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Releases: paypal/PayPal-Python-SDK

v1.6.0: Webhooks and Webhook Event creation, management, parsing and verification

05 Nov 17:22
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  • Webhook and Webhook events creation and management supported
  • Parse webhook events and return the appropriate resource
  • Verification that webhook events are unaltered and originate from PayPal
  • Update Travis and Coveralls badges and User Agent for repo renaming

v1.5.0: Payment Experience APIs supported

24 Oct 14:26
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  • Payment Experience customization feature added via API for Web Profiles
  • Listing resources supports both JSON Object and JSON Arrays

v1.4.1: Subscription api update, Future Payment new header

30 Sep 18:50
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  • Update Paypal-Client-Metadata-Id header for future payments
  • Subscription API changes for searching transactions and listing billing plans

v1.4.0: Order/Auth/Capture support, Invoicing additional features, EC parameter support, Activate subscriptions

08 Sep 20:31
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  • Add Orders API support
  • Demonstrate samples for EC parameters support (improves feature gap between REST and CLASSIC payment APIs)
  • Invocing record payment, record refund and qr-code support added
  • Activate method added for billing plans
  • Merged toanant's pull request for #62 fix

v1.2.1: Subscription API flask example, patches for exceptions and urlparse issues

22 Jul 14:37
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v1.2.0: Subscription

22 Jul 14:34
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Subscription (Billing Plan and Billing Agreement) API supported

v1.1.0: Invoicing

15 Apr 19:19
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  • Invoicing API support added

v1.0.0: Stable release; Future Payments, Requests

15 Apr 19:20
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  • future payments support added to sdk
  • move from httplib2 to requests
  • Improve error reporting
  • exceptions below http layer removed

0.7.0: Multiple API objects; Docstrings; Unit_tests

15 Apr 19:22
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  • Allow multiple API object in same thread
  • Remove mutable default arguments
  • Change comments to be docstrings
  • Token creation supports unicode
  • Add unit_tests using mock and patch, separate from functional_tests
  • Optimize merge_dict