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Instrumenting Example Applications with the OpenTelemetry .NET Automatic Instrumentation

The following examples show how different instrumentation scenarios are covered by the OpenTelemetry .NET Automatic Instrumentation.


The example script instruments two .NET processes. These processes are identified as OpenTelemetry services with the following names:

  1. aspnet-server: ASP.NET Core application that makes requests to MongoDB and Redis databases.
  2. {exampleApp}: .NET application that makes a few HTTP requests to the aspnet-server and some public websites. The exact name is equal to exampleApp value.

The script creates Docker containers for MongoDB, Redis, Jaeger, Prometheus, and the OpenTelemetry Collector. You can see the traces generated by the example in the Jaeger container, while the metrics are available on the Prometheus container. The number and organization of traces generated depends on the exampleApp used in the specific run. The script waits for your input before stopping the containers.

How to run the examples

To run the example applications:

  1. Create a local build of the project following the developing instructions.
  2. Run the ./ script at the root of the repository.

You can customize the script using the following environment variables:

Environment variable Description Default
aspNetAppTargetFramework Target framework for the aspnet-server service netcoreapp3.1
configuration Build configuration for example apps, either Release or Debug Release
enableProfiling Value of COR_ENABLE_PROFILING and CORECLR_ENABLE_PROFILING for the example apps 1
exampleApp Application selected for the http-client service ConsoleApp
exampleAppInjectSDK Whether automatic instrumentation injects the SDK on the http-client service true
exampleAppTargetFramework Target framework for the http-client service netcoreapp3.1
tracesExporter Value for OTEL_TRACES_EXPORTER env. variable otlp
metricsExporter Value for OTEL_METRICS_EXPORTER env. variable otlp
keepContainers Whether the docker containers are preserved after the script execution false
skipAppBuild Whether the script skips building the example apps false
vendorPluginTargetFramework Target framework for the aspnet-server service net462 if aspNetAppTargetFramework is net462, netcoreapp3.1 otherwise

Usage example:

exampleAppTargetFramework="net6.0" ./

Project examples


An ASP.NET Core MVC application used to simulate a server application capable of making calls to MongoDB, Redis and generate metrics. In addition to these calls, it also supports various other endpoints. Check the Controllers for some of the endpoints you can use.

Usage example:

aspNetAppTargetFramework="net6.0" ./


Example client app that uses .NET Framework binding redirects to handle assembly version conflict between automatic instrumentation and third-party libraries that cannot be updated to the same version required by OpenTelemetry. See the OldReference project for more information.

The project representing the third-party library has a legacy Activity named InstrumentedHttpCall.GetAsync set OTEL_DOTNET_AUTO_LEGACY_SOURCES to capture it.

The following usage example is for Windows, as binding redirection only applies to .NET Framework:

OTEL_DOTNET_AUTO_LEGACY_SOURCES="InstrumentedHttpCall.GetAsync" exampleApp=BindingRedirect exampleAppTargetFramework=net462 ./


The default example app used by ./ OpenTracing.

Usage example:

exampleAppTargetFramework="net6.0" ./


A client app that bootstraps the OpenTelemetry SDK. It uses an ActivitySource to implement manual instrumentation. The bootstrap code takes care of adding the ActivitySource name for the automatic instrumentation and the manual instrumentation.

The bootstrap code enables the Zipkin exporter provided by the SDK. The OpenTelemetry collector container is also configured to accept Zipkin spans.

Use the environment variable exampleAppInjectSDK in the script to control the value of OTEL_DOTNET_AUTO_LOAD_TRACER_AT_STARTUP. For example:

exampleAppInjectSDK=false exampleApp=ConsoleApp.SelfBootstrap ./


Example client application that uses NuGet package version resolution at build time to handle assembly version conflict between automatic instrumentation and third-party libraries that can't be updated to the same version required by OpenTelemetry. See the OldReference project for more information.

The project representing the third-party library has a legacy Activity named InstrumentedHttpCall.GetAsync set OTEL_DOTNET_AUTO_LEGACY_SOURCES to capture it.

Usage example:

OTEL_DOTNET_AUTO_LEGACY_SOURCES="InstrumentedHttpCall.GetAsync" exampleApp=CoreAppOldReference ./


Example console application to illustrate how to make manual instrumentation.

Usage example:

OTEL_DOTNET_AUTO_TRACES_ADDITIONAL_SOURCES="Examples.ManualInstrumentations.*" exampleApp=ManualInstrumentations ./


Represents a third-party project that can't be updated to use the same version of the assemblies required by OpenTelemetry .NET SDK used by the automatic instrumentation.


A library that wraps an OpenTracing span around a Func<Task> delegate.


Implements an instrumentation plugin. The example script adds this plugin to the instrumentation configuration when launching the server application of the demo.