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38 lines (30 loc) · 1.89 KB

File metadata and controls

38 lines (30 loc) · 1.89 KB



Name Type Description Notes
codeId String The Id of the Code [optional]
url String The url to open webpage (will open app if app installed) [optional]
deeplink String App Deeplink to invoke (Not needed in this flow) [optional]
expiryDate Integer [optional]
merchantPaymentId String [optional]
amount MoneyAmount [optional]
orderDescription String Description of the order [optional]
orderItems List<MerchantOrderItemResponse> [optional]
metadata Object Extra information the merchant want to add [optional]
codeType String Please pass the fixed string “ORDER_QR” [optional]
storeInfo String Store info for the merchant [optional]
storeId String Id to identify store under merchant [optional]
terminalId String Id to identify terminal device under store [optional]
requestedAt Long [optional]
redirectUrl String The url of redirect after complete the payment [optional]
redirectType RedirectTypeEnum The type of redirect after complete the payment [optional]
isAuthorization Boolean If the payment is an authorization. [optional]
authorizationExpiry Integer In case the payment is just an authorization, this defines the expiry of the authorization [optional]
amountDescription String Description of the order [optional]
userAgent String The User agent of the web browser. [optional]

Enum: RedirectTypeEnum

Name Value