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167 lines (117 loc) · 7.59 KB

Express.js NodeJS TypeScript React MongoDB Redis ESLint Jest cypress Docker

Full Stack Project - Single-page app scraping data from repositories on GitHub

A single-page app that shows an updated list of the most followed repositories about climatechange and other topics on GitHub. This is my final project for the Helsinki University's Full Stack Open course.

The data is scraped with a separate microservice application and stored in a Atlas MongoDB on the cloud. The scraping service can by fired for updates from the main app after login authentication using Redis pub/sub communication.

On-line version

Both the applications are deployed to the internet and an on-line version is visible here.

Work hours

A list of approximate work hours used to develop the project are listed in


App screenshot 1

Main view with scraped repositories

App screenshot 2

Authentication view

App screenshot 2

View to run scraping microservices


Start frontend in dev:
npm run front:dev

Start backend in development mode (auto-starts on change):
npm run back:dev

Lint + Tests

Run eslint over backend and frontend JS files: npm run lint

Run tests over backend files: npm run test:back

Run tests over frontend files: npm run test:front

Run tests over frontend files with coverage report (open in browser coverage/lcov-report/index.html): npm run test:front -- --coverage --collectCoverageFrom='src/**/*.{jsx,js}'

Run tests over both front and backend including coverage (open in browser coverage/lcov-report/index.html): npm run tests

Run e2e tests with cypress launch frontend with npm run vite, and backend in testing mode npm run back:test, finally launch cypress npm run cypress:open
or run cypress from command line npm test:e2e

Build + Deploy

Build frontend React via Vite and tsc:
npm run build:front

Compile backend Typescript code:
npm run build:back

Build the entire app:
npm run build

Build frontend and deploy whole app on and watch at
npm run deploy:full

Only deploy (does not re-build frontend) on
npm run deploy

Scale down deployment to one machine: fly scale count 1

Watch logs of production machine on fly logs


Docker image is used by to deploy the app to the internet.
It can be also used to run and debug the Docker image locally.

Build Docker image docker build . -t react-scraper

Run Docker image docker run --env MONGO_URL='MONGO_URL_in_.ENV_FILE' --env REDIS_URL='REDIS_URL_in_.ENV_FILE' --env SECRET='SECRET_in_.ENV_FILE' --env PORT=3000 -p 3000:3000 react-scraper

Docker list of all containers docker ps -a
Restart a container docker restart [container-id]
Follow container logs docker logs --follow [container-id]

VSCode REST Client

HTTP requests to the express endpoints are in requests folder (Installation of VSCode plugin REST Client is required). To change environment variables (.vscode/settings.json) from 'local' to 'production' press: ctrl+alt+e


Print list of all commits to a .txt file (Docs)

git log --reverse --pretty=format:'| %as | 1 | %s |' > log.txt


Install dependencies

Clone the repository in your local folder and run npm install

Configure secret/environment variables

  • In the root folder create .env file with following keys:
MONGO_URL = 'mongodb+srv://'
TEST_MONGO_URL = 'mongodb+srv://'
PORT = 3001
REDIS_URL = 'redis://'
  • Set sensitive data as secrets with commands:
    fly secrets set MONGO_URL='mongodb+srv://' fly secrets set SECRET='JSONWEBTOKEN_SIGNATURE' fly secrets set REDIS_URL='redis://'
  • In order to use REST CLIENT http requests, create a folder .vscode in the root of the project and create a file inside named settings.json


Mongodb atlas

Connect via web app

Redis cloud

Connect via the official web app

Connect via terminal

Use the Connect button from the web app which will provide something like this: redis-cli -u redis://

Once you are connected, check open and running pub.sub channels with: PUBSUB CHANNELS

React + Vite

This template provides a minimal setup to get React working in Vite with HMR and some ESLint rules.

Currently, two official plugins are available:


The project follows the best practices and examples used in the Helsinki University's Full Stack Open course, especially part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7, part 9 . It also takes inspiration from examples and guides freely available on the web.