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exaphaser edited this page Nov 27, 2015 · 4 revisions

Welcome to the iTunesMobileDevice-Hook wiki!

iTunesMobileDevice-Hook can be used to hook Apple's iTunesMobileDevice.dll.

It poses as iTunesMobileDevice.dll, and intercepts calls to the library and passes them to the real library, called iTunesMobileDeviceReal.dll. With this approach, the program can intercept calls to modify parameters and monitor function calls. By default, the library outputs to the debug stream, which can be viewed on a debugger such as the Visual Studio Debugger.

##Contributions If you know more about the unfortunately, completely undocumented iTunesMobileDevice.dll library, please share your knowledge by adding to the method signatures, which can be automated through the GenerateStubs project.

##Build notes:

  • If you are on a 64-bit machine, make sure the build configuration is x64
  • When building to the default output directory, you will have to be running as Administrator, as the library's target is Common Program Files.
  • Finally, before you build, back up your iTunesMobileDevice.dll file, and rename it iTunesMobileDeviceReal.dll
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