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The following are the goals that define the long-term vision for the project. The vision guides daily activities, design, and feature acceptance.

  • High performance: Automatic instrumentation performance impact should not be a concern for users.
  • Reliability: Stable and performant under different loads. Well-behaved under extreme load, with low, predictable resource consumption.
  • Visibility: Users should be able to generate telemetry that provides deep and detailed visibility into their applications. Such telemetry must allow users to identify and solve application-related issues in production.
  • Useful by default: After installations users should be able to get telemetry from targeted libraries with none or minimal configuration, thanks to a good selection of default settings.
  • Extensible: Users can choose key components through configuration and plugins.

Supported and unsupported scenarios

Supported scenarios

  • Zero-touch source code instrumentation: Users can instrument applications without changing the source. Build changes may be required through the addition of specific NuGet packages.
  • Custom SDK support: The instrumentation can initialize the OpenTelemetry .NET SDK, though what OpenTelemetry SDK implementation is used and its initialization can also be delegated to the application code.

Unsupported scenarios

  • Applications using Ahead-of-Time (AOT) compilation: The current implementation relies on the CLR Profiler APIs and doesn't support AOT.
  • Side-by-side usage with other CLR Profiler based tools: Various tools for .NET are also implemented using a CLR Profiler. However, only a single CLR Profiler can be used when running the application.

Error handling

Initialization errors, usually caused by invalid configuration, are logged and crash the application.

Errors occurring at application runtime are logged and should never crash the application.


To instrument a .NET application without requiring source code changes, the OpenTelemetry .NET Instrumentation uses the CLR Profiler APIs to bootstrap the OpenTelemetry .NET SDK and inject the selected instrumentations into the targeted application.

The main components of the project are:

  • CLR Profiler DLL: Native component that implements a CLR Profiler. The CLR Profiler is used to modify the application intermediate language (IL), including the IL of packages used by the application, to add and collect observability data.

  • Loader: Managed library shipped as a resource of the native CLR Profiler. It loads the bootstrap code into the targeted application and extends the assembly load paths to include the folders with the OpenTelemetry .NET SDK and the instrumentations to be injected into the application.

  • Managed Profiler: Contains the code to set up the OpenTelemetry .NET SDK and configured instrumentations, as well as support code to run and implement bytecode instrumentations. Set the OTEL_DOTNET_AUTO_LOAD_TRACER_AT_STARTUP environment variable to false when the application initializes the OpenTelemetry .NET SDK Tracer on its own.

  • Source Instrumentations: Instrumentations created on top of API hooks or callbacks provided directly by the library or framework being instrumented. This type of instrumentation depends on the OpenTelemetry API and the specific library or framework that they instrument. Some examples include:

  • Bytecode Instrumentations: Instrumentations created for libraries or frameworks that lack proper hooks or callbacks to allow the collection of observability data. These instrumentations must be implemented following the proper attribute annotation so that the native CLR Profiler implementation can inject them at runtime. Some examples include:


Injecting the OpenTelemetry .NET SDK and instrumentations

The OpenTelemetry .NET SDK and selected source instrumentations are injected into the target process through a series of steps started by the CLR Profiler DLL:

  1. On the CorProfiler::ModuleLoadFinished callback, the CLR Profiler DLL takes the following actions:

    • If the loaded module is in the set of modules for which there is bytecode instrumentation, or if it's the first non-corelib module or not in one of the special cases, the profiler adds the module to a map of modules to be instrumented.
    • If there is bytecode instrumentation for the module, the profiler requests a JIT recompilation using ICorProfilerInfo::RequestReJIT for the methods targeted by the bytecode instrumentation.
  2. On the CorProfiler::JITCompilationStarted callback, the CLR Profiler DLL takes the following actions:

    • If instrumenting he first module in the current AppDomain, the profiler injects the IL calling the Loader Startup type constructor. This type of constructor:

      • Adds an event handler to the AssemblyResolve, so that it can add any assembly needed by the SDK itself or by any instrumentation.
      • Runs, through reflection, the Initialization method from the Managed Profiler assembly.
        • The Initialization code bootstraps the OpenTelemetry .NET SDK, adding configured processors, exporters, and so on, and initializes any configured source instrumentations.
    • If the first method observed by JITCompilationStarted is IIS startup code, the profiler invokes AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetData("OpenTelemetry_IISPreInitStart", true), so that automatic instrumentation correctly handles IIS startup scenarios.

Bytecode instrumentations

The bytecode instrumentation, called "call target" in this repo, relies on the JIT recompilation capability of the CLR to rewrite the IL for instrumented methods. This adds logic at the beginning and end of the instrumented methods to invoke instrumentation written in this repo, and wraps the calls with try-catch blocks to prevent instrumentation errors from affecting the normal operation of the application.

Bytecode instrumentation methods should not have direct dependencies with the libraries that they instrument. This way, they can work with multiple versions of the assemblies targeted for instrumentation and reduce the number of shipped files.

When operating with parameters and return values of the targeted methods, the instrumentation methods must use DuckTyping or reflection to access objects from the APIs being instrumented.

Assembly conflict resolution

The injection of the OpenTelemetry .NET SDK and any source instrumentation brings the risk of assembly version conflicts. This issue is more likely with the NuGet package System.Diagnostic.DiagnosticSource and its dependencies, because it contains the Activity type used by the OpenTelemetry .NET API to represent a span. This package, previously released by Microsoft, is already used by various applications.

Two issues might arise from incorrect versioning:

  1. Version required by the OpenTelemetry .NET SDK or the instrumentations is not met.
  2. Multiple versions of the assembly in the same process, as the runtime treats them independently.

Configuration resolution

.NET Core Framework-dependent deployment applications might use DOTNET_ADDITIONAL_DEPS and DOTNET_SHARED_STORE from OpenTelemetry .NET Automatic Instrumentation installation location to resolve assembly conflicts.

Build time resolution

Currently, the path to resolving such conflicts is to add or update any package reference used by the application to the versions required by the OpenTelemetry .NET SDK and the instrumentations. Even if the application itself doesn't directly reference a conflicting dependency, this might still be necessary due to conflicts created by any indirect dependency.

Adding or updating package references works because of the way NuGet Package Dependency Resolution is implemented. Conflicts are resolved by having explicit package references to the correct package versions.

To simplify this process, we plan to create a NuGet package that installs the CLR Profiler and its managed dependencies.

Runtime time resolution

If you can't change the application build to add or update the necessary package versions, you can still address conflicts using the methods described in Handling of Assembly version Conflicts.

Further reading


Microsoft .NET Profiling APIs: