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File metadata and controls

1310 lines (1164 loc) · 78.8 KB



The generated reference for Jsi builtin commands.


Provide access to array objects.

Method Function Argument Types Description
Array (...):array jsi_Array constructor.
concat (...):array Return array with args appended.
every (callback:function) Returns true if every value in array satisfies the test.
fill (value:any, start:number=0, end:number=-1):array Fill an array with values.
filter (callback:function, thisArg:object=void):array Return a filtered array.
find (callback:function) Returns the value of the first element in the array that satisfies the test.
findIndex (callback:function) Returns the index of the first element in the array that satisfies the test.
flat (depth:number=1):array Flatten an arra.
forEach (callback:function, thisArg:object=void):void Invoke function with each item in object.
includes (val:any) Returns true if array contains value.
indexOf (str:any, startIdx:number=0):number Return index of first occurrance in array.
isArray ():boolean True if val array.
join (sep:string=''):string Return elements joined by char.
lastIndexOf (val:any, start:number=0):number Return index of last occurence in array.
map (callback:function, thisArg:object=void):array Creates a new array with the results of calling a provided function on every element in this array.
pop () Remove and return last element of array.
push (val:any, ...):number Push one or more elements onto array and return size.
reduce (callback:function, initial:any) Return a reduced array.
reduceRight (callback:function, initial:any) Return a reduced array.
reverse ():array Reverse order of all elements in an array.
shift () Remove first element and shift downwards.
sizeOf ():number Return size of array.
slice (start:number, end:number=void):array Return sub-array.
some (callback:function, thisArg:object=void):boolean Return true if function returns true some element.
sort (options:function|object=void):array Sort an array.
splice (start:number, howmany:number=void, ...):array Change the content of an array, adding new elements while removing old elements.
unshift (...):number Add new elements to start of array and return size.

Array sort

Option Type Description Flags
mode STRKEY Mode to sort by. (one of: default, desc, dict, nocase)
compare FUNC Function to do comparison. @function(val1,val2)
unique BOOL Eliminate duplicate items.


A Boolean object.

Method Function Argument Types Description
Boolean (bool:boolean=false):boolean Boolean constructor.


Commands for accessing Channel objects for file IO.

Method Function Argument Types Description
Channel (file:string, mode:string='r'):userobj A file input/output object. The mode string is r or w and an optional +.
close ():boolean Close the file.
eof ():boolean Return true if read to end-of-file.
filename ():string Get file name.
flush ():number Flush file output.
gets ():string|void Get one line of input.
lstat ():object Return status for file.
mode ():string Get file mode used with open.
open (file:string, mode:string='r'):boolean Open the file (after close).
puts (str):boolean Write one line of output.
read (size:number=-1):string|void Read some or all of file.
seek (pos:number, whence:string):number Seek to position. Return 0 if ok.
stat ():object Return status for file.
tell ():number Return current position.
truncate (pos:number):number Truncate file.
write (data):number Write data to file.


Event management.

Method Function Argument Types Description
clearInterval (id:number):void Delete an event (created with setInterval/setTimeout).
info (id:number):object Return info for the given event id.
names ():array Return list event ids (created with setTimeout/setInterval).
setInterval (callback:function, millisecs:number):number Setup recurring function to run every given millisecs.
setTimeout (callback:function, millisecs:number):number Setup function to run after given millisecs.
update (options:number|object=void):number Service all events, eg. setInterval/setTimeout. Returns the number of events processed. Events are processed until minTime (in milliseconds) is exceeded, or forever if -1. The default minTime is 0, meaning return as soon as no events can be processed. A positive mintime will result in sleeps between event checks.

Event update

Option Type Description Flags
maxEvents INT Maximum number of events to process (or -1 for all).
maxPasses INT Maximum passes through event queue.
minTime INT Minimum milliseconds before returning, or -1 to loop forever (default is 0).
sleep INT Time to sleep time (in milliseconds) between event checks. Default is 1.


Commands for accessing the filesystem.

Method Function Argument Types Description
atime (file:string):number Return file Jsi_Access time.
chdir (file:string) Change current directory.
chmod (file:string, mode:number) Set file permissions.
copy (src:string, dest:string, force:boolean=false) Copy a file to destination. Directories are not handled. The third argument if given is a boolean force value which if true allows overwrite of an existing file.
dirname (file:string):string Return directory path.
executable (file:string):boolean Return true if file is executable.
exists (file:string):boolean Return true if file exists.
extension (file:string):string Return file extension.
glob (options:regexp|string|object|null='*', opts:function|object|null=void):array Return list of files in dir with optional pattern match. With no arguments (or null) returns all files/directories in current directory. The first argument can be options, a pattern (either a glob or regexp) of the files to return. When the second argument is a function, it is called with each path, and filter on false. Otherwise second argument must be a set of options.
isdir (file:string):boolean Return true if file is a directory.
isfile (file:string):boolean Return true if file is a normal file.
isrelative (file:string):boolean Return true if file path is relative.
join (path1:string, path2:string):string Join two file realpaths, or just second if an absolute path.
link (src:string, dest:string, ishard:boolean=false) Link a file. The second argument is the destination file to be created. If a third bool argument is true, a hard link is created.
lstat (file:string):object Return status info for file.
mkdir (file:string,force:boolean=false) Create a directory: force creates subdirs.
mknod (file:string, mode:number, dev:number) Create unix device file using mknod.
mtime (file:string):number Return file modified time.
normalize (file:string):string Return normalized file path.
owned (file:string):boolean Return true if file is owned by user.
perms (file:string):string Return perms string.
pwd ():string Return current directory.
read (file:string, mode:string='rb'):string Read a file.
readable (file:string):boolean Return true if file is readable.
readlink (file:string):string Read file link destination.
realpath (file:string):string Return absolute file name minus .., ./ etc.
remove (file:string, force:boolean=false) Delete a file or direcotry.
rename (src:string, dest:string, force:boolean=false) Rename a file, with possible overwrite.
rootname (file:string):string Return file name minus extension.
size (file:string):number Return size for file.
stat (file:string):object Return status info for file.
tail (file:string):string Return file name minus dirname.
tempfile (file:string) Create a temp file.
truncate (file:string, size:number) Truncate file.
writable (file:string):boolean Return true if file is writable.
write (file:string, str:string, mode:string='wb+'):number Write a file.

File glob

Option Type Description Flags
dir STRING The start directory: set in "prefix" to have this prepended to result.
maxDepth INT Maximum directory depth to recurse into.
maxDiscard INT Maximum number of items to discard before giving up.
dirFilter FUNC Filter function for directories, returning false to discard. @function(dir:string)
filter FUNC Filter function to call with each file, returning false to discard. @function(file:string)
limit INT The maximum number of results to return/count: -1 is unlimited (Interp.maxArrayList).
noTypes STRKEY Filter files to exclude these "types".
pattern VALUE Pattern to use if arg 1 is null.
prefix STRKEY String prefix to prepend to each file in result list.
recurse BOOL Recurse into sub-directories.
retCount BOOL Return only the count of matches.
retInfo BOOL Return file info: size, uid, gid, mode, name, and path.
tails BOOL Returned only tail of path.
types STRKEY Filter files to include type: one or more of chars 'fdlpsbc' for file, directory, link, etc.


Commands for accessing functions.

Method Function Argument Types Description
Function ():function Function constructor (unimplemented).
apply (thisArg:null|object|function, args:array=void) Call function passing args array.
bind (thisArg:object|function=null,...) Return function that calls bound function prepended with thisArg+arguments.
call (thisArg:null|object|function, arg1, ...) Call function with args.


Commands for inspecting internal state information in JSI.

Method Function Argument Types Description
argv0 ():string|void Return initial start script file name.
cmds (val:string|regexp='*', options:object=void):array|object Return details or list of matching commands.
completions (str:string, start:number=0, end:number=void):array Return command completions on portion of string from start to end.
data (val:string|regexp|object=void):array|object Return list of matching data (non-functions). Like info.vars(), but does not return function values.
error ():object Return file and line number of error (used inside catch).
event (id:number=void):array|object List events or info for 1 event (setTimeout/setInterval). With no args, returns list of all outstanding events. With one arg, returns infofor the given event id.
execZip ():string|void If executing a .zip file, return file name.
executable ():string Return name of executable.
files ():array Return list of all sourced files.
funcs (arg:string|regexp|function|object=void):array|object Return details or list of matching functions.
interp (interp:userobj=void):object Return info on given or current interp.
isMain ():boolean Return true if current script was the main script invoked from command-line.
keywords (isSql=false, name:string=void):boolean|array Return/lookup reserved keyword.
level (level:number=void):number|array|object Return current level or details of a call-stack frame. With no arg, returns the number of the current stack frame level. Otherwise returns details on the specified level. The topmost level is 1, and 0 is the current level, and a negative level translates as relative to the current level.
locals (filter:boolean=void):object Return locals; if filter=true/false omit vars/functions.
lookup (name:string) Given string name, lookup and return value, eg: function.
methods (val:string|regexp):array|object Return functions and commands.
named (name:string=void):array|userobj Returns command names for builtin Objects, eg: 'File', 'Interp', sub-Object names, or the named object.
obj (val:object):object Return details about object.
options (ctype:boolean=false):array Return Option type name, or with true the C type.
package (pkgName:string):object|null Return info about provided package if exists, else null.
platform ():object N/A. Returns general platform information for JSI.
script (func:function|regexp=void):string|array|void Get current script file name, or file containing function.
scriptDir ():string|void Get directory of current script.
vars (val:string|regexp|object=void):array|object Return details or list of matching variables. Returns all values, data or function.
version (full:boolean|number|string=false, ver:number|string=void):number|object Return version: when full=true returns as object.

Info cmds

Option Type Description Flags
full BOOL Return full path.
constructor BOOL Do not exclude constructor.


Commands for accessing interps.

Method Function Argument Types Description
Interp (options:object=void):userobj Create a new interp.
alias (name:string=void, func:function|null=void, args:array|null=void, async=false) Set/get global alias bindings for command in an interp. With 0 args, returns list of all aliases in interp. With 1 arg returns func for given alias name. With 2 args where arg2 == null, returns args for given alias name . With 3 args, create/update an alias for func and args. Delete an alias by creating it with null for both func and args.
call (funcName:string, args:array, wait:boolean=false) Call named function in subinterp. Invoke function in sub-interp with arguments. Since interps are not allowed to share objects, data is automatically cleansed by encoding/decoding to/from JSON if required. Unless an 'async' parameter is true call is acyncronous. Otherwise waits until the sub-interp is idle, to make call and return result.
conf (options:string|object=void) Configure option(s).
eval (js:string, async:boolean=false) Interpret script within sub-interp. When the 'async' option is used on a threaded interp, the script is queued as an Event.
info ():object Returns internal statistics about interp.
source (file:string, async:boolean=false) Interpret file within sub-interp. When the 'async' option is used on a threaded interp, the script is queued as an Event.
uplevel (js:string, level:number=0) Interpret code at the given stack level. The level argument is as returned by Info.level(). Not supported with threads.
value (varName:string, level:number=0) Lookup value of variable at stack level.

Interp new

Option Type Description Flags
args ARRAY The console.arguments for interp. initOnly
asserts BOOL Shortcut for toggling log:assert and assertMode=throw.
assertMode STRKEY Action upon assert failure. (one of: log, puts, throw)
autoFiles ARRAY File(s) to source for loading Jsi_Auto to handle unknown commands.
busyCallback CUSTOM Command in parent interp (or noOp) to periodically call.
busyInterval INT Call busyCallback command after this many op-code evals (100000).
confFile STRKEY Config file of options in JSON non-strict format. initOnly
coverage BOOL On exit generate detailed code coverage for function calls (with profile).
debugOpts Options Options for debugging.
interactive BOOL Force interactive mode. ie. ignore no_interactive flag. initOnly
hasOpenSSL BOOL WebSocket compiled with SSL is available. initOnly
historyFile STRKEY For readline, file to use for history (~/.jsish_history).
isSafe BOOL Is this a safe interp (ie. with limited or no file access). initOnly
jsppChars STRKEY Line preprocessor when sourcing files. Line starts with first char, and either ends with it, or matches string.
jsppCallback FUNC Command to preprocess lines that match jsppChars. Call func(interpName:string, opCnt:number).
lockTimeout INT Thread time-out for mutex lock acquires (milliseconds).
lockDown STRKEY Directory to Safe-lockdown interpreter to.
logOpts Options Options for log output to add file/line/time.
log ARRAY Logging flags. (zero or more of: bug, assert, debug, trace, test, info, warn, error, parse) noCase
maxDepth INT Depth limit of recursive function calls (1000).
maxDumpStack UINT Maximum stack dump length (100).
maxDumpArgs UINT Maximum arg length in stack dump (80).
maxArrayList UINT Maximum array convertable to list (100000).
maxIncDepth INT Maximum allowed source/require nesting depth (50).
maxInterpDepth INT Maximum nested subinterp create depth (10).
maxUserObjs INT Maximum number of 'new' object calls, eg. File, RegExp, etc.
maxOpCnt INT Execution limit for op-code evaluation. initOnly
memDebug INT Memory debugging level: 1=summary, 2=detail.
memLeakCnt INT Leak memory count due to object added to self. initOnly
name STRKEY Optional text name for this interp.
noAutoLoad BOOL Disable autoload.
noCheck BOOL Disable type checking.
noConfig BOOL Disable use of Interp.conf to change options after create. initOnly
noError BOOL Type checks failures are warning.
noES6 BOOL Warn/error when ES6 features are used, eg. arrow funcs or let/const.
noEval BOOL Disable eval: just parses file to check syntax. initOnly
noInput BOOL Disable use of console.input().
noLoad BOOL Disable load of shared libs.
noNetwork BOOL Disable new Socket/WebSocket, or load of builtin MySql.
noStderr BOOL Make puts, log, assert, etc use stdout.
noSubInterps BOOL Disallow sub-interp creation.
onComplete FUNC Function to return commands completions for interactive mode. Default uses Info.completions . @function(prefix:string, start:number, end:number)
onEval FUNC Function to get control for interactive evals. @function(cmd:string)
onExit FUNC Command to call in parent on exit, returns true to continue. @function() initOnly
pkgDirs ARRAY list of library directories for require() to search.
profile BOOL On exit generate profile of function calls.
retValue VALUE Return value from last eval. readOnly
safeMode STRKEY In safe mode source() support for pwd and script-dir . (one of: none, read, write, writeRead, lockdown) initOnly
safeReadDirs ARRAY In safe mode, files/dirs to allow reads to. initOnly
safeWriteDirs ARRAY In safe mode, files/dirs to allow writes to. initOnly
safeExecPattern STRKEY In safe mode, regexp pattern allow exec of commands. initOnly
scriptStr STRKEY Interp init script string. initOnly
scriptFile STRING Interp init script file.
stdinStr STRING String to use as stdin for console.input().
stdoutStr STRING String to collect stdout for puts().
subOpts Options Infrequently used sub-options.
subthread BOOL Create a threaded Interp. initOnly
traceCall ARRAY Trace commands. (zero or more of: funcs, cmds, new, return, args, notrunc, noparent, full, before)
traceOp INT Set debugging level for OPCODE execution.
tracePuts BOOL Trace puts by making it use logOpts.
typeCheck ARRAY Type-check control options. (zero or more of: noreturn, noundef, nowith, builtins, funcdecl)
typeWarnMax INT Type checking is silently disabled after this many warnings (50).
udata OBJ User data.
testMode UINT Unit test control bits: 1=subst, 2=Puts with file:line prefix.

Interp debugOpts

Option Type Description Flags
debugCallback CUSTOM Command in parent interp for handling debugging.
doContinue BOOL Continue execution until breakpoint.
forceBreak BOOL Force debugger to break.
includeOnce BOOL Source the file only if not already sourced.
includeTrace BOOL Trace includes.
minLevel INT Disable eval callback for level higher than this.
msgCallback CUSTOM Comand in parent interp to handle Jsi_LogError/Jsi_LogWarn,...
pkgTrace BOOL Trace package loads.
putsCallback CUSTOM Comand in parent interp to handle puts output.
traceCallback CUSTOM Comand in parent interp to handle traceCall.
testFmtCallback CUSTOM Comand in parent interp to format testing strings.

Interp logOpts

Option Type Description Flags
time BOOL Prefix with time.
date BOOL Prefix with date.
file BOOL Ouptut contains file:line.
func BOOL Output function.
full BOOL Show full file path.
ftail BOOL Show tail of file only, even in LogWarn, etc.
before BOOL Output file:line before message string.
isUTC BOOL Time is to be UTC.
timeFmt STRKEY A format string to use with strftime.
capture BOOL Capture first error.
chan USEROBJ Channel to send output to.

Interp subOpts

Option Type Description Flags
blacklist STRKEY Comma separated modules to disable loading for. initOnly
compat BOOL Ignore unknown options via JSI_OPTS_IGNORE_EXTRA in option parser.
dblPrec INT Format precision of double where 0=max, -1=max-1, ... (max-1).
istty BOOL Indicates interp is in interactive mode. readOnly
nofreeze BOOL moduleOpts freeze disabled by default.
logColNums BOOL Display column numbers in error messages.
logAllowDups BOOL Log should not filter out duplicate messages.
mutexUnlock BOOL Unlock own mutex when evaling in other interps (true). initOnly
noproto BOOL Disable support of the OOP symbols: proto, prototype, constructor, etc.
noFuncString BOOL Disable viewing code body for functions. initOnly
noRegex BOOL Disable viewing code for functions. initOnly
noReadline BOOL In interactive mode disable use of readline.
outUndef BOOL In interactive mode output result values that are undefined.
prompt STRKEY Prompt for interactive mode ('$ ').
prompt2 STRKEY Prompt for interactive mode line continue ('> ').
traceAccess BOOL Trace set/gets setup using Jsi_ObjAccessorWithSpec.


Commands for handling JSON data.

Method Function Argument Types Description
check (str:string, strict:boolean=true):boolean Return true if str is JSON.
parse (str:string, strict:boolean=true) Parse JSON and return js.
stringify (value:any, strict:null|boolean=true, indent:number=2):string Return JSON from a js object.


Commands performing math operations on numbers.

Method Function Argument Types Description
abs (num:number):number Returns the absolute value of x.
acos (num:number):number Returns the arccosine of x, in radians.
asin (num:number):number Returns the arcsine of x, in radians.
atan (num:number):number Returns the arctangent of x as a numeric value between -PI/2 and PI/2 radians.
atan2 (x:number, y:number):number Returns the arctangent of the quotient of its arguments.
ceil (num:number):number Returns x, rounded upwards to the nearest integer.
cos (num:number):number Returns the cosine of x (x is in radians).
exp (num:number):number Returns the value of Ex.
floor (num:number):number Returns x, rounded downwards to the nearest integer.
log (num:number):number Returns the natural logarithm (base E) of x.
max (x:number, y:number, ...):number Returns the number with the highest value.
min (x:number, y:number, ...):number Returns the number with the lowest value.
pow (x:number, y:number):number Returns the value of x to the power of y.
random ():number Returns a random number between 0 and 1.
round (num:number):number Rounds x to the nearest integer.
sin (num:number):number Returns the sine of x (x is in radians).
sqrt (num:number):number Returns the square root of x.
srand (seed:number):number Set random seed.
tan (num:number):number Returns the tangent of an angle.


Commands for accessing mysql databases.

Method Function Argument Types Description
MySql (options:object=void):userobj Create a new db connection to a MySql database:.
affectedRows ():number Return affected rows.
complete (sql:string):boolean Return true if sql is complete.
conf (options:string|object=void) Configure options.
errorNo ():number Return error code returned by most recent call to mysql3_exec().
errorState ():string Return the mysql error state str.
eval (sql:string):number Run sql commands without input/output.
exists (sql:string):boolean Execute sql, and return true if there is at least one result value.
info ():object Return info about last query.
lastQuery ():string Return info string about most recently executed statement.
lastRowid ():number Return rowid of last insert.
onecolumn (sql:string) Execute sql, and return a single value.
ping (noError:boolean=false):number Ping connection.
query (sql:string, options:function|string|array|object=void) Run sql query with input and/or outputs..
reconnect ():void Reconnect with current settings.
reset ():number Reset connection.

MySql new

Option Type Description Flags
bindWarn BOOL Treat failed variable binds as a warning. initOnly
database STRKEY Database to use. initOnly
debug ARRAY Enable debug trace for various operations. (zero or more of: eval, delete, prepare, step)
enableMulti BOOL Accept muiltiple semi-colon separated statements in eval(). initOnly
errorCnt INT Count of errors. readOnly
queryOpts Options Default options for exec.
forceInt BOOL Bind float as int if possible.
host STRING IP address or host name for mysqld (default is
maxStmts INT Max cache size for compiled statements.
name DSTRING Name for this db handle.
numStmts INT Current size of compiled statement cache. readOnly
password STRKEY Database password.. initOnly
port INT IP port for mysqld. initOnly
reconnect BOOL Reconnect.
sslKey STRING SSL key.
sslCert STRING SSL Cert.
sslCAPath STRING SSL CA path.
sslCipher STRING SSL Cipher.
udata OBJ User data..
user STRKEY Database user name. Default is current user-name.. initOnly
version DOUBLE Mysql version number. readOnly

MySql queryOpts

Option Type Description Flags
callback FUNC Function to call with each row result. @function(values:object)
headers BOOL First row returned contains column labels.
limit INT Maximum number of returned values.
mapundef BOOL In variable binds, map an 'undefined' var to null.
maxString INT If not using prefetch, the maximum string value size (0=8K).
mode STRKEY Set output mode of returned data. (one of: rows, arrays, array1d, list, column, json, json2, html, csv, insert, line, tabs, none)
nocache BOOL Disable query cache.
noNamedParams BOOL Disable translating sql to support named params.
nullvalue STRKEY Null string output (for non-json mode).
obj Options Options for object.
paramVar ARRAY Array var to use for parameters.
prefetch BOOL Let client library cache entire results.
separator STRKEY Separator string (for csv and text mode).
table STRKEY Table name for mode=insert.
typeCheck STRKEY Type check mode (error). (one of: convert, error, warn, disable)
values ARRAY Values for ? bind parameters.
width CUSTOM In column mode, set column widths.

MySql obj

Option Type Description Flags
name STRKEY Name of object var data source for %s.
skip ARRAY Object members to ignore.
getSql BOOL Return expanded SQL without evaluating.
defaultNull BOOL Create with DEFAULT NULL.
noChecks BOOL Create with no CHECK constraints.
noDefaults BOOL Create with no defaults.
noTypes BOOL Create with no types.

MySql query

Option Type Description Flags
callback FUNC Function to call with each row result. @function(values:object)
headers BOOL First row returned contains column labels.
limit INT Maximum number of returned values.
mapundef BOOL In variable binds, map an 'undefined' var to null.
maxString INT If not using prefetch, the maximum string value size (0=8K).
mode STRKEY Set output mode of returned data. (one of: rows, arrays, array1d, list, column, json, json2, html, csv, insert, line, tabs, none)
nocache BOOL Disable query cache.
noNamedParams BOOL Disable translating sql to support named params.
nullvalue STRKEY Null string output (for non-json mode).
obj [Options](#MySql query-obj) Options for object.
paramVar ARRAY Array var to use for parameters.
prefetch BOOL Let client library cache entire results.
separator STRKEY Separator string (for csv and text mode).
table STRKEY Table name for mode=insert.
typeCheck STRKEY Type check mode (error). (one of: convert, error, warn, disable)
values ARRAY Values for ? bind parameters.
width CUSTOM In column mode, set column widths.

MySql query obj

Option Type Description Flags
name STRKEY Name of object var data source for %s.
skip ARRAY Object members to ignore.
getSql BOOL Return expanded SQL without evaluating.
defaultNull BOOL Create with DEFAULT NULL.
noChecks BOOL Create with no CHECK constraints.
noDefaults BOOL Create with no defaults.
noTypes BOOL Create with no types.


Commands for accessing number objects.

Method Function Argument Types Description
Number (num:string=0):number Number constructor.
isFinite ():boolean Return true if is finite.
isInteger ():boolean Return true if is an integer.
isNaN ():boolean Return true if is NaN.
isSafeInteger ():boolean Return true if is a safe integer.
toExponential (num:number):string Converts a number into an exponential notation.
toFixed (num:number=0):string Formats a number with x numbers of digits after the decimal point.
toPrecision (num:number):string Formats a number to x length.
toString (radix:number=10):string Convert to string.


Commands for accessing Objects.

Method Function Argument Types Description
Object (val:object|function|null=void):object Object constructor.
assign (obj:object,...):object Return arg1 object with assigned values.
create (proto:null|object, properties:object=void):object Create a new object with prototype object and properties.
freeze (obj:object, freeze:boolean=true, modifyok:boolean=true, readcheck:boolean=true):object|void Freeze/unfreeze an object with optionally.
getPrototypeOf (name:object|function):function|object Return prototype of an object.
hasOwnProperty (name:string):boolean Returns a true if object has the specified property.
is (value1, value2):boolean Tests if two values are equal.
isPrototypeOf (name):boolean Tests for an object in another object's prototype chain.
keys (obj:object|function|array):array Return the keys of an object, array or function. Frozen empty objects will return getters.
merge (obj:object|function):object Return new object containing merged values.
propertyIsEnumerable (name):boolean Determine if a property is enumerable.
setPrototypeOf (name:object, value:object) Set prototype of an object.
toLocaleString (quote:boolean=false):string Convert to string.
toString (quote:boolean=false):string Convert to string.
valueOf () Returns primitive value.
values (obj:object):array Return the values of an object.


Commands for managing reqular expression objects.

Method Function Argument Types Description
RegExp (val:regexp|string, flags:string):regexp Create a regexp object.
exec (val:string):array|object|null return matching string. Perform regexp match checking. Returns the array of matches.With the global flag g, sets lastIndex and returns next match.
test (val:string):boolean test if a string matches.


Commands for handling unix signals.

Method Function Argument Types Description
alarm (secs):number Setup alarm in seconds.
callback (func:function, sig:number|string):number Setup callback handler for signal.
handle (sig:number|string=void, ...) Set named signals to handle action.
ignore (sig:number|string=void, ...) Set named signals to ignore action.
kill (pid:number, sig:number|string='SIGTERM'):void Send signal to process id.
names ():array Return names of all signals.
reset (sig:number|string=void, ...):array Set named signals to default action.


Commands for managing Socket server/client connections.

Method Function Argument Types Description
Socket (options:object=void):userobj Create socket server/client object.Create a socket server or client object.
close ():void Close socket(s).
conf (options:string|object=void) Configure options.
idconf (id:number=void, options:string|object=void) Configure options for a connection id, or return list of ids.
names ():array Return list of active ids on server.
recv (id:number=void):string Recieve data.
send (id:number, data:string, options:object=void):void Send a socket message to id. Send a message to a (or all if -1) connection.
update ():void Service events for just this socket.

Socket new

Option Type Description Flags
address STRING Client destination address ( initOnly
broadcast BOOL Enable broadcast. initOnly
client BOOL Enable client mode. initOnly
connectCnt INT Counter for number of active connections. readOnly
createLast TIME_T Time of last create. readOnly
debug INT Debugging level.
echo BOOL LogInfo outputs all socket Send/Recv messages.
interface STRING Interface for server to listen on, eg. 'eth0' or 'lo'. initOnly
keepalive BOOL Enable keepalive. initOnly
maxConnects INT In server mode, max number of client connections accepted.
mcastAddMember STRING Multicast add membership: address/interface (''). initOnly
mcastInterface STRING Multicast interface address. initOnly
mcastNoLoop BOOL Multicast loopback disable. initOnly
mcastTtl INT Multicast TTL. initOnly
noAsync BOOL Send is not async. initOnly
noUpdate BOOL Stop processing update events (eg. to exit).
onClose FUNC Function to call when connection closes. @`function(s:userobj null, id:number)`
onCloseLast FUNC Function to call when last connection closes. On object delete arg is null. @`function(s:userobj null)`
noConfig BOOL Disable use of Socket.conf to change options after create. initOnly
onOpen FUNC Function to call when connection opens. @function(s:userobj, info:object)
onRecv FUNC Function to call with recieved data. @function(s:userobj, id:number, data:string)
port INT Port for client dest or server listen. initOnly
quiet BOOL Suppress info messages. initOnly
recvTimeout UINT64 Timeout for receive, in microseconds. initOnly
sendTimeout UINT64 Timeout for send, in microseconds. initOnly
srcAddress STRING Client source address. initOnly
srcPort INT Client source port. initOnly
startTime TIME_T Time of start. readOnly
stats Options Statistical data. readOnly
timeout NUMBER Timeout value in seconds (0.5). initOnly
tos INT8 Type-Of-Service value. initOnly
ttl INT Time-To-Live value. initOnly
udata OBJ User data.
udp BOOL Protocol is udp. initOnly

Socket stats

Option Type Description Flags
echo BOOL LogInfo outputs all socket Send/Recv messages.
eventCnt INT Number of events of any type.
eventLast TIME_T Time of last event of any type.
recvAddr CUSTOM Incoming port and address.
recvCnt INT Number of recieves.
recvLast TIME_T Time of last recv.
sentCnt INT Number of sends.
sentLast TIME_T Time of last send.
sentErrCnt INT Number of sends.
sentErrLast TIME_T Time of last sendErr.
udata OBJ User data.

Socket idconf

Option Type Description Flags
echo BOOL LogInfo outputs all socket Send/Recv messages.
eventCnt INT Number of events of any type.
eventLast TIME_T Time of last event of any type.
recvAddr CUSTOM Incoming port and address.
recvCnt INT Number of recieves.
recvLast TIME_T Time of last recv.
sentCnt INT Number of sends.
sentLast TIME_T Time of last send.
sentErrCnt INT Number of sends.
sentErrLast TIME_T Time of last sendErr.
udata OBJ User data.

Socket send

Option Type Description Flags
noAsync BOOL Send is not async.


Commands for accessing sqlite databases.

Method Function Argument Types Description
Sqlite (file:null|string=void, options:object=void):userobj Create a new db connection to the named file or :memory:.
backup (file:string, dbname:string='main'):void Backup db to file. Open or create a database file named FILENAME. Transfer the content of local database DATABASE (default: 'main') into the FILENAME database.
collate (name:string, callback:function):void Create new SQL collation command.
complete (sql:string):boolean Return true if sql is complete.
conf (options:string|object=void) Configure options.
eval (sql:string):number Run sql commands without input/output. Supports multiple semicolon seperated commands. Variable binding is NOT performed, results are discarded, and returns sqlite3_changes()
exists (sql:string):boolean Execute sql, and return true if there is at least one result value.
filename (name:string='main'):string Return filename for named or all attached databases.
func (name:string, callback:function, numArgs:number=void):void Register a new function with database.
import (table:string, file:string, options:object=void):number Import data from file into table . Import data from a file into table. SqlOptions include the 'separator' to use, which defaults to commas for csv, or tabs otherwise. If a column contains a null string, or the value of 'nullvalue', a null is inserted for the column. A 'conflict' is one of the sqlite conflict algorithms: rollback, abort, fail, ignore, replace On success, return the number of lines processed, not necessarily same as 'changeCnt' due to the conflict algorithm selected.
interrupt ():void Interrupt in progress statement.
onecolumn (sql:string) Execute sql, and return a single value.
query (sql:string, options:function|string|array|object=void) Evaluate an sql query with bindings. Return values in formatted as JSON, HTML, etc. , optionally calling function with a result object
restore (file:string, dbname:string):void Restore db from file (default db is 'main'). db.restore(FILENAME, ?,DATABASE? ) Open a database file named FILENAME. Transfer the content of FILENAME into the local database DATABASE (default: 'main').
transaction (callback:function, type:string=void):void Call function inside db tranasaction. Type is: 'deferred', 'exclusive', 'immediate'. Start a new transaction (if we are not already in the midst of a transaction) and execute the JS function FUNC. After FUNC completes, either commit the transaction or roll it back if FUNC throws an exception. Or if no new transation was started, do nothing. pass the exception on up the stack.

Sqlite new

Option Type Description Flags
bindWarn BOOL Treat failed variable binds as a warning. initOnly
changeCnt INT The number of rows modified, inserted, or deleted by last command.
changeCntAll INT Total number of rows modified, inserted, or deleted since db opened.
debug ARRAY Enable debug trace for various operations. (zero or more of: eval, delete, prepare, step)
echo BOOL Output query/eval string to log.
errCnt INT Count of errors in script callbacks. readOnly
errorCode INT Numeric error code returned by the most recent call to sqlite3_exec.
forceInt BOOL Bind float as int if possible.
noJsonConv BOOL Do not JSON auto-convert array and object in CHARJSON columns.
lastInsertId UINT64 The rowid of last insert.
load BOOL Extensions can be loaded.
maxRegexCache INT Max cache size for regex patterns; 0=disable, -1=unlimited (100).
mutex STRKEY Mutex type to use. (one of: default, none, full) initOnly
name DSTRING The dbname to use instead of 'main'. initOnly
noConfig BOOL Disable use of Sqlite.conf to change options after create. initOnly
noCreate BOOL Database is must already exist (false). initOnly
onAuth FUNC Function to call for auth. @function(db:userobj, code:string, descr1:string, decr2:string, dbname:string, trigname:string)
onBusy FUNC Function to call when busy. @function(db:userobj, tries:number)
onCommit FUNC Function to call on commit. @function(db:userobj)
onNeedCollate FUNC Function to call for collation. @function(db:userobj, name:string)
onProfile FUNC Function to call for profile. @function(db:userobj, sql:string, time:number)
onProgress FUNC Function to call for progress: progressSteps must be >0. @function(db:userobj)
onRollback FUNC Function to call for rollback. @function(db:userobj)
onTrace FUNC Function to call for trace. @function(db:userobj, sql:string)
onUpdate FUNC Function to call for update. @function(db:userobj, op:string, dbname:string, table:string, rowid:number)
onWalHook FUNC Function to call for WAL. @function(db:userobj, dbname:string, entry:number)
progressSteps UINT Number of steps between calling onProgress: 0 is disabled.
queryOpts Options Default options for to use with query().
readonly BOOL Database opened in readonly mode. initOnly
sortCnt INT Number of sorts in most recent operation. readOnly
stepCnt INT Number of steps in most recent operation. readOnly
stmtCacheCnt INT Current size of compiled statement cache. readOnly
stmtCacheMax INT Max cache size for compiled statements.
timeout INT Amount of time to wait when file is locked, in ms.
udata OBJ User data.
version OBJ Sqlite version info. readOnly
vfs STRING VFS to use. initOnly

Sqlite queryOpts

Option Type Description Flags
callback FUNC Function to call with each row result. @function(values:object)
cdata STRKEY Name of Cdata array object to use.
echo BOOL Output query string to log.
headers BOOL First row returned contains column labels.
limit INT Maximum number of returned values.
mapundef BOOL In variable bind, map an 'undefined' var to null.
mode STRKEY Set output mode of returned data. (one of: rows, arrays, array1d, list, column, json, json2, html, csv, insert, line, tabs, none)
nocache BOOL Disable query cache.
nullvalue STRKEY Null string output (for non js/json mode).
obj Options Options for object.
retChanged BOOL Query returns value of sqlite3_changed().
separator STRKEY Separator string (for csv and text mode).
typeCheck STRKEY Type check mode (warn). (one of: convert, warn, error, disable)
table STRKEY Table name for mode=insert.
values ARRAY Values for ? bind parameters.
width CUSTOM In column mode, set column widths.

Sqlite obj

Option Type Description Flags
name STRKEY Name of object var data source for %s.
skip ARRAY Object members to ignore.
getSql BOOL Return expanded SQL without evaluating.
defaultNull BOOL Create with DEFAULT NULL.
noChecks BOOL Create with no CHECK constraints.
noDefaults BOOL Create with no defaults.
noTypes BOOL Create with no types.

Sqlite import

Option Type Description Flags
headers BOOL First row contains column labels.
csv BOOL Treat input values as CSV.
conflict STRKEY Set conflict resolution. (one of: ROLLBACK, ABORT, FAIL, IGNORE, REPLACE)
limit INT Maximum number of lines to load.
nullvalue STRKEY Null string.
separator STRKEY Separator string; default is comma if csv, else tabs.

Sqlite query

Option Type Description Flags
callback FUNC Function to call with each row result. @function(values:object)
cdata STRKEY Name of Cdata array object to use.
echo BOOL Output query string to log.
headers BOOL First row returned contains column labels.
limit INT Maximum number of returned values.
mapundef BOOL In variable bind, map an 'undefined' var to null.
mode STRKEY Set output mode of returned data. (one of: rows, arrays, array1d, list, column, json, json2, html, csv, insert, line, tabs, none)
nocache BOOL Disable query cache.
nullvalue STRKEY Null string output (for non js/json mode).
obj [Options](#Sqlite query-obj) Options for object.
retChanged BOOL Query returns value of sqlite3_changed().
separator STRKEY Separator string (for csv and text mode).
typeCheck STRKEY Type check mode (warn). (one of: convert, warn, error, disable)
table STRKEY Table name for mode=insert.
values ARRAY Values for ? bind parameters.
width CUSTOM In column mode, set column widths.

Sqlite query obj

Option Type Description Flags
name STRKEY Name of object var data source for %s.
skip ARRAY Object members to ignore.
getSql BOOL Return expanded SQL without evaluating.
defaultNull BOOL Create with DEFAULT NULL.
noChecks BOOL Create with no CHECK constraints.
noDefaults BOOL Create with no defaults.
noTypes BOOL Create with no types.


Commands for accessing string objects..

Method Function Argument Types Description
String (str):string String constructor.
charAt (index:number):string Return char at index.
charCodeAt (index:number):number Return char code at index.
concat (str:string, ...):string Append one or more strings.
fromCharCode (...):string Return string for char codes.
indexOf (str:string, start:number):number Return index of char.
lastIndexOf (str:string, start:number):number Return index of last char.
map (strMap:array, nocase:boolean=false):string Replaces characters in string based on the key-value pairs in strMap.
match (pattern:regexp|string):array|null Return array of matches.
repeat (count:number):string Return count copies of string.
replace (pattern:regexp|string, replace:string|function):string Regex/string replacement. If the replace argument is a function, it is called with match,p1,p2,...,offset,string. If called function is known to have 1 argument, it is called with just the match.
search (pattern:regexp|string):number Return index of first char matching pattern.
slice (start:number, end:number):string Return section of string.
split (char:string|null=void):array Split on char and return Array. When char is omitted splits on bytes. When char==null splits on whitespace and removes empty elements.
substr (start:number, length:number):string Return substring.
substring (start:number, end:number):string Return substring.
toLocaleLowerCase ():string Lower case.
toLocaleUpperCase ():string Upper case.
toLowerCase ():string Return lower cased string.
toTitle (chars:string):string Make first char upper case.
toUpperCase ():string Return upper cased string.
trim (chars:string):string Trim chars.
trimLeft (chars:string):string Trim chars from left.
trimRight (chars:string):string Trim chars from right.


Builtin system commands. All methods are exported as global.

Method Function Argument Types Description
LogDebug (str:string|boolean,...):void Debug logging command.
LogError (str:string|boolean,...):void Debug logging command.
LogInfo (str:string|boolean,...):void Debug logging command.
LogTest (str:string|boolean,...):void Debug logging command.
LogTrace (str:string|boolean,...):void Debug logging command.
LogWarn (str:string|boolean,...):void Debug logging command.
assert (expr:boolean|number|function, msg:string=void, options:object=void):void Throw or output msg if expr is false. Assertions. Enable with jsish --I Assert or using the -Assert module option.
clearInterval (id:number):void Delete event id returned from setInterval/setTimeout/
decodeURI (val:string):string Decode an HTTP URL.
decodeURIComponent (val:string):string Decode an HTTP URL.
encodeURI (val:string):string Encode an HTTP URL.
encodeURIComponent (val:string):string Encode an HTTP URL.
exec (val:string, options:string|object=void) Execute an OS command. If the command ends with '&', set the 'bg' option to true. The second argument can be a string, which is the same as setting the 'inputStr' option. By default, returns the string output, unless the 'bg', 'inputStr', 'retCode' or 'retAll' options are used
exit (code:number=0):void Exit the current interpreter.
format (format:string, ...):string Printf style formatting: adds %q and %S.
getOpts (options:object, conf:object, self:object):object Get options.
import (file:string, options:object=void) Same as source with {import:true}.
isFinite (val):boolean Return true if is a finite number.
isMain ():boolean Return true if current script was the main script invoked from command-line.
isNaN (val):boolean Return true if not a number.
load (shlib:string):void Load a shared executable and invoke its _Init call.
log (val, ...):void Same as puts, but includes file:line.
matchObj (obj:object, match:string=void, partial=false, noerror=false):string|boolean Validate that object matches given name:type string. With single arg returns generated string.
module (cmd:string|function, version:number|string=1, options:object=void):void Same as provide, but will invoke cmd if isMain is true.
moduleOpts (options:object, self:object|userobj=void, conf:object|null|undefined=void):object Parse module options.
moduleRun (cmd:string|function, args:array=undefined) Invoke named module with given args or command-line args.
noOp () A No-Op. A zero overhead command call that is useful for debugging.
parseFloat (val):number Convert string to a double.
parseInt (val:any, base:number=10):number Convert string to an integer.
printf (format:string, ...):void Formatted output to stdout.
provide (cmd:string|function=void, version:number|string=1, options:object=void):void Make a package available for use by require.
puts (val:any, ...):void Output one or more values to stdout. Each argument is quoted. Use Interp.logOpts to control source line and/or timestamps output.
quote (val:string):string Return quoted string.
require (name:string=void, version:number|string=1, options:object=void):number|array|object Load/query packages. With no arguments, returns the list of all loaded packages. With one argument, loads the package (if necessary) and returns its version. With two arguments, returns object containing: version, loadFile, func. A third argument sets options for package or module. Note an error is thrown if requested version is greater than actual version.
setInterval (callback:function, ms:number):number Setup recurring function to run every given millisecs.
setTimeout (callback:function, ms:number):number Setup function to run after given millisecs.
sleep (secs:number=1.0):void sleep for N milliseconds, minimum .001.
source (val:string|array, options:object=void) Load and evaluate source files.
strftime (num:number=null, options:string|object=void):string Format numeric time (in ms) to string. Null or no value will use current time.
strptime (val:string=void, options:string|object=void):number Parse time from string and return ms time since 1970-01-01 in UTC, or NaN on error.
times (callback:function|boolean, count:number=1):number Call function count times and return execution time in microseconds.
unload (shlib:string):void Unload a shared executable and invoke its _Done call.
update (options:number|object=void):number Service all events, eg. setInterval/setTimeout. Returns the number of events processed. Events are processed until minTime (in milliseconds) is exceeded, or forever if -1. The default minTime is 0, meaning return as soon as no events can be processed. A positive mintime will result in sleeps between event checks.

System assert

Option Type Description Flags
mode STRKEY Action when assertion fails. Default from Interp.assertMode. (one of: log, puts, throw)
noStderr BOOL Logged msg to stdout. Default from Interp.noStderr.

System exec

Option Type Description Flags
bg BOOL Run command in background using system() and return OS code.
chdir STRING Change to directory.
inputStr STRING Use string as input and return OS code.
noError BOOL Suppress all OS errors.
noRedir BOOL Disable redirect and shell escapes in command.
noShell BOOL Do not use native popen which invokes via /bin/sh.
trim BOOL Trim trailing whitespace from output.
retAll BOOL Return the OS return code and data as an object.
retCode BOOL Return only the OS return code.

System import

Option Type Description Flags
autoIndex BOOL Look for and load Jsi_Auto.jsi auto-index file.
exists BOOL Source file only if exists.
global BOOL File is to be sourced in global frame rather than local.
import BOOL Wrap file contents in a return/function closure.
isMain BOOL Coerce to true the value of Info.isMain().
level UINT Frame to source file in.
noEval BOOL Disable eval: just parses file to check syntax.
noError BOOL Ignore errors in sourced file.
once BOOL Source file only if not already sourced (Default: Interp.debugOpts.includeOnce).
trace BOOL Trace include statements (Default: Interp.debugOpts.includeTrace).

System module

Option Type Description Flags
exit BOOL Call exit with return code after module run if isMain.
log ARRAY Logging flags. (zero or more of: bug, assert, debug, trace, test, info, warn, error, parse) noCase
logmask ARRAY Logging mask flags. (zero or more of: bug, assert, debug, trace, test, info, warn, error, parse) noCase
coverage BOOL On exit generate detailed code coverage for function calls (with profile).
nofreeze BOOL Disable moduleOpts freeze of first arg (self).
info OBJ Info provided by module. initOnly
profile BOOL On exit generate profile of function calls.
traceCall ARRAY Trace commands. (zero or more of: funcs, cmds, new, return, args, notrunc, noparent, full, before)
udata OBJ User data settable by require.

System provide

Option Type Description Flags
exit BOOL Call exit with return code after module run if isMain.
log ARRAY Logging flags. (zero or more of: bug, assert, debug, trace, test, info, warn, error, parse) noCase
logmask ARRAY Logging mask flags. (zero or more of: bug, assert, debug, trace, test, info, warn, error, parse) noCase
coverage BOOL On exit generate detailed code coverage for function calls (with profile).
nofreeze BOOL Disable moduleOpts freeze of first arg (self).
info OBJ Info provided by module. initOnly
profile BOOL On exit generate profile of function calls.
traceCall ARRAY Trace commands. (zero or more of: funcs, cmds, new, return, args, notrunc, noparent, full, before)
udata OBJ User data settable by require.

System require

Option Type Description Flags
exit BOOL Call exit with return code after module run if isMain.
log ARRAY Logging flags. (zero or more of: bug, assert, debug, trace, test, info, warn, error, parse) noCase
logmask ARRAY Logging mask flags. (zero or more of: bug, assert, debug, trace, test, info, warn, error, parse) noCase
coverage BOOL On exit generate detailed code coverage for function calls (with profile).
nofreeze BOOL Disable moduleOpts freeze of first arg (self).
info OBJ Info provided by module. initOnly
profile BOOL On exit generate profile of function calls.
traceCall ARRAY Trace commands. (zero or more of: funcs, cmds, new, return, args, notrunc, noparent, full, before)
udata OBJ User data settable by require.

System source

Option Type Description Flags
autoIndex BOOL Look for and load Jsi_Auto.jsi auto-index file.
exists BOOL Source file only if exists.
global BOOL File is to be sourced in global frame rather than local.
import BOOL Wrap file contents in a return/function closure.
isMain BOOL Coerce to true the value of Info.isMain().
level UINT Frame to source file in.
noEval BOOL Disable eval: just parses file to check syntax.
noError BOOL Ignore errors in sourced file.
once BOOL Source file only if not already sourced (Default: Interp.debugOpts.includeOnce).
trace BOOL Trace include statements (Default: Interp.debugOpts.includeTrace).

System strftime

Option Type Description Flags
secs BOOL Time is seconds (out for parse, in for format).
fmt STRKEY Format string for time.
iso BOOL ISO fmt plus milliseconds ie: %FT%T.%f.
utc BOOL Time is utc (in for parse, out for format).

System strptime

Option Type Description Flags
secs BOOL Time is seconds (out for parse, in for format).
fmt STRKEY Format string for time.
iso BOOL ISO fmt plus milliseconds ie: %FT%T.%f.
utc BOOL Time is utc (in for parse, out for format).

System update

Option Type Description Flags
maxEvents INT Maximum number of events to process (or -1 for all).
maxPasses INT Maximum passes through event queue.
minTime INT Minimum milliseconds before returning, or -1 to loop forever (default is 0).
sleep INT Time to sleep time (in milliseconds) between event checks. Default is 1.


Utilities commands.

Method Function Argument Types Description
argArray (arg:any|undefined):array|null Coerces non-null to an array, if necessary.
base64 (val:string, decode:boolean=false):string Base64 encode/decode a string.
complete (val:string):boolean Return true if string is complete command with balanced braces, etc.
crc32 (val:string, crcSeed=0):number Calculate 32-bit CRC.
dbgAdd (val:string|number, temp:boolean=false):number Debugger add a breakpoint for line, file:line or func.
dbgEnable (id:number, on:boolean):void Debugger enable/disable breakpoint.
dbgInfo (id:number=void):array|object Debugger return info about one breakpoint, or list of bp numbers.
dbgRemove (id:number):void Debugger remove breakpoint.
decrypt (val:string, key:string):string Decrypt data using BTEA encryption. Keys that are not 16 bytes use the MD5 hash of the key.
encrypt (val:string, key:string):string Encrypt data using BTEA encryption. Keys that are not 16 bytes use the MD5 hash of the key.
fromCharCode (code:number):string Return char with given character code.
getenv (name:string=void):string|object|void Get one or all environment.
getpid (parent:boolean=false):number Get process/parent id.
getuser ():object Get userid info.
hash (val:string, options:object=void):string Return hash (default SHA256) of string/file.
hexStr (val:string, decode:boolean=false):string Hex encode/decode a string.
setenv (name:string, value:string=void) Set/get an environment var.
sqlValues (name:string, obj:object=void) Get object values for SQL.
times (callback:function|boolean, count:number=1):number Call function count times and return execution time in microseconds.
verConvert (ver:string|number, zeroTrim:number=0):number|string|null Convert a version to/from a string/number, or return null if not a version. For string output zeroTrim says how many trailing .0 to trim (0-2).
vueConvert (fn:string,data:string|null=void):string Convert/generate .vue/.js file; returns a %s fmt string when data=null.

Util hash

Option Type Description Flags
file STRING Read data from file and append to str.
hashcash UINT Search for a hash with this many leading zero bits by appending :nonce (Proof-Of-Work).
noHex BOOL Return binary digest, without conversion to hex chars.
type STRKEY Type of hash. (one of: sha256, sha1, md5, sha3_224, sha3_384, sha3_512, sha3_256)


Commands for creating in memory readonly Virtual file-systems.

Method Function Argument Types Description
conf (mount:string, options:string|object|string=void) Configure mount.
exec (cmd:string) Safe mode exec for VFS support cmds eg. fossil info/ls/cat.
fileconf (mount:string, path:string, options:string|object=void) Configure file info which is same info as in fileList.
list ():array Return list of all vfs mounts.
mount (type:string, file:string, param:object=void):string Mount fossil file as given VFS type name, returning the mount point: frontend for vmount.
type (type:string=void, options:object|null=void) Set/get/delete VFS type name.
unmount (mount:string):void Unmount a VFS.
vmount (options:object=void):string Create and mount a VFS, returning the mount point.

Vfs conf

Option Type Description Flags
callback FUNC Function implementing VFS. @`function(op:string, mount:string, arg:string object
extra OBJ Extra info, typically used by predefined VFS type.
noAddDirs BOOL Disable auto-adding of directories; needed by File.glob.
file STRING Fossil file to mount.
fileList ARRAY List of files in the VFS (from listFunc).
info OBJ Info for VFS that is stored upon init.
mount STRING Mount point for the VFS.
noPatches BOOL Ignore patchlevel updates: accepts only X.Y releases.
param OBJ Optional 3rd argument passed to mount.
type STRKEY Type for predefined VFS.
user OBJ User data.
version STRKEY Version to mount.

Vfs exec

Option Type Description Flags
data STRING Data for file.
file STRKEY File pathname. required
perms UINT32 Permissions for file.
size SSIZE_T Size of file.
timestamp TIME_T Timestamp of file.

Vfs fileconf

Option Type Description Flags
data STRING Data for file.
file STRKEY File pathname. required
perms UINT32 Permissions for file.
size SSIZE_T Size of file.
timestamp TIME_T Timestamp of file.

Vfs type

Option Type Description Flags
callback FUNC Function implementing VFS. @`function(op:string, mount:string, arg:string object
extra OBJ Extra info, typically used by predefined VFS type.
noAddDirs BOOL Disable auto-adding of directories; needed by File.glob.

Vfs vmount

Option Type Description Flags
callback FUNC Function implementing VFS. @`function(op:string, mount:string, arg:string object
extra OBJ Extra info, typically used by predefined VFS type.
noAddDirs BOOL Disable auto-adding of directories; needed by File.glob.
file STRING Fossil file to mount.
fileList ARRAY List of files in the VFS (from listFunc).
info OBJ Info for VFS that is stored upon init.
mount STRING Mount point for the VFS.
noPatches BOOL Ignore patchlevel updates: accepts only X.Y releases.
param OBJ Optional 3rd argument passed to mount.
type STRKEY Type for predefined VFS.
user OBJ User data.
version STRKEY Version to mount.


Commands for managing WebSocket server/client connections.

Method Function Argument Types Description
WebSocket (options:object=void):userobj Create websocket server/client object.Create a websocket server/client object. The server serves out pages to a web browser, which can use javascript to upgrade connection to a bidirectional websocket.
conf (options:string|object=void) Configure options.
file (name:string=void):array|void Add file to hash, or with no args return file hash.
handler (extension:string=void, cmd:string|function=void, flags:number=0):string|array|function|void Get/Set handler command for an extension. With no args, returns list of handlers. With one arg, returns value for that handler. Otherwise, sets the handler. When cmd is a string, the call is via moduleRun([cmd], arg). If a cmd is a function, it is called with a single arg: the file name.
header (id:number, name:string=void):string|array|void Get one or all input headers for connect id.
idconf (id:number, options:string|object=void) Configure options for connect id.
ids (name:string=void):array Return list of ids, or lookup one id.
query (id:number, name:string=void):string|object|void Get one or all query values for connect id.
send (id:number, data:any):void Send a websocket message to id. Send a message to one (or all connections if -1). If not already a string, msg is formatted as JSON prior to the send.
status ():object|void Return liblws server status.
unalias (path:string):string|void Lookup name-key with the given path in pathAlias object.
update ():void Service events for just this websocket.
version ():string Runtime library version string.

WebSocket new

Option Type Description Flags
address STRING In client-mode the address to connect to (
bufferPwr2 INT Tune the recv/send buffer: value is a power of 2 in [0-20] (16).
client BOOL Run in client mode. initOnly
clientHost STRKEY Override host name for client.
clientOrigin STRKEY Override client origin (origin).
debug INT Set debug level. Setting this to 512 will turn on max liblws log levels.
dirIndex STRKEY Enable listing directories. (one of: auto, html, json, jsonp, disabled)
echo BOOL LogInfo outputs all websock Send/Recv messages.
formParams STRKEY Comma seperated list of upload form param names ('text,send,file,upload'). readOnly
extHandlers BOOL Setup builtin extension-handlers, ie: .htmli, .cssi, .jsi, .mdi. initOnly
extOpts OBJ Key/value store for extension-handlers options. initOnly
flags INT Flags for future use..
getRegexp REGEXP Call onGet() only if Url matches pattern.
headers ARRAY Headers to send to browser: name/value pairs. initOnly
jsiFnPattern STRKEY A glob-match pattern for files to which is appended 'window.jsiWebSocket=true;' (jsi_config*.js). readOnly
interface STRING Interface for server to listen on, eg. 'eth0' or 'lo'. initOnly
local BOOL Limit connections to localhost addresses on the 127 network.
localhostName STRKEY Client name used by localhost connections ('localhost').
maxConnects INT In server mode, max number of client connections accepted.
maxDownload INT Max size of file download.
maxUpload INT Max size of file upload will accept.
mimeTypes OBJ Object map of file-exts to mime types; initial and/or override of builtins.
mimeLookupFunc FUNC Function to call to lookup mime; returns and/or inserts into mimeTypes. @function(ws:userobj, id:number, extension:string, url:string)
modifySecs UINT Seconds between checking for modified files with onModify (2).
noConfig BOOL Disable use of conf() to change options after options after create. initOnly
noCompress BOOL Disable per-message-deflate extension which can truncate large msgs.
noUpdate BOOL Disable update event-processing.
noWebsock BOOL Serve html, but disallow websocket upgrade. initOnly
noWarn BOOL Quietly ignore file related errors.
onAuth FUNC Function to call for http basic authentication. @function(ws:userobj, id:number, url:string, userpass:string)
onClose FUNC Function to call when the websocket connection closes. @`function(ws:userobj null, id:number, isError:boolean)`
onCloseLast FUNC Function to call when last websock connection closes. On object delete arg is null. @`function(ws:userobj null)`
onFilter FUNC Function to call on a new connection: return false to kill connection. @function(ws:userobj, id:number, url:string, ishttp:boolean)
onGet FUNC Function to call to server handle http-get. @function(ws:userobj, id:number, url:string, query:array)
onModify FUNC Function to call when a served-out-file is modified. @function(ws:userobj, file:string) initOnly
onOpen FUNC Function to call when the websocket connection occurs. @function(ws:userobj, id:number)
onUnknown FUNC Function to call to server out content when no file exists. @function(ws:userobj, id:number, url:string, query:array)
onUpload FUNC Function to call handle http-post. @function(ws:userobj, id:number, filename:string, data:string, startpos:number, complete:boolean)
onRecv FUNC Function to call when websock data recieved. @function(ws:userobj, id:number, data:string)
pathAliases OBJ Alias document root ({jsi:'/zvfs/lib/www'}) . initOnly
pollms INT Poll wait time in ms (5).
port INT Port for server to listen on (8080). initOnly
post STRING Post string to serve. initOnly
protocol STRKEY Name of protocol (ws/wss).
realm STRKEY Realm for basic auth (jsish).
recvBufMax INT Size limit of a websocket message. initOnly
recvBufTimeout INT Timeout for recv of a websock msg. initOnly
redirMax BOOL Temporarily disable redirects when see more than this in 10 minutes.
rootdir STRING Directory to serve html from (".").
server STRKEY String to send out int the header SERVER (jsiWebSocket).
sessFlag INT Flag to send in sessionJsi cookie. initOnly
ssiExts OBJ Object map of file extensions to apply SSI. eg. {myext:true, shtml:false} . initOnly
ssl BOOL Use https. initOnly
sslCert STRKEY SSL certificate file.
sslKey STRKEY SSL key file.
stats Options Statistical data. readOnly
startTime TIME_T Time of websocket start. readOnly
includeFile STRKEY Default file when no extension given (include.shtml).
udata OBJ User data.
urlFallback STRKEY Fallback to serve when file not found..
urlPrefix STRKEY Prefix in url to strip from path; for reverse proxy..
urlRedirect STRKEY Redirect when no url or /, and adds cookie sessionJsi..
urlUnknown STRKEY Redirect for 404 unknown page..
useridPass STRKEY The USERID:PASSWORD to use for basic authentication.
version OBJ WebSocket version info. readOnly
vueCvt BOOL Convert .vue rewrite enable.
vueES6 BOOL Use ES6 export for .vue rewrite.

WebSocket stats

Option Type Description Flags
connectCnt INT Number of active connections. readOnly
createTime TIME_T Time created.
eventCnt INT Number of events of any type.
eventLast TIME_T Time of last event of any type.
httpCnt INT Number of http reqs.
httpLast TIME_T Time of last http reqs.
isBinary BOOL Connection recv data is binary. readOnly
isFinal BOOL Final data for current message was recieved. readOnly
msgQLen INT Number of messages in input queue. readOnly
recvCnt INT Number of recieves. readOnly
recvLast TIME_T Time of last recv. readOnly
redirLast TIME_T Time of last redirect. readOnly
redirCnt INT Count of redirects. readOnly
sentCnt INT Number of sends. readOnly
sentLast TIME_T Time of last send. readOnly
sentErrCnt INT Number of sends. readOnly
sentErrLast TIME_T Time of last sendErr. readOnly
sentErrLast TIME_T Time of last sendErr. readOnly
uploadCnt INT Number of uploads. readOnly
uploadEnd TIME_T Time of upload end. readOnly
uploadLast TIME_T Time of last upload input. readOnly
uploadStart TIME_T Time of upload start. readOnly

WebSocket idconf

Option Type Description Flags
clientIP STRKEY Client IP Address. readOnly
clientName STRKEY Client hostname. readOnly
echo BOOL LogInfo outputs all websock Send/Recv messages.
headers ARRAY Headers to send to browser on connection: name/value pairs.
isWebsock BOOL Is a websocket connection.
key STRBUF String key lookup in ids command for SSI echo ${#}. readOnly
onClose FUNC Function to call when the websocket connection closes. @`function(ws:userobj null, id:number, isError:boolean)`
onGet FUNC Function to call to server handle http-get. @function(ws:userobj, id:number, url:string, query:array)
onUnknown FUNC Function to call to serve out content when no file exists. @function(ws:userobj, id:number, url:string, args:array)
onRecv FUNC Function to call when websock data recieved. @function(ws:userobj, id:number, data:string)
onUpload FUNC Function to call handle http-post. @function(ws:userobj, id:number, filename:string, data:string, startpos:number, complete:boolean)
rootdir STRING Directory to serve html from (".").
stats [Options](#WebSocket idconf-stats) Statistics for connection. readOnly
query ARRAY Uri arg values for connection.
queryObj OBJ Uri arg values for connection as an object.
udata OBJ User data.
url DSTRING Url for connection.
username STRING The login userid for this connection.

WebSocket idconf stats

Option Type Description Flags
connectCnt INT Number of active connections. readOnly
createTime TIME_T Time created.
eventCnt INT Number of events of any type.
eventLast TIME_T Time of last event of any type.
httpCnt INT Number of http reqs.
httpLast TIME_T Time of last http reqs.
isBinary BOOL Connection recv data is binary. readOnly
isFinal BOOL Final data for current message was recieved. readOnly
msgQLen INT Number of messages in input queue. readOnly
recvCnt INT Number of recieves. readOnly
recvLast TIME_T Time of last recv. readOnly
redirLast TIME_T Time of last redirect. readOnly
redirCnt INT Count of redirects. readOnly
sentCnt INT Number of sends. readOnly
sentLast TIME_T Time of last send. readOnly
sentErrCnt INT Number of sends. readOnly
sentErrLast TIME_T Time of last sendErr. readOnly
sentErrLast TIME_T Time of last sendErr. readOnly
uploadCnt INT Number of uploads. readOnly
uploadEnd TIME_T Time of upload end. readOnly
uploadLast TIME_T Time of last upload input. readOnly
uploadStart TIME_T Time of upload start. readOnly


Commands for mounting and accessing .zip files as a filesystem.

Method Function Argument Types Description
append (archive:string, filelist:array, path:string|null=void, filelist2:array=void, path2:string|null=void, ...):void Like 'create()', but appends to an existing archive (with no dup checking).
create (archive:string, filelist:array, path:string|null=void, filelist2:array=void, path2:string|null=void, ...):void Create a zip with the given files in prefix path. This command creates a zip archive and adds files to it. Files are relative the given 'path', or the current directory. If the destignation file already exist but is not an archive (eg. an executable), zip data is appended to the end of the file. If the existing file is already an archive, an error will be thrown. To truncate an existing archive, use zvfs.truncate(). Or use zvfs.append() instead. zvfs.create('',['main.js', 'bar.js'], 'src', ['a.html', 'css/a.css'], 'html');
deflate (data:string):string Compress string using zlib deflate.
inflate (data:string):string Uncompress string using zlib inflate.
list (archive:string=void):array List files in archive. Return contents of zip directory as an array of arrays. The first element contains the labels, ie: [ 'Name', 'Special', 'Offset', 'Bytes', 'BytesCompressed' ]
mount (archive:string, mountdir:string=void):string Mount zip on mount point. Read a ZIP archive and make entries in the virutal file hash table for all files contained therein.
names (mountdir:string=void):array Return all zvfs mounted zips, or archive for specified mount. Given an mount point argument, returns the archive for it. Otherwise, returns an array of mount points
offset (archive:string=void):number Return the start offset of zip data. Opens and scans the file to determine start of zip data and truncate this off the end of the file. For ordinary zip archives, the resulting truncated file will be of zero length. If an optional bool argument can disable errors. In any case, the start offset of zip data (or 0) is returned.
stat (filename:string):object Return details on file in zvfs mount. Return details about the given file in the ZVFS. The information consists of (1) the name of the ZIP archive that contains the file, (2) the size of the file after decompressions, (3) the compressed size of the file, and (4) the offset of the compressed data in the archive.
truncate (archive:string, noerror:boolean=false):number Truncate zip data from archive. Opens and scans the file to determine start of zip data and truncate this off the end of the file. For ordinary zip archives, the resulting truncated file will be of zero length. If an optional bool argument can disable errors. In any case, the start offset of zip data (or 0) is returned.
unmount (archive:string):void Unmount zip.


Console input and output to stderr.

Method Function Argument Types Description
assert (expr:boolean|number|function, msg:string=void, options:object=void):void Same as System.assert().
error (val, ...):void Same as log but adding prefix ERROR:.
input (prompt:null|string=''):string|void Read input from the console: if prompt uses linenoise line editing.
log (val, ...):void Like System.puts, but goes to stderr and includes file:line.
logp (val, ...):void Same as console.log, but first arg is string prefix and if second is a boolean it controls output.
printf (format:string, ...):void Same as System.printf but goes to stderr.
puts (val:any, ...):void Same as System.puts, but goes to stderr.
warn (val, ...):void Same as log.

console assert

Option Type Description Flags
mode STRKEY Action when assertion fails. Default from Interp.assertMode. (one of: log, puts, throw)
noStderr BOOL Logged msg to stdout. Default from Interp.noStderr.