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Have a nice day Build Status

Server-side code for Have a nice day project written in Scala using Finatra.

Run the project

This repository uses SBT as build tool. To run this project you can just import this repository as an Play or SBT project into your IDE or run the following command:

sbt run

This will download some dependencies needed to build and run the project and will start listening for HTTP requests on localhost:9000.

Pass the tests

To build and test this project you can execute sbt test. You can also use sbt interactive mode (you just have to execute sbt in your terminal) and then use the triggered execution to execute your tests using the following commands inside the interactive mode:

~ test // Runs every test in your project
~ test-only *AnySpec // Runs specs matching with the filter passed as param.

You can review the current project coverage by executing:

sbt coverage test 
sbt coverageReport


For the project checkstyle we are using ScalaFMT. The code format will be evaluated after accepting any contribution to this repository using this tool. You can easily format your code changes automatically by executing sbt format.

API documentation

The REST API created in this project is documented using Swagger. In the repository root folder you can find a swagger.yaml file you can open with your favorite Swagger editor and use it to review the documentation or for debugging purposes. This file can be also used to generate client side code in many different languages automatically using Swagger Code Gen. You can easily install Swagger Code Gen from brew and execute the following command to generate, for example, the iOS API Client code:

swagger-codegen generate -i target/swagger/swagger.json -l swift -o ~/Desktop/zolla-ios-api-client

Slick DB framework

This project uses Slick to be able to handle DB queries in a functional an easy way. We've configured slick-codegen to generate the FRM code automatically using the DB schema. Todo this you only need to execute sbt slickCodeGen once the local DB schema is up to date. This will generate a file named src/main/scala/slick/Tables.scala where you can find all the definition for the tables and the rows used inside.


Inside docker folder you'll find all the images and utils to run Have a nice day locally using Docker by just executing the following command. Remember to start docker before running your app.

 docker-compose up -d

This will download pre-builded images and download dependencies in order to build local images.

DB Migrations

This project handles DB migrations using Flyway. All the DB migrations can be found in src/main/resources/db/migration. Remember that migrations won't be applied automatically. In order to run a migration in your local environment you can execute sbt flywayMigrate. If the migration has to be performed in the production server you'll need to connect to the DB instance using flyway CLI and execute the following command:

flyway -user=<REDACTED> -password=<REDACTED> -url=jdbc:mysql://<REDACTED> -locations=filesystem:src/main/resources/db/migration migrate

Or if you are working on your laptop you can directly use the following sbt commands:

//Validate database migration
sbt flywayValidate
//Clean database and schema
sbt flywayClean
//Apply migrations locally
sbt flywayMigrate
//Repair database if something has changed in old migrations and the changes are still valid
sbt flywayRepair
//Prints the details and status information about all the migrations
sbt flywayInfo


This project can be configured using different values such as the Firebase configuration API key or the Twitter Credentials configuration. In order to override the default configuration you can replace the values found inside the *.conf files or use environment variables. If you define the following environment variables the project will be configured properly:


Docker image

This project is ready to automatically create a docker image you can easily deploy on any server. You just need to execute:

sbt assembly
docker build -t haveaniceday .

If you need to run this image from command line you can execute:

docker run haveaniceday -d

If you need to generate a tar file with the docker image you can execute:

docker save IMAGE_TAG > haveaniceday.tar

Or upload the image to docker hub executing the following commands:

docker images
docker tag DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG YOUR_DOCKER_USERNAME/haveaniceday:latest
docker login --username=YOUR_DOCKER_USERNAME
docker push YOUR_DOCKER_USERNAME/haveaniceday


If you would like to contribute code to this repository you can do so through GitHub by creating a new branch in the repository and sending a pull request or opening an issue. Please, remember that there are some requirements you have to pass before accepting your contribution:

  • Write clean code and test it.
  • The code written will have to match the product owner requirements.
  • Follow the repository code style.
  • Write good commit messages.
  • Do not send pull requests without checking if the project build is OK in the CI environment.
  • Review if your changes affects the repository documentation and update it.
  • Describe the PR content and don't hesitate to add comments to explain us why you've added or changed something.

Developed By

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Copyright 2017 Pedro Vicente Gómez Sánchez

Licensed under the GNU General Public License, Version 3 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.