affected files or workspaces
--through-ref string Git ref to start looking for affected files or workspaces

Run only tests related to modified files.

one vitest ,test

Run vitest in --watch mode.

one vitest ,test --watch

Run vitest in watch mode with a particular file.

one vitest ,test --watch -- path/to/test.ts

Run all tests in a given Workspace.

one vitest ,test -w <workspaces...>

one workspace

Aliases: one ws

Run commands within individual Workspaces.

one workspace <workspace-name> <commands...> [options...] -- [passthrough...]

This enables running both custom commands as defined via the configuration option within each Workspace as well as commands.passthrough aliases.

Arguments for passthrough commands meant for the underlying command must be sent after --.

Positional Type Description
command string Command to run.
workspace-name string The name or alias of a Workspace.

one workspace docs

Aliases: one workspace @onerepo/docs

Runs commands in the "@onerepo/docs" Workspace.

one workspace docs astro

Run Astro directly.

one workspace docs build

Build the documentation site for production.

one workspace docs changelogs

Aliases: one workspace docs pull-changelogs

Update changelogs from source files

Option Type Description
--add boolean Add files to the git index
--affected boolean Select all affected Workspaces. If no other inputs are chosen, this will default to true.
--all, -a boolean Run across all workspaces
--files, -f array Determine Workspaces from specific files
--staged boolean Use files on the git stage to calculate affected files or Workspaces. When unset or --no-staged, changes will be calculated from the entire branch, since its fork point.
--workspaces, -w array List of Workspace names to run against
Advanced options
Option Type Description
--from-ref string Git ref to start looking for affected files or workspaces
--through-ref string Git ref to start looking for affected files or workspaces

one workspace docs check

Check Astro pages for errors.

one workspace docs collect-content

Generate docs for the oneRepo monorepo

Option Type Description
--add boolean Add files to the git index
--affected boolean Select all affected Workspaces. If no other inputs are chosen, this will default to true.
--all, -a boolean Run across all workspaces
--files, -f array Determine Workspaces from specific files
--staged boolean Use files on the git stage to calculate affected files or Workspaces. When unset or --no-staged, changes will be calculated from the entire branch, since its fork point.
--workspaces, -w array List of Workspace names to run against
Advanced options
Option Type Description
--from-ref string Git ref to start looking for affected files or workspaces
--through-ref string Git ref to start looking for affected files or workspaces

one workspace docs start

Start the Astro dev server.

one workspace docs typedoc

Generate typedoc markdown files for the toolchain.

one workspace docs typedoc
Option Type Description
--add boolean Add files to the git index

one workspace github-action

Aliases: one workspace @onerepo/github-action

Runs commands in the "@onerepo/github-action" Workspace.

one workspace github-action build

Build public Workspaces using esbuild.

one workspace github-action build [options...]
Option Type Description
--affected boolean Select all affected Workspaces. If no other inputs are chosen, this will default to true.
--all, -a boolean Run across all workspaces
--staged boolean Use files on the git stage to calculate affected files or Workspaces. When unset or --no-staged, changes will be calculated from the entire branch, since its fork point.
--workspaces, -w array List of Workspace names to run against
Advanced options
Option Type Description
--from-ref string Git ref to start looking for affected files or workspaces
--through-ref string Git ref to start looking for affected files or workspaces

Build all Workspaces.

one workspace github-action build

Build the graph Workspace only.

one workspace github-action build -w graph

Build the graph, cli, and logger workspaces.

one workspace github-action build -w graph cli logger

{/* end-auto-generated-from-cli */}

{/* start-auto-generated-from-cli-eslint /} {/ @generated SignedSource<<2b199521d00842c4e062346aa19ca9f1>> */}

one eslint

Aliases: one lint

Run eslint across files and workspaces

one eslint [options...]
Option Type Description
--add boolean Add modified files after write to the git stage.
--affected boolean Select all affected Workspaces. If no other inputs are chosen, this will default to true.
--all, -a boolean Run across all workspaces
--cache boolean, default: true Use cache if available
--extensions array, default: ["ts","tsx","js","jsx","cjs","mjs","astro"]
--files, -f array Determine Workspaces from specific files
--fix boolean, default: true Apply auto-fixes if possible
--pretty boolean, default: true Control ESLint’s --color flag.
--quiet boolean Report errors only
--staged boolean Use files on the git stage to calculate affected files or Workspaces. When unset or --no-staged, changes will be calculated from the entire branch, since its fork point.
--workspaces, -w array List of Workspace names to run against
Advanced options
Option Type Description
--from-ref string Git ref to start looking for affected files or workspaces
--github-annotate boolean, default: true Annotate files in GitHub with errors when failing lint checks in GitHub Actions
--show-advanced boolean Pair with --help to show advanced options.
--through-ref string Git ref to start looking for affected files or workspaces

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