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Github Action Input Parser


Helper for parsing inputs in a GitHub Action

⭐ Features

πŸš€ Get started

Install github-action-input-parser via npm:

npm install github-action-input-parser

πŸ“š Usage

Import github-action-input-parser and use it like this:


const parser = require('github-action-input-parser');

JS Modules/Typescript:

import * as parser from 'github-action-input-parser';


Let's say you have the following workflow file (see below on how to specify inputs during development):

uses: username/action
    names: |

Pass an options object to the getInput function to specify an array of String type:

const value = parser.getInput({
    input: 'names',
    type: <const>[String],

// [ 'Maximilian', 'Richard' ]

github-action-input-parser will parse the names input and return an array.

See below for all options or checkout a few more examples.

βš™οΈ Configuration

You can pass the following object to getInput to tell github-action-input-parser what to parse:

const options = {
    input: 'names',
    type: <const>[String],
    default: <const>['maximilian'],


All options

Here are all the options you can use and there default values:

Name Description Required Default See more
input The input name (can also be an array of inputs) Yes N/A Input
type The type of the input value No String Types
required Specify if the input is required No false Required Inputs
default Specify a default value for the input No undefined Default Values


You can either specify a single input as a string, or multiple inputs as an array of strings. This options declares which input(s) should be parsed. When using an array of inputs the first input defined will be picked for parsing.

Note: Even when the chosen input can not be parsed for the given type, github-action-input-parser will not try another input and instead throw an error

See example


You can specify one of the following basic types (BaseTypes) which will determine how the input is parsed:

  • String - Default type, the input value will only be trimmed
  • Boolean - Will parse a boolean based on the yaml 1.2 specification
  • Number - Will convert the input to a number
  • (value: string) => any / Function - Will call the function specified to parse an input. Use this for custom types

Note: String, Boolean and Number are literals of type StringConstructor, BooleanConstructor and NumberConstructor respectively

Note: if the input can not be converted to the specifed type, an error is thrown

Additionally you can specifiy an array with the 4 BaseTypes as elements. When using typescript it is recommended to prefix the array with <const> or suffix it with as const for optimal type-hinting. The meaning of the array type depends on the amount of its elements:

  • 0 elements - not allowed, github-action-input-parser will throw an error
  • 1 element - github-action-input-parser will treat this type as an Array Type and tries parsing the input for any number of elements separated by a comma or a newline using the parser specified by the BaseType inside the type array
  • 2+ elements - github-action-input-parser will treat this type as a Tuple Type and tries parsing the input for as many elements separated by a comma or a newline as the number of elements in the type array. The parser used depends on the type at the equivalent index in the type array

See example

Required inputs

When you set required to true and the input(s) are not set or could not be parsed, github-action-input-parser will throw an error. When using an array type github-action-input-parser will check each element of the resulting array and if any of them could not be parsed github-action-input-parser will throw an error.

See example

Default values

You can specify a default value for the input which will be used when the input is not set. How this default value will be used depends on its type and the type of the parsed content:

type option default value type behavior
BaseTypes any The default value replaces the parsed value if the parsed value is undefined
ArrayType or TupleType any non-array The default value replaces any undefined elements of the parsed array. However the default value will not replace the parsed value itself if it ends up being undefined (e.g. when the input is not set)
ArrayType or TupleType any array The elements of the default value replace any undefined element at the same index in the parsed array. If the parsed array is longer than the default value array this can result in undefined elements beyond the length of the default value array. The default value array will replace the parsed array if it is undefined

See example


If you run your Action locally during development, you can set the inputs as environment variables or specify them in a .env file. github-action-input-parser will use them as the inputs automatically.


This library has Typescript support but to get the most out of it you have to prefix any array passed to the configuration options type and default with <const> or suffix them with as const.

See example


To parse multiple inputs with different configurations into one options you can use the getInputs() function. It takes an object where each element is either an argument for getInput() (string | string[] | Options) or undefined. When an element is undefined the key will be used as the input name.

See example

πŸ“– Examples

Here are some examples on how to use github-action-input-parser:

See README.test.ts

Basic example

Action Workflow:

uses: username/action
    name: Maximilian

Action code:

const value = parser.getInput('name');

// value -> Maximilian


const value = parser.getInput({
    input: 'name',

// value -> Maximilian

Specify a type

Action Workflow:

uses: username/action
    dry_run: true

Action code:

const value = parser.getInput({ 
    input: 'dry_run',
    type: Boolean,

// Without setting the type to boolean, the value would have been 'true'

Action Workflow:

uses: username/action
    stages: |

Action code:

const value = parser.getInput({ 
    input: 'stages',
    type: <const>[String],

// ['dev', 'prod']

Action Workflow:

uses: username/action
    fruits: |

Action code:

const value = parser.getInput({ 
    input: 'fruits',
    type: <const>[Number, String],

// [10, 'apples']

Specify a default value

Action Workflow:

uses: username/action

Action code:

const value = parser.getInput({ 
    input: 'name',
    default: 'Maximilian',

// As name is not set, Maximilian will be returned as the name

Action Workflow:

uses: username/action
    command: |
        bring me


Action code:

const value = parser.getInput({ 
    input: 'command',
    type: <const>[String, Number, String],
    default: <const>[undefined, 10],

// ['bring me', 10, 'apples']

Set an input to be required

Action Workflow:

uses: username/action

Action code:

const value = parser.getInput({
    input: 'name',
    required: true,

// Will throw an error if name is not set

Pick from multiple inputs

Action Workflow:

uses: username/action
    GH_PAT: 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz';

Action code:

const value = parser.getInput({ 
    input: [ 'GITHUB_TOKEN', 'GH_PAT' ]

// The first input available takes precedence -> GH_PATs value will be parsed

Parse multiple inputs

Action code:


uses: username/action
    greeting: 'Hello world!'
    GH_PAT: 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
const {value1, value2, value3} = parser.getInputs({
    value1: 'greeting',
    value2: {
        input: [ 'GITHUB_TOKEN', 'GH_PAT' ],
        required: true,
    value3: {
        input: 'max retires',
        type: Number,
        default: 3,

// value1 = 'Hello world!', value2 = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz', value3 = 3

Advanced example

Action Workflow:

uses: username/action
    github_token: TOKEN
    repository: username/reponame
    labels: |

Action code:

const config = getInputs({
    githubToken: {
        input: 'github_token',
        required: true,
    repository: {
        input: 'repository',
        type: (val) => {
            const [user, repo] = val.split('/')
            return { user, repo }
    labels: {
        input: 'labels',
        type: <const>[String],
    dryRun: {
        input: 'dry_run',
        type: Boolean,
        default: false,

// parsed config:
    githubToken: 'TOKEN',
    repository: {
        name: 'username',
        repo: 'reponame'
    labels: [ 'merged', 'ready' ],
    dryRun: false,

πŸ“– Extended Examples

See index.test.ts

πŸ’» Development

Issues and PRs are very welcome!

The actual source code of this library is in the src folder.

  • run yarn lint or npm run lint to run eslint.
  • run yarn build or npm run build to produce a compiled version in the lib folder.

❔ About

This project was originally developed by (@betahuhn) and was heavily modified by (@pdamianik) in their free time. If you want to support @betahuhn:

Donate via PayPal


πŸ“„ License

Copyright 2021 Maximilian Schiller
Copyright 2022 Philip Damianik

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.