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File metadata and controls

107 lines (82 loc) · 3.65 KB

Install the ASK CLI on your Cloud9 instance with the following command:

npm install ask-cli -g

Now, initialize the ASK CLI by issuing ask init --no-browser at the bash prompt.

Initialize the ASK CLI (expand for details)

Issue the following command:

ask init --no-browser

You should now see this screen in the command prompt. This step isused to select your AWS profile. Choose the default profile.

dixonaws:/environment$ ask init
? Please create a new profile or overwrite the existing profile.
 (Use arrow keys)
❯ Create new profile 
  Profile              Associated AWS Profile
  [default]                 "default" 

Next, you'll see the following screen to select the AWS profile to use for Lambda function deployment. Choose default:

? Please create a new profile or overwrite the existing profile.
 [default]                 "default"
-------------------- Initialize CLI --------------------
Setting up ask profile: [default]
? Please choose one from the following AWS profiles for skill's Lambda function deployment.
❯ default  
  Skip AWS credential for ask-cli. 
  Use the AWS environment variables. 

Next, you'll see a URL listed. You must use this URL to login to the developer console and obtain an Authorization Code.

Paste the following url to your browser:

? Please enter the Authorization Code:  

If all goes well, you should see this on the command prompt:

? Please create a new profile or overwrite the existing profile.
 [default]                 "default"
-------------------- Initialize CLI --------------------
Setting up ask profile: [default]
? Please choose one from the following AWS profiles for skill's Lambda function deployment.
Switch to 'Login with Amazon' page...
Tokens fetched and recorded in ask-cli config.
Vendor ID set as XXXXXXXXXX

Profile [default] initialized successfully.

he AWS CLI is already installed on Cloud9, so we just need to configure it with permanent credentials. This is needed for compatibility with the ASK CLI that we'll install later.

Detailed instructions to configure Cloud9 to use permenent credentials (expand for details)
  1. Launch Cloud9
  2. Open Cloud9 Preferences by clicking AWS Cloud9 > Preference or by clicking on the "gear" icon in the upper right corner of the Cloud9 window
  3. Click "AWS Settings"
  4. Disable "AWS managed temporary credentials"
  5. Open a bash prompt and type aws configure
  6. Enter the Access Key and Secret Access Key of a user that has AdministratorAccess credentials

Verify that everything worked by examining the file ~/.aws/credentials. It should resemble the following:

aws_access_key_id = ABCDEF1234567890
aws_secret_access_key = 2bacnfjjui689fwjek100009909922h

You should now be able to run AWS CLI commands using the credentials on your Cloud9 instance. For example run the following command from Cloud9's bash prompt:

aws s3 ls

...should return a list of the S3 buckets in your account.