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File metadata and controls

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Pharo 7 file streams guideline

Since the version 5, Pharo provides a new file streams API that makes the old one based on classes like FileStream or MultiByteBinaryOrTextStream deprecated. Pharo 7 makes the next important steps and removes usages of the old API from the kernel.

What you should remember

  • use file references as entry points to file streams
  • do not use FileStream class
  • 'file.txt' asFileReference readStream and similar methods now return an instance of ZnCharacterReadStream instead of MultiByteFileStream
  • 'file.txt' asFileReference writeStream and similar methods now return an instance of ZnCharacterWriteStream instead of MultiByteFileStream
  • the new API has more clear separation between binary and text files

Code conversion

In this section, we will present the most common examples of file stream usages. For simplicity, errors are not handled.

Force creation of a new file and write a UTF-8 text

obsolete code

FileStream forceNewFileNamed: '1.txt' do: [ :stream | stream nextPutAll: 'a ≠ b' ].

new code

'1.txt' asFileReference ensureDelete; 
    writeStreamDo: [ :stream | stream nextPutAll: 'a ≠ b' ].

Read UTF-8 text from an existing file

obsolete code

FileStream readOnlyFileNamed: '1.txt' do: [ :stream | 
    stream upToEnd ].

new code

'1.txt' asFileReference readStreamDo: [ :stream | 
    stream upToEnd ].

Get all content of existing UTF-8 file

obsolete code

(FileStream readOnlyFileNamed: '1.txt') contentsOfEntireFile.

new code

'1.txt' asFileReference readStream upToEnd.

Force creation of a new file and write binary data into it

obsolete code

(FileStream forceNewFileNamed: '1.bin') 
    nextPutAll: #[1 2 3].

new code

'1.bin' asFileReference ensureDelete; 
    binaryWriteStreamDo: [ :stream | stream nextPutAll: #[1 2 3] ].

Read binary data from an existing file

obsolete code

(FileStream readOnlyFileNamed: '1.bin') binary; contentsOfEntireFile.

new code

'1.bin' asFileReference binaryReadStream upToEnd.

Force creation of a new file with a different encoding

obsolete code

FileStream forceNewFileNamed: '2.txt' do: [ :stream | 
    stream converter: (TextConverter newForEncoding: 'cp-1250').
    stream nextPutAll: 'Příliš žluťoučký kůň úpěl ďábelské ódy.' ].

new code

('2.txt' asFileReference) ensureDelete;
    writeStreamEncoded: 'cp-1250' do: [ :stream |
        stream nextPutAll: 'Příliš žluťoučký kůň úpěl ďábelské ódy.' ].

Read encoded text from an existing file

obsolete code

FileStream readOnlyFileNamed: '2.txt' do: [ :stream | 
    stream converter: (TextConverter newForEncoding: 'cp-1250').
    stream upToEnd ].

new code

('2.txt' asFileReference)
    readStreamEncoded: 'cp-1250' do: [ :stream |
        stream upToEnd ].

Write a UTF-8 text to STDOUT

obsolete code

FileStream stdout nextPutAll: 'a ≠ b'; lf.

new code

(ZnCharacterWriteStream on: Stdio stdout)
    nextPutAll: 'a ≠ b'; lf;

Write CP-1250 encoded text to STDOUT

obsolete code

FileStream stdout 
    converter: (TextConverter newForEncoding: 'cp-1250');
    nextPutAll: 'Příliš žluťoučký kůň úpěl ďábelské ódy.'; lf.

new code

(ZnCharacterWriteStream on: Stdio stdout encoding: 'cp1250')
    nextPutAll: 'Příliš žluťoučký kůň úpěl ďábelské ódy.'; lf;

Read a UTF-8 text from STDIN

CAUTION: Following code will stop your VM until an input on STDIN will be provided!

obsolete code

FileStream stdin upTo: Character lf.

new code

(ZnCharacterReadStream on: Stdio stdin) upTo: Character lf.

Write binary data to STDOUT

obsolete code

FileStream stdout 
    nextPutAll: #[80 104 97 114 111 10 ].

new code

Stdio stdout 
    nextPutAll: #[80 104 97 114 111 10 ].

Read binary data from STDIN

CAUTION: Following code will stop your VM until an input on STDIN will be provided!

obsolete code

FileStream stdin binary upTo: 10.

new code

Stdio stdin upTo: 10.

Positionable streams

The message #position: always works on the binary level, not on the character level.

'1.txt' asFileReference readStreamDo: [ :stream | 
    stream position: 4.
    stream upToEnd ].

This will lead to an error (ZnInvalidUTF8: Illegal leading byte for utf-8 encoding) in case of the file created above because we set the position into the middle of a UTF-8 encoded character. To be safe, you need to read the file from the beginning.

'1.txt' asFileReference readStreamDo: [ :stream |
    3 timesRepeat: [ stream next ].
    stream upToEnd.].


The MultiByteFileStream was buffered. If you create a stream using the expression

'file.txt' asFileReference readStream.

then the ZnCharacterReadStream is not created directly on top of the stream but on top of a buffered stream that uses the file stream internally.

If you will create a ZnCharacterReadStream directly on the file stream, then the characters from the file are read one by one which may be about ten times slower!

ZnCharacterReadStream on: (File openForReadFileNamed: 'file.txt').