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PC2V9 Source Code

John edited this page Sep 4, 2019 · 3 revisions

The source code for PC2V9 is organized in a set of Java packages, all contained in the Eclipse project src folder. All packages have a common prefix name: edu.csus.ecs.pc2. Within the edu.csus.ecs.pc2 package there exist the following Java subpackages:

  • .api: classes related to the PC2V9 Application Programming Interface (API).
  • .clics: classes related to the ICPC CLICS Contest Control System specifications.
  • .convert: utility classes for loading data and/or converting between data formats.
  • .core: a set of core classes common to all PC2V9 modules.
  • .exports: classes for exporting PC2v9 data for use by external systems.
  • .imports: classes for importing external data (e.g. contest configuration information) into PC2V9.
  • .profile: classes for maintaining PC2V9 Profiles (descriptions of different contest configurations).
  • .services: classes supporting External Services such as Event Feeds and PCV9 Web Services.
  • .tools: various PC2V9 Utility Tools such as an implementation of netcat.
  • .ui: classes defining the various PC2V9 graphical user interfaces (GUIs).
  • .validator: classes related to the PC2V9 Input Validators and Output Validators.

In addition to the above packages, the top-level source code directory contains a single class The Starter class is the starting point for all PC2V9 modules. That is, regardless of which type of module is to be run it is always started by invoking the Starter class.

Note that the source code is not organized by "modules", there is for example no source code package directly corresponding to the Server module or to the Judge module. Rather, each such "module" shares one set of common code.

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