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Setting Up Development Environment Using Vagrant

Vagrant is a free software command line utility for managing the life cycle of virtual machines. The FreedomBox project provides ready-made virtual machines (VMs) for use with Vagrant. These images make setting up an environment for FreedomBox development rather simple: You can edit the source code on your host and immediately see the effects in the running VM. The entire setup is automatic and requires about 4.5 GB of disk space.

  1. Install Vagrant and VirtualBox:

    $ sudo apt-get install virtualbox vagrant
  2. To download, setup, run, and configure a VM for FreedomBox development using Vagrant, simply execute in your FreedomBox Service (Plinth) development folder:

    $ vagrant up
  3. To access FreedomBox web interface (from host), visit https://localhost:4430/plinth/

  4. Edit the source code in your host machine's FreedomBox Service (Plinth) development folder. By default, this folder is shared within the VM, at /vagrant/. To actually reflect the changes in the running VM, run on your host:

    $ vagrant provision

Installing Dependencies

Apart from dependencies listing in file, there may be additional dependencies required by apps of FreedomBox. To install these, run:

$ sudo apt install -y $(plinth --list-dependencies)

Manually Setting Up for Development

It is recommended that you use Vagrant to setup your development environment. However, for some reason, you wish setup manually, the following tips will help:

  1. Instead of running install after every source modification, run the following command:

    $ sudo python3 develop

    This will install the python package in a special development mode. Run it normally. Any updates to the code (and core package data files) do not require re-installation after every modification.

    CherryPy web server also monitors changes to the source files and reloads the server as soon as a file is modified. Hence it is usually sufficient to modify the source and refresh the browser page to see the changes.

  2. FreedomBox Service (Plinth) also supports running without installing (as much as possible). Simply run it as:

    $ sudo ./run --debug

    In this mode, FreedomBox Service (Plinth) runs in working directory without need for installation. It uses the plinth.conf config file in the working directory if no regular config file (/etc/plinth/plinth.conf) is found. It creates all that data and runtime files in data/var/*.

    Note: This mode is supported only in a limited manner. The following are the unknown issues with it:

    1. Help pages are also not built. Run make -C doc manually.

    2. Actions do not work when running as normal user without sudo prefix. You need to add actions directory to be allowed for sudo commands. See data/etc/sudoers.d/plinth for a hint.

Testing Inside a Virtual Machine

  1. Checkout source on the host.

  2. Share the source folder and mount it on virtual machine. This could be done over NFS, SSH-fs or 'Shared Folders' feature on VirtualBox.

  3. Run develop or install as described above on guest machine.

  4. Access the guest machine's FreedomBox web UI from host after setting bridging or NATing for guest virtual machine.

Running Tests

To run all the tests:

$ python3 test

To run a specific test function, test class or test module, use the -s option with the fully qualified name.


# Run tests of a test module
$ python3 test -s plinth.tests.test_actions

# Run tests of one class in test module
$ python3 test -s plinth.tests.test_actions.TestActions

# Run one test in a class or module
$ python3 test -s plinth.tests.test_actions.TestActions.test_is_package_manager_busy

Running the Test Coverage Analysis

To run the coverage tool:

$ python3 test_coverage

Invoking this command generates a binary-format .coverage data file in the top-level project directory which is recreated with each run, and writes a set of HTML and other supporting files which comprise the browsable coverage report to the plinth/tests/coverage/report directory. Index.html presents the coverage summary, broken down by module. Data columns can be sorted by clicking on the column header or by using mnemonic hot-keys specified in the keyboard widget in the upper-right corner of the page. Clicking on the name of a particular source file opens a page that displays the contents of that file, with color-coding in the left margin to indicate which statements or branches were executed via the tests (green) and which statements or branches were not executed (red).

Building the Documentation Separately

FreedomBox Service (Plinth) man page is built from DocBook source in the doc/ directory. FreedomBox manual is downloaded from the wiki is also available there. Both these are build during the installation process.

To build the documentation separately, run:

$ make -C doc


FreedomBox Service (Plinth) is available from

Bugs & TODO

You can report bugs on FreedomBox Service's (Plinth's) issue tracker.

See for information how to best contribute code.


To mark text for translation, FreedomBox Service (Plinth) uses Django's translation strings. A module should e.g. from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ and wrap user-facing text with _(). Use it like this:

message = _('Application successfully installed and configured.')


The easiest way to start translating is with your browser, by using Weblate. Your changes will automatically get pushed to the code repository.

Alternatively, you can directly edit the .po file in your language directory Plinth/plinth/locale/ and create a pull request (see In that case, consider introducing yourself on #freedombox IRC (, because some work may have been done already on the Debian translators discussion lists or the Weblate localization platform.

For more information on translations: