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Use cases with Burito

Paul edited this page Jul 3, 2013 · 1 revision

Different use cases and the different command lines

1. Basic example

< input type="text" name="login" value="">
< input type="password" name="password" value="">

Command line

python --dico --file=passwords.txt --u="" login=admin --p=password

2. Burito and Cookies ?

Same code as previous example.
The actual login form is only accessible for authenticated users.

python --dico --file=passwords.txt --u="" login=admin --p=password --cookie="SESSIONID=ab7cde9c"

3. Password is only digits.

Same code as previous example.
If we know that the actual password only contains digits and the length of the password is 4 then :

python --brute --min=4 --max=4 -u "" login=admin --p=password --cookie="SESSIONID=ab7cde9c" --Charset="[0-9]"

4. Web app checking User Agent

Same code as previous example.
Some web apps check the User-Agent and redirect scripts if it doesn't fit a proper User-Agent. Per default, User-Agent is : "Burito Scanner"

python --dico --file=passwords.txt --u="" login=admin --p=password --user_agent=="My Specific User Agent"

5. Generated values in form

Imagine a form containing this :

< input type="text" name="login" value="">
< input type="password" name="password" value="">
< input type="hidden" name="csrf_token" value="ab7def894bcd24">

Some parameters can be generated directly when form got loaded. Burito script is connecting to the page, gathering all the informations (cookies, forms inputs..) and creating the specified request.

python --dico --file=passwords.txt --u="" login=admin --p=password --user_agent="My Specific User Agent" --g

6. Mastering the status code !

During my audits, I got confronted with some web applications redirecting people (HTTP Redirect 302) when the login failed. However, with Python, if the status code is not a 200, it's raised as an exception. An option has been implemented to manage those status code.

Use case : When login failed, redirect user to /loginForm

python --dico --file=passwords.txt --u="" login=admin --p=password --status-code=302

If I want to continue with different status code, just separate them with a comma ','

python --dico --file=passwords.txt --u="" login=admin --p=password --status-code=302

7. Gimme more threads !

If you're machine looks like a Super Cosmic Monkey, you can specify the number of threads you want to run on the machine.

Example : 50 threads ?

python --dico --file=passwords.txt --u="" login=admin --p=password --t=50

8. Log my session.

You can specify a file where you want to log the ouput.
If none, it will be displayed in the terminal itself.

python --dico --file=passwords.txt --u="" login=admin --p=password