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Compatibility Classes


Framework for resolving functions with different names & availabilities across browsers.

Data Types Classes


Represents a point in 2D space.


Describes the scrollability of an element on its axes.

Environment Classes


A breakpoint following a mobile-first philosophy.

Event Classes


Browser-friendly Emitter class.


Addons Constants

listenerOptions : EventListenerOptionsCompat

Compatibility Constants

compatCancelAnimationFrame : CompatResolver.<CompatCancelAnimationFrame>
compatNow : CompatResolver.<CompatNow>
compatRequestAnimationFrame : CompatResolver.<CompatRequestAnimationFrame>


Addons Functions

setUpInterfaceDetection(win, doc)

Adds hover and touch classes once to the documentElement when mouse/stylus & touch events detected.


Adds event listeners to window, setting tab-focus and tab-focus-within classes on focused elements.

Arrays Functions

allowValues(allowedValues, subject)Array

Filter unknown values out of a given array.

arraysAreEqual(a, b, strict)boolean

Check whether 2 arrays are equal.

assertArray(value, [minLength], [fill])Array

Make sure that a value is an array.


Get a copy of an array.

denyValues(deniedValues, subject)Array

Filter known values out of a given array.

flatten(arr, [depth])Array

Flatten an array up to a set number of levels.

getIndexedValue(arr, idx, key)Object | undefined

Get indexed entry of an array by the indexed property.

indexArray(arr, uniqueKey)

Index an array of objects to quickly access its entries by a unique key.

rotateArray(arr, [rotation])Array

Get a rotated copy of an array.


Shuffle the elements of an array.


Strip array to unique values.

Async Functions

getHTML(url, headers, body)Promise.<RequestUtilResponse>

Get HTML via AJAX.

getJSON(url, headers, body)Promise.<RequestUtilResponse>

Get JSON via AJAX.


Add status props to a Promise.

request(method, type, url, headers, body)Promise.<RequestUtilResponse>

Make simple AJAX requests


Unwrap promises once resolved.

CSS Functions

convertPxToRem(px, useRealValue)number

Convert a pixel value to the equivalent rem value.

convertRemToPx(rem, useRealValue)number

Convert a rem value to a pixel value

ensureCSSUnits(value, units, fallback)string

Get the em (font size) of an element.


Get the em (font size) of an element.


Parse a CSS color string into red, green, blue, and alpha components.


Parse a CSS time string into ms.

Comparisons Functions

byNumericValue(a, b)number

Compare 2 values numerically.

compareProps(prop, subjectA, subjectB)number

Compare a property of 2 objects.

Compatibility Functions

polyfill(scope, methodName, resolver)void

Environment Functions


Calculate the width of the native scrollbars.


Try to determine the client browser.


Try to identify development environment from location host TLD.


Get an object of preset matchMedia media queries.

Event Functions

dispatchCustomEvent(eventType, [target], [options])boolean

Dispatch a custom event.


Get the bubble path of an event.


Vanilla JS replacement for jQuery document ready.

Fallback Functions

fallbackUntil(validate, ...values)*

Return the first argument that satisfies a validation callback.

fallbackUntilAsync(validate, ...values)Promise.<?*>

Resolve to the first argument that satisfies an async validation callback.

Functional Programming Functions


Create one function that runs multiple functions on the same arguments.

batchApply(fn, argsArray, thisArg)Array

Call one function multiple times with an array of values/value arrays to pass to each call.


Compose multiple functions into one function.

debounce(fn, wait, [leading])

Debounce a function by setting a minimum elapsed time between invocations.

makeValidator(fns, strictMode)function

Turn a series of functions into a testing function.

partial(fn, ...partials)function

Partially apply arguments to a function without setting this.

partialRight(fn, ...partials)function

Partially apply arguments to a function from right-to-left without setting this.


Sequence multiple functions into one function.

throttle(fn, wait)function

Throttle a high-frequecy and/or resource intensive function.

Math Functions

capMinMax(min, max, value)number

Cap a value to between minimum and maximum values.

toDecimal(digitsAfterDecimal, value)number

Cast a single value to decimal of specified precision.


Cast a single value to integer.

toNumber(value, [fallback])number

Cast value to number.

Media Functions


Preload an image for the browser, resolves to success/error state.


Test if an image URL is valid.

Node & Element Functions

applyEventListeners(eventTarget, listeners)

Add listeners for multiple events to one DOM element.

createElem(tagName, props, ...children)HTMLElement

Create an HTMLElement.


Get the full page offset for an element.

getParents(node, includeSelf)Array.<Node>

Get all parent elements for an element.


Get the scroll parent of an element.


Determine whether a DOM object is in the current DOM.


Check if any part of an element is within the viewport.

isSameOrChildNode(potentialParentNode, targetNode)boolean

Determine whether a DOM object is the same or parent of another DOM object.


Check whether a node has currently scrollable overflow.

scrollIntoView(el, [offset])

Scroll the window to the vertical position of an element.

setPrefixedStyle(elem, styleName, styleValue, prefixValues)

Apply a style to a DOM element with vendor prefixes.

Object Functions

allowProps(allowedProps, subject)Object

Remove unknown properties from a given object (DESTRUCTIVE).

denyProps(deniedProps, subject)Object

Remove known properties from a given object (DESTRUCTIVE).

diff(source, compareTo, [depth])Object

Get the difference between one object and another recursively.

extend(target, extensions, [depth])Object

Copy properties from one object to another recursively.

hasAllProps(proplist, subject)boolean

Verify that an object has all of the supplied properties.

hasAnyProps(proplist, subject)boolean

Verify that an object has at least one of the supplied properties.

matchProps(prop, subjectA, subjectB)boolean

Check a property of 2 objects to see if the values match.


Snapshot the properties of an object.

String Functions


Camel case a string.


Copy a string to the users clipboard.

formatSeconds(seconds, [forceHours])string

Get a formatted string representation of time in seconds.


Get a unique id string.


Kebab case a string.

leftPad(str, length, [char])string

Add left padding to a string.


Lower case the first letter of a string.


Lower case the first letter of each word in a string.


Pascal case a string.


Join path segments.


Turn a fractional number into a percentage string.


Sentence case a string.


Snake case a string.


Strip the case of a string.

stripEnd(match, str)string

Strip substrings from the end of a string.

stripStart(match, str)string

Strip substrings from the start of a string.


Title case a string.


Title snake case a string (aka PHP class case).


Upper case the first letter of a string.


Upper case the first letter of each word in a string.


Upper snake case a string (aka constant case).

Type Functions

areSameType(value, ...values)boolean

Check whether any number of values are of the same type.


Check if value is an Array


Determine whether a value is a callable function


Check if a value is a DOM object, a.k.a. Node


Reliable method of determining if int


Check if value is a number


Check if value is numeric


Determine whether a value is an Object


Determine whether a value is a Plain Old Javascript Object (POJO)


Check if a value is a string


Parse for boolean.

RECT : enum     🔒 Read only

Rect properties

TIME : enum     🔒 Read only

Time constants.


Name Type Description
SECOND number 1 second in milliseconds.
MINUTE number 1 minute in milliseconds.
HOUR number 1 hour in milliseconds.
DAY number 1 day in milliseconds.
WEEK number 1 week in milliseconds.
MONTH number 1 month in milliseconds.
YEAR number 1 year in milliseconds.

FREQ : enum     🔒 Read only

Common frequency periods (time from peak to peak).


Name Type Description
HZ_15 number Period for frequency of 15Hz. Visual updates throttled to 15Hz will feel slow.
HZ_30 number Period for frequency of 30Hz. Visual updates throttled to 30Hz may be noticed by users, but should be acceptable.
HZ_60 number Period for frequency of 60Hz. Users shouldn't be able to detect visual updates throttled to 60Hz.
FPS_15 number Alias of FREQ.HZ_15.
FPS_30 number Alias of FREQ.HZ_30.
FPS_60 number Alias of FREQ.HZ_60.

ParsedCSSColor : Object


Name Type Description
red number Red value of parsed color.
green number Green value of parsed color.
blue number Blue value of parsed color.
alpha number Alpha value of parsed color.
value string The CSS color string for the parsed color.

listenerOptions : EventListenerOptionsCompat     🔒 Read only

setUpInterfaceDetection(win, doc)

Adds hover and touch classes once to the documentElement when mouse/stylus & touch events detected.

Param Type Description
win Window Window to listen for events.
doc Document Document to recieve classes.

setUpTabFocus() ⇒ function

Adds event listeners to window, setting tab-focus and tab-focus-within classes on focused elements.

Returns: function - Teardown function to remove listeners.

EventListenerOptionsCompat : Object


Name Type Description
normal boolean | EventListenerOptions Listener will behave as default.
passive boolean | EventListenerOptions Listener will be passive if supported.
capture boolean | EventListenerOptions Listener will dispatched as the event bubbles down.
passiveCapture boolean | EventListenerOptions Listener will capture and be passive if supported.

allowValues(allowedValues, subject) ⇒ Array

Filter unknown values out of a given array.

Returns: Array - Filtered array.

Param Type Description
allowedValues Array Array of allowed values/objects.
subject Array Array to filter.


allow([2,4], [1,1,2,3,4,4,4,5,9]); // -> [2,4,4,4]

arraysAreEqual(a, b, strict) ⇒ boolean

Check whether 2 arrays are equal.

Param Type Description
a Array First array.
b Array Second array.
strict boolean Whether to evaluate each item, or just compare JSON strings.

assertArray(value, [minLength], [fill]) ⇒ Array

Make sure that a value is an array.

Param Type Default Description
value * Value to check.
[minLength] number 0 Minimum length for returned array.
[fill] * Value to insert when filling. If function, will be called with the current index, inserting the returned value.

copyArray(arr) ⇒ Array

Get a copy of an array.

Get a copy of an array. Just aliases Array.prototype.slice to better communicate intent.

Param Type
arr Array


let a = [1,2,3];
let b = copyArray(a);
a == b; // -> false
arraysAreEqual(a,b); // -> true

denyValues(deniedValues, subject) ⇒ Array

Filter known values out of a given array.

Returns: Array - Filtered array.

Param Type Description
deniedValues Array Array of denied values/objects.
subject Array Array to filter.


var nums = [1,1,2,3,4,4,4,5,9];
nums = denyValues([2,4], nums); // -> [1,1,3,5,9]

flatten(arr, [depth]) ⇒ Array

Flatten an array up to a set number of levels.

Param Type Default Description
arr Array Array to flatten.
[depth] number 1 Max depth of flattening.


flatten([1,2,[3,4],5]); // -> [1,2,3,4,5]
flatten([1,2,[3,[4]],5], 1); // -> [1,2,3,[4],5]
flatten([1,2,[3,[[[[4]]]]],5], Infinity); // -> [1,2,3,4,5]

getIndexedValue(arr, idx, key) ⇒ Object | undefined

Get indexed entry of an array by the indexed property.

Get indexed entry of an array by the indexed property.

  • Assumes idx is up to date with arr.
Param Type Description
arr Array.<Object> Array of indexed objects
idx Map.<K, number> Array index
key K


const fruitsInKitchen = [
	{ name: "banana" },
	{ name: "kiwi" },
const [fruitsByName] = indexArray(fruitsInKitchen, "name");
getIndexedValue(fruitsInKitchen, fruitsByName, "kiwi"); // => { name: "kiwi" }

indexArray(arr, uniqueKey) ⇒

Index an array of objects to quickly access its entries by a unique key.

Returns: Index object and prefilled accessor function

Param Type Description
arr Array.<T>
uniqueKey string Key for a property that will be unique for each member of the array.


const fruitsInKitchen = [
	{ name: "banana" },
	{ name: "kiwi" },
	{ name: "mango" },
const [fruitsByName, getFruitsByName] = indexArray(fruitsInKitchen, "name");
fruitsByName.get("kiwi"); // => { name: "kiwi" }
getFruitsByName("mango"); // => { name: "mango" }
getFruitsByName("banana") === fruitsInKitchen[0]; // => true

indexArray~idx : ArrayIndex.<T>

rotateArray(arr, [rotation]) ⇒ Array

Get a rotated copy of an array.

Param Type Default Description
arr Array
[rotation] number 1 Index to rotate to / Number of places to rotate by.


let arr = [1,2,3,4];
rotateArray(arr); // -> [2,3,4,1]
rotateArray(arr, 3); // -> [4,1,2,3]
rotateArray(arr, -2); // -> [3,4,1,2]

shuffleArray(arr) ⇒ Array

Shuffle the elements of an array.

Shuffle the elements of an array. Uses the Durstenfeld shuffle.

  • Shuffles in place, use arr.slice(0) to get a copy of the array to shuffle.
Param Type
arr Array


const numbers = [1,2,3,4,5];
shuffleArray(numbers); // -> [1,4,2,5,3]

uniq(arr) ⇒ Array

Strip array to unique values.

Returns: Array - Array of unique values.

Param Type Description
arr Array An array.


uniq([1, 1, 3, 'cat', 1, 'cat']); // -> [1, 3, 'cat']

getHTML(url, headers, body) ⇒ Promise.<RequestUtilResponse>

Get HTML via AJAX.

Param Type Description
url string The URL to request.
headers Object.<string, *> Object of key:value headers.
body string, Document, Blob, BufferSource, FormData, URLSearchParams, ReadableStream Request body.

getJSON(url, headers, body) ⇒ Promise.<RequestUtilResponse>

Get JSON via AJAX.

Param Type Description
url string The URL to request.
headers Object.<string, *> Object of key:value headers.
body string, Document, Blob, BufferSource, FormData, URLSearchParams, ReadableStream Request body.

makeVerbosePromise(promise) ⇒ VerbosePromise.<T>

Add status props to a Promise.

This function allow you to modify a JS Promise by adding some status properties.

Based on:

But modified according to the specs of promises :

Param Type
promise Promise.<T>

request(method, type, url, headers, body) ⇒ Promise.<RequestUtilResponse>

Make simple AJAX requests

Link: XMLHttpRequest.responseType

Param Type Description
method string Request method, case insensitive.
type XMLHttpRequestResponseType Response type.
url string The URL to request.
headers Object.<string, *> Object of key:value headers.
body string, Document, Blob, BufferSource, FormData, URLSearchParams, ReadableStream Request body.

unwrapPromises(...promises) ⇒ Array.<*>

Unwrap promises once resolved.

Unwrap promises once resolved. ! Make sure all individual promises have potential rejections handled, as each will be await-ed without error handling.

Param Type
...promises Promise.<*>

VerbosePromise : Promise


Name Type Description
isFulfilled boolean Promise has been resolved.
isRejected boolean Promise has been rejected.
isPending boolean Promise is not yet settled.

convertPxToRem(px, useRealValue) ⇒ number

Convert a pixel value to the equivalent rem value.

Param Type
px number
useRealValue boolean

convertRemToPx(rem, useRealValue) ⇒ number

Convert a rem value to a pixel value

Param Type
rem number
useRealValue boolean

ensureCSSUnits(value, units, fallback) ⇒ string

Param Type Description
value string CSS value as string.
units Array.<string> Units to check for at the end of the value string.
fallback string Unit to add if no matching unit detected.

getEm(el) ⇒ number

Get the em (font size) of an element.

Param Type Description
el Element Element to get em value from.

getRem() ⇒ number

Get the em (font size) of an element.

parseCSSColor(color) ⇒ ParsedCSSColor

Parse a CSS color string into red, green, blue, and alpha components.

Parse a CSS color string into red, green, blue, and alpha components.

  • Passing an invalid color will return the components for transparent black, with an empty string as the value property.
Param Type Description
color string CSS color value, case-insensitive.

parseCSSTime(cssTimeStr) ⇒ number

Parse a CSS time string into ms.

Param Type Description
cssTimeStr string Valid CSS time in seconds or milliseconds

byNumericValue(a, b) ⇒ number

Compare 2 values numerically.

Compare 2 values numerically.

  • Non-numeric values are considered "greater".
Param Type
a *
b *

compareProps(prop, subjectA, subjectB) ⇒ number

Compare a property of 2 objects.

Returns: number - 0 if equal, 1 if more, -1 if less.

Param Type Description
prop string The property by which to evaluate.
subjectA Object The object to evaluate.
subjectB Object Another object to evaluate.


Framework for resolving functions with different names & availabilities across browsers.


Name Type
candidates Array.<CompatResolverCandidate>
scope Object


new exports.CompatResolver(candidates, [scope])

Param Type
candidates Array.<CompatResolverCandidate>
[scope] Object

compatResolver.add(fn, [scope], [prepend]) ⇒ void

Add additional candidates to an existing CompatResolver instance.

Param Type Default Description
fn string, function Either the member name of a candidate function within the scope, or a function that returns a candidate function.
[scope] Object An optional scope object to check for the candidate function, defaults to scope of the CompatResolver instance.
[prepend] boolean false Whether to prepend the candidate to the list, default false.

compatResolver.resolve([forceEvaluation]) ⇒ T

Resolve the candidates to a usable implementation.

Returns: T - Resolved compat function.

Param Type Default Description
[forceEvaluation] boolean false Force (re)evaluation of candidates.

compatCancelAnimationFrame : CompatResolver.<CompatCancelAnimationFrame>

compatRequestAnimationFrame : CompatResolver.<CompatRequestAnimationFrame>

polyfill(scope, methodName, resolver) ⇒ void

Param Type Description
scope Object Method/function scope.
methodName string Method name.
resolver CompatResolver, Array.<CompatResolverCandidate>

CompatCancelAnimationFrame ⇒ void

Param Type
handle number

CompatNow ⇒ DOMHighResTimeStamp | number

A cross-browser function for calculating timings.

Defaults to, falling back to

CompatRequestAnimationFrame ⇒ number

Param Type
callback FrameRequestCallback

CompatResolverCandidate : Object


Name Type Description
fn string | function Either the member name of a candidate function within the scope, or a function that returns a candidate function.
scope Object An optional scope object to check for the candidate function, defaults to the global object (window in browsers, global for node)


Represents a point in 2D space.


new exports.Point2D(coordinates)


  • TypeError
Param Type
coordinates Object
coordinates.x number
coordinates.y number

point2D.x : number

The X coordinate.

point2D.y : number

The Y coordinate.


Describes the scrollability of an element on its axes.


new exports.ScrollbarStatus(status)

Param Type Description
status Object
status.any boolean Element can scroll vertically or horizontally.
status.both boolean Element can scroll vertically and horizontally.
status.x boolean Element can scroll horizontally.
status.y boolean Element can scroll vertically.

scrollbarStatus.any : boolean

Element can scroll vertically or horizontally.

scrollbarStatus.both : boolean

Element can scroll vertically and horizontally.

scrollbarStatus.x : boolean

Element can scroll horizontally.

scrollbarStatus.y : boolean

Element can scroll vertically.


A breakpoint following a mobile-first philosophy. : string

Breakpoint identifier.

mediaBreakpoint.min : number

Minumum viewport width.

mediaBreakpoint.unit : "px" | "em" | "rem"

Breakpoint unit.

mediaBreakpoint.up : MediaQueryList

The breakpoint media query. : MediaBreakpoint

A link to the "next" breakpoint, assuming in order of increasing viewport widths.

calculateScrollbarWidth() ⇒ number

Calculate the width of the native scrollbars.

Returns: number - Width of native browser scrollbars in px.

detectBrowser() ⇒ string     🚫 Deprecated

Try to determine the client browser.

Returns: string - Detected browser.

isDev() ⇒ boolean     🚫 Deprecated

Try to identify development environment from location host TLD.

Returns: boolean - Whether it was able to detect current environment as 'dev'.

setUpMediaQueries(breakpoints) ⇒ Object

Get an object of preset matchMedia media queries.

Param Type Description
breakpoints Array.<MediaBreakpoint> Array of Breakpoint objects.

dispatchCustomEvent(eventType, [target], [options]) ⇒ boolean

Dispatch a custom event.

Dispatch a custom event of type eventType on target, defaults to document.

  • Returns true on success, false on failure.
Param Type Default Description
eventType string The event type.
[target] EventTarget document The element to dispatch the event.
[options] Object Event options.
[options.bubbles] boolean false Whether the event will bubble.
[options.cancelable] boolean false Whether the event is cancelable.
[options.composed] boolean false Whether the event is composed.
[options.detail] * Any data to pass to the event handler.

getEventPath(event) ⇒ Array.<EventTarget>

Get the bubble path of an event.

Param Type
event Event


Vanilla JS replacement for jQuery document ready.

Param Type Description
fn function Callback for on document ready.

fallbackUntil(validate, ...values) ⇒ *

Return the first argument that satisfies a validation callback.

Return the first argument that satisfies a validation callback, or the last value provided.

  • Returns undefined if no values are passed.


  • TypeError If the callback isn't callable.
Param Type Description
validate function Validation callback.
...values * Variable number of candidate values.

fallbackUntilAsync(validate, ...values) ⇒ Promise.<?*>

Resolve to the first argument that satisfies an async validation callback.

Resolve to the first argument that satisfies an async validation callback, or the last value provided.

  • Resolves to undefined if no values are passed.


  • TypeError If the callback isn't callable.

See: fallbackUntil

Param Type Description
validate function Validation callback.
...values * Variable number of candidate values.

batch(...fns) ⇒ function

Create one function that runs multiple functions on the same arguments.

Create one function that runs multiple functions on the same arguments.

  • Returned function returns array of results in order of original args.
Param Type Description
...fns function Callable functions.


var abc = batch(a, b, c);
abc(x); // -> [a(x), b(x), c(x)];

batchApply(fn, argsArray, thisArg) ⇒ Array

Call one function multiple times with an array of values/value arrays to pass to each call.

Returns: Array - Array of returns from each call of fn.

Param Type Description
fn function Function to call.
argsArray Array.<Array> Array of arguments for function.
thisArg * Value to set as this for the function.


batchApply(Math.pow, [[2, 2], [10, 3]]) // -> [4, 1000]

compose(...fns) ⇒ function

Compose multiple functions into one function.

Param Type Description
...fns function Callable functions.


var abc = compose(a, b, c);
abc(x); // -> a(b(c(x)))

debounce(fn, wait, [leading]) ⇒

Debounce a function by setting a minimum elapsed time between invocations.

Debounce a function by setting a minimum elapsed time between invocations.

  • When called before the elapsed time, will return the last result
  • Debounced function has 2 methods:
    • flush(), which cancels the timer and immediately returns the result of the invoked function, and
    • cancel(), which just cancels the timer.

Returns: Debounced function.

Param Type Default Description
fn function Function to debounce.
wait number Minimum elapsed time between invoking fn.
[leading] boolean false Optional. Whether to invoke the function the first time is is called before waiting. Default false.

debounce~invokeFunc() ⇒ T

makeValidator(fns, strictMode) ⇒ function

Turn a series of functions into a testing function.

Param Type Description
fns Array.<function()> Array of functions to test arguments.
strictMode *, boolean Whether tested arguments have to pass all. tests (true/false -> AND/OR)

partial(fn, ...partials) ⇒ function

Partially apply arguments to a function without setting this.

Partially apply arguments to a function without setting this.

  • Use _ as a placeholder value, final arguments will fill those positions from left-to-right, appending any remaining arguments.
Param Type Description
fn function Function to partially apply.
...partials * Arguments to partially apply to fn.


Name Type Description
placeholder string "_", can be used as placeholder instead of the string literal.


let forceGreaterThanZero = partial(Math.max, 0);
forceGreaterThanZero(myNum) // ~= Math.max(0, myNum)

partialRight(fn, ...partials) ⇒ function

Partially apply arguments to a function from right-to-left without setting this.

Partially apply arguments to a function from right-to-left without setting this.

  • Use _ as a placeholder value, final arguments will replace those positions from right-to-left, prepending any remaining arguments.
Param Type Description
fn function Function to partially apply.
...partials * Arguments to partially apply to fn.


Name Type Description
placeholder string "_", can be used as placeholder instead of the string literal.


let divide = (a, b) => a / b;
let divideBy2 = partialRight(divide, 2);
divideBy2(myNum) // ~= divide(myNum, 2)


let addThenMultiply = (a, b, c) => (a + b) * c;
let add2ThenMultiply = partialRight(divide, 2, partialRight.placeholder);
add2ThenMultiply(1, 3) // === addThenMultiply(1, 2, 3) === 9

sequence(...fns) ⇒ function

Sequence multiple functions into one function.

Param Type Description
...fns function Callable functions.


var abc = sequence(a, b, c);
abc(x); // -> c(b(a(x)))

throttle(fn, wait) ⇒ function

Throttle a high-frequecy and/or resource intensive function.

Returns: function - Throttled function.

Param Type Description
fn function Function to throttle.
wait number Minimum number of millseconds to wait between calls.

capMinMax(min, max, value) ⇒ number

Cap a value to between minimum and maximum values.

Param Type Description
min number Minimum acceptable value.
max number Maximum acceptable value.
value number Value to cap.

toDecimal(digitsAfterDecimal, value) ⇒ number

Cast a single value to decimal of specified precision.

Cast a single value to decimal of specified precision.

  • Returns 0 if an array with length < 1 or string with non-numeral characters.
Param Type Description
digitsAfterDecimal number Integer number of significant digits after decimal.
value *

toInteger(value) ⇒ number

Cast a single value to integer.

Cast a single value to integer.

  • returns 0 if an array with length < 1 or string with non-numeral characters
Param Type
value *

toNumber(value, [fallback]) ⇒ number

Cast value to number.

Param Type Default Description
value * Value to attept converting to number.
[fallback] number 0 Number to return if value cannot be successfully converted to number. Default 0.

preloadImage(sources) ⇒ Promise.<boolean>

Preload an image for the browser, resolves to success/error state.

Param Type Description
sources Object
sources.srcset string A valid srcset attribute string for an image element.
sources.sizes string A valid sizes attribute string for an image element.
sources.src string A valid src attribute string for an image element.

testImageURL(url) ⇒ Promise.<boolean>

Test if an image URL is valid.

Test if an image is "good". Fails if:

  • url is empty or null, OR
  • url is the same as the URL of the page the user is currently on, OR
  • the image is corrupted in some way that prevents it from being loaded, OR
  • the image's metadata is corrupted in such a way that it's impossible to retrieve its dimensions, OR
  • the image is in a format not supported by the user agent.
Param Type Description
url string An image src URL.

applyEventListeners(eventTarget, listeners)

Add listeners for multiple events to one DOM element.

Param Type Description
eventTarget Element eventTarget DOM element to add event listeners.
listeners Array.<Array> listeners Array of addEventListener argument sets.

createElem(tagName, props, ...children) ⇒ HTMLElement

Create an HTMLElement.

Create an HTMLElement.

  • returns null for invalid tagName

See: ParentNode.append

Param Type Description
tagName string Element tag name.
props Object Element properties. Unrecognized props are kebab-cased and set as attributes.
...children Node, string Element child nodes.

getPageOffset(el) ⇒ Point2D

Get the full page offset for an element.

Param Type Description
el Element Element of which to find offset.

getParents(node, includeSelf) ⇒ Array.<Node>

Get all parent elements for an element.

Param Type Description
node Node Node to get parents of.
includeSelf boolean Whether to include starting node.

getScrollParent(node) ⇒ Node

Get the scroll parent of an element.

Param Type
node Node

isInDom(targetNode) ⇒ boolean

Determine whether a DOM object is in the current DOM.

Param Type Description
targetNode Node DOM object to check.

isInViewport(el) ⇒ boolean

Check if any part of an element is within the viewport.

Param Type
el HTMLElement

isSameOrChildNode(potentialParentNode, targetNode) ⇒ boolean

Determine whether a DOM object is the same or parent of another DOM object.

Param Type Description
potentialParentNode Node Parent DOM object to check lineage.
targetNode Node Child DOM object.

isScrollable(node) ⇒ ScrollbarStatus

Check whether a node has currently scrollable overflow.

Param Type
node Node

scrollIntoView(el, [offset])

Scroll the window to the vertical position of an element.

Param Type Default Description
el Element, string Element or selector to scroll into view.
[offset] number 0 Cast to int, vertical pixel offset from element.

setPrefixedStyle(elem, styleName, styleValue, prefixValues)

Apply a style to a DOM element with vendor prefixes.

Param Type Description
elem Element, jQuery Element to apply styles to.
styleName string The name of a CSS style.
styleValue string String-ified CSS style value.
prefixValues boolean Whether to prefix the values as well.

allowProps(allowedProps, subject) ⇒ Object

Remove unknown properties from a given object (DESTRUCTIVE).

Param Type Description
allowedProps Array.<string> Array of allowed property keys.
subject Object Object to be processed.


var o = {foo: 'bar', hello: 'world', sieze: 'today'};
allowProps(['foo', 'hello'], o); // o == {foo: 'bar', hello: 'world'}

denyProps(deniedProps, subject) ⇒ Object

Remove known properties from a given object (DESTRUCTIVE).

Param Type Description
deniedProps Array.<string> Array of denied property keys.
subject Object Object to be processed.


var o = {foo: 'bar', hello: 'world', sieze: 'today'};
denyProps(['foo', 'hello'], o); // o == {sieze: 'today'}

diff(source, compareTo, [depth]) ⇒ Object

Get the difference between one object and another recursively.

Param Type Default Description
source Object Object to get differences from.
compareTo Object Object to compare values to.
[depth] number -1 Max depth for recursion. Negative value -> no limit.

extend(target, extensions, [depth]) ⇒ Object

Copy properties from one object to another recursively.

Param Type Default Description
target Object Target object.
extensions Object Object with properties to copy.
[depth] number -1 Max depth for recursion. Negative value -> no limit.

hasAllProps(proplist, subject) ⇒ boolean

Verify that an object has all of the supplied properties.

Param Type Description
proplist Array.<string> List of property keys to check.
subject Object Object to check.

hasAnyProps(proplist, subject) ⇒ boolean

Verify that an object has at least one of the supplied properties.

Param Type Description
proplist Array.<string> List of property keys to check.
subject Object Object to check.

matchProps(prop, subjectA, subjectB) ⇒ boolean

Check a property of 2 objects to see if the values match.

Param Type Description
prop string The property by which to evaluate.
subjectA Object An object to evaluate.
subjectB Object Another object to evaluate.

snapshot(obj) ⇒ Object

Snapshot the properties of an object.

Param Type
obj Object

camelCase(str) ⇒ string

Camel case a string.

Param Type
str string


camelCase("This is my sample"); // => "thisIsMySample"


Copy a string to the users clipboard.

Param Type Description
str string String to copy to clipboard.

formatSeconds(seconds, [forceHours]) ⇒ string

Get a formatted string representation of time in seconds.

Returns: string - Formatted time string.

Param Type Default Description
seconds number Time in seconds.
[forceHours] boolean false Whether to include hours in the output when time is less than 1 hour.


formatSeconds(27); // => "0:27"
formatSeconds(3822); // => "1:03:42"

getUniqueId() ⇒ string

Get a unique id string.

kebabCase(str) ⇒ string

Kebab case a string.

Param Type
str string


kebabCase("This is my sample"); // => "this-is-my-sample"

leftPad(str, length, [char]) ⇒ string

Add left padding to a string.

Add left padding to a string. Only validation is converting non-zero falsey values for char to a single space.

Param Type Description
str string String to pad, value is cast to string.
length number Desired minimum string length.
[char] string Padding character, default single space.


leftPad("hello", 8); // => "   hello"
leftPad(24, 4, 0); // => "0024"

lowerCaseFirst(str) ⇒ string

Lower case the first letter of a string.

Param Type
str string

lowerCaseWords(str) ⇒ string

Lower case the first letter of each word in a string.

Param Type
str string

pascalCase(str) ⇒ string

Pascal case a string.

Param Type
str string


pascalCase("this is my sample"); // => "ThisIsMySample"

pathJoin(...segments) ⇒ string

Join path segments.

Param Type Description
...segments string, Array.<string> Path segments. Arrays and nested arrays will be flattened.

percentage(fraction) ⇒ string

Turn a fractional number into a percentage string.

Param Type
fraction number


percentage(0.725); // "72.5%"

sentenceCase(str) ⇒ string

Sentence case a string.

Param Type
str string


sentenceCase("this is my sample"); // => "This is my sample"

snakeCase(str) ⇒ string

Snake case a string.

Param Type
str string


snakeCase("This is my sample"); // => "this_is_my_sample"

stripCase(str) ⇒ string

Strip the case of a string.

Strip the case of a string: no capitals, words separated by a single space.

Param Type
str string

stripEnd(match, str) ⇒ string

Strip substrings from the end of a string.

Param Type Description
match string, RegExp Substring or regex to match.
str string

stripStart(match, str) ⇒ string

Strip substrings from the start of a string.

Param Type Description
match string, RegExp Substring or regex to match.
str string

titleCase(str) ⇒ string

Title case a string.

Param Type
str string


titleCase("this is my sample"); // => "This Is My Sample"

titleSnakeCase(str) ⇒ string

Title snake case a string (aka PHP class case).

Param Type
str string


upperSnakeCase("This is my sample"); // => "This_Is_My_Sample"

upperCaseFirst(str) ⇒ string

Upper case the first letter of a string.

Param Type
str string

upperCaseWords(str) ⇒ string

Upper case the first letter of each word in a string.

Param Type
str string

upperSnakeCase(str) ⇒ string

Upper snake case a string (aka constant case).

Param Type
str string


upperSnakeCase("This is my sample"); // => "THIS_IS_MY_SAMPLE"

areSameType(value, ...values) ⇒ boolean

Check whether any number of values are of the same type.

Check whether any number of values are of the same type.

  • checks typeof and object/function constructors.
Param Type Description
value * All other values are tested agains this value.
...values *

isArray(value) ⇒ boolean

Check if value is an Array

Param Type
value *

isCallable(fn) ⇒ boolean

Determine whether a value is a callable function

Param Type
fn *

isDomObject(value) ⇒ boolean

Check if a value is a DOM object, a.k.a. Node

Param Type
value *

isInt(value) ⇒ boolean

Reliable method of determining if int

Param Type
value *

isNumber(value) ⇒ boolean

Check if value is a number

Param Type
value *

isNumeric(value) ⇒ boolean

Check if value is numeric

Param Type
value *

isObject(value) ⇒ boolean

Determine whether a value is an Object

Param Type
value *

isPojo(value) ⇒ boolean

Determine whether a value is a Plain Old Javascript Object (POJO)

Param Type
value *

isString(value) ⇒ boolean

Check if a value is a string

Param Type
value *

parseBool(value) ⇒ boolean

Parse for boolean.

Parse for boolean. Checks for numeric strings, and "true", else casting to boolean.

Param Type
value string