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File metadata and controls

612 lines (464 loc) · 28.8 KB


You can send the outputs from qsiprep to other software packages by specifying a JSON file with the --recon-spec option. Here we use "reconstruction" to mean reconstructing ODFs/FODs/EAPs and connectivity matrices from the preprocessed diffusion data.


In the current implementation, if you want to only run reconstruction, you will need to pass the --recon-only argument as well.

The easiest way to get started is to use one of the :ref:`preconfigured_workflows`. Instead of specifying a path to a file you can choose from the following:

Option MultiShell DSI DTI Tractography
:ref:`mrtrix_multishell_msmt_ACT-fast`* Yes No No Probabilistic
:ref:`mrtrix_multishell_msmt_ACT-hsvs` Yes No No Probabilistic
:ref:`mrtrix_multishell_msmt_noACT` Yes No No Probabilistic
:ref:`mrtrix_singleshell_ss3t_noACT` No No Yes Probabilistic
:ref:`mrtrix_singleshell_ss3t_ACT-hsvs` No No Yes Probabilistic
:ref:`mrtrix_singleshell_ss3t_ACT-fast`* No No Yes Probabilistic
:ref:`pyafq` Yes No Yes Both
:ref:`pyafq_input_trk` Yes No Yes Both
:ref:`amico_noddi` Yes No No None
:ref:`dsi_studio_gqi` Yes Yes Yes* Deterministic
:ref:`dsi_studio_autotrack` Yes Yes Yes Deterministic
:ref:`dipy_mapmri` Yes Yes No Both
:ref:`dipy_3dshore` Yes Yes No Both
:ref:`csdsi_3dshore` Yes Yes No Both
:ref:`reorient_fslstd` Yes Yes Yes None

* Not recommended

These workflows each take considerable processing time, because they output as many versions of connectivity as possible. All :ref:`connectivity_atlases` and all possible weightings are included. Each workflow corresponds to a JSON file that can be found in QSIprep's github. For extra information about how to customize these, see :ref:`custom_reconstruction`.

To use a pre-packaged workflow, simply provide the name from the leftmost column above for the --recon-spec argument. For example:

$ qsiprep-docker \
    /path/to/bids /path/for/reconstruction/outputs participant \
    --recon_input /output/from/qsiprep \
    --recon_spec dsi_studio_gqi \
    --fs-license-file /path/to/license.txt

qsiprep supports a limited number of algorithms that are wrapped in nipype workflows and can be configured and connected based on the recon spec JSON file. The output from one workflow can be the input to another as long as the output from the upstream workflow matches the inputs to the downstream workflow. The :ref:`recon_workflows` section lists all the available workflows and their inputs and outputs.

Using Data Preprocessed by Other Pipelines

Many open datasets are provided in minimally preprocessed form. Most of these have a bespoke processing pipeline and in many cases these pipelines are very similar to QSIPrep. Instead of preprocessing these from scratch, you can run reconstruction workflows on the minimally preprocessed data by specifying the pipeline that was used for preprocessing.

UK BioBank Preprocessed Data

To use the UK BioBank preprocessed dMRI data, specify --recon-input-pipeline ukb. Note that the transforms to/from MNI space are not able to be used at this time. This means that a new spatial normalization will have to be estimated in order to use any of the workflows that require one.

HCP Young Adult Preprocessed Data

To use minimally preprocessed dMRI data from HCP-YA specify --recon-input-pipeline hcpya. The included FNIRT transforms are usable directly.

Anatomical Data for Reconstruction Workflows

Some reconstruction workflows require additional anatomical data to work properly. This table shows which reconstruction workflows depend on the availibility of anatomical data:

Option Req. T1w Req. FreeSurfer Req. SDC
:ref:`mrtrix_multishell_msmt_ACT-hsvs` Yes Yes Yes
:ref:`mrtrix_multishell_msmt_ACT-fast` Yes No Yes
:ref:`mrtrix_multishell_msmt_noACT` No No No
:ref:`mrtrix_singleshell_ss3t_ACT-hsvs` Yes Yes No
:ref:`mrtrix_singleshell_ss3t_ACT-fast` Yes No No
:ref:`mrtrix_singleshell_ss3t_noACT` Yes No No
:ref:`pyafq` No No No
:ref:`pyafq_input_trk` No No No
:ref:`amico_noddi` No No No
:ref:`dsi_studio_gqi` No No Recommended
:ref:`dipy_mapmri` No No Recommended
:ref:`dipy_3dshore` No No Recommended
:ref:`csdsi_3dshore` No No Recommended
:ref:`reorient_fslstd` No No No

Data preprocessed by qsiprep may be missing a preprocessed T1w image if the --dwi-only flag was used. This is not a problem because anatomical data can be introduced during the Reconstruction workflows! Suppose you ran FreeSurfer on your data separately (e.g. as part of fmriprep). You can specify the directory containing freesurfer outputs with the --freesurfer-input flag. If you have:


and from qsiprep:


You can run:

$ qsiprep-docker \
    derivatives/qsiprep derivatives participant \
    --recon_input derivatives/qsiprep \
    --recon_spec mrtrix_multishell_msmt_ACT-hsvs \
    --freesurfer-input derivatives/freesurfer \
    --fs-license-file /path/to/license.txt

This will read the FreeSurfer data, align it to the qsiprep results and use it for subsequent reconstruction steps. The --freesurfer-input flag can be included regardless even if the --dwi-only flag wasn't used. This means two possible things can happen

If qsiprep performed anatomical preprocessing

In most cases human MRI experiments include a T1-weighted anatomical image. By default qsiprep performs some processing steps on this image, including brain extraction and spatial normalization to the MNI152NLin2009cAsym template (unless --infant was specified, then the infant template is used).

If a T1w image is available in the input BIDS data and was preprocessed by qsiprep, the brain.mgz image from freesurfer is registered to the AC-PC and DWI-aligned desc-preproc_T1w.nii image in the qsiprep outputs. The transform from freesurfer native space into alignment with the qsiprep outputs is achieved by converting brain.mgz into NIfTI format and adjusting the affine matrix such that the images are aligned in world coordinates. This prevents an extra interpolation.

If --dwi-only was used

If --dwi-only was used, there will be no preprocessed T1w data in the qsiprep results. Instead the DWI images have been aligned to AC-PC as closely as possibly (likely imperfectly). In this case, the FreeSurfer skull-stripped brain.mgz is rigidly registered to dwiref of each preprocessed DWI. The FreeSurfer brain mask is resampled to the grid of the DWI.

If structural connectivity is calculated during the reconstruction workflow (or any atlases are specified in the "anatomical": [] section of the workflow's .json file), the coregistered-to-DWI brain.mgz image will be normalized to the MNI152NLin2009cAsym template using antsRegistration. The reverse transform is used to get parcellations aligned to the DWI.

How masking is incorporated

A brain mask is provided as default input to all reconstruction workflows. The source of the brain mask depends on available data and user options.

  • If qsiprep ran normally and the reconstruction workflows are run without --dwi-only, the brain mask estimated by antsBrainExtraction during preprocessing is used.
  • If no T1w data is available in the qsiprep outputs and the user supplies FreeSurfer data with --freesurfer-input, the brain mask created by FreeSurfer is used.
  • If you specify --dwi-only when qsiprep performs the reconstruction OR if no preprocessed T1w images (either via qsiprep outputs or --freesurfer-input) are available, a mask is estimated based on the preprocessed DWI data. This is the least robust option and should be avoided if at all possible.

Pre-configured recon_workflows


The MRtrix workflows are identical up to the FOD estimation. In each case the fiber response function is estimated using dwi2response dhollander [Dhollander2019]_ with a mask based on the T1w. The main differences are in

  • the CSD algorithm used in dwi2fod (msmt_csd or ss3t_csd)
  • whether a T1w-based tissue segmentation is used during tractography

In the *_noACT versions of the pipelines, no T1w-based segmentation is used during tractography. Otherwise, cropping is performed at the GM/WM interface, along with backtracking.

In all pipelines, tractography is performed using tckgen_, which uses the iFOD2 probabilistic tracking method to generate 1e7 streamlines with a maximum length of 250mm, minimum length of 30mm, FOD power of 0.33. Weights for each streamline were calculated using SIFT2_ [Smith2015]_ and were included for while estimating the structural connectivity matrix.


We don't recommend using ACT with FAST segmentations. The full benefits of ACT require very precise tissue boundaries and FAST just doesn't do this reliably enough. We strongly recommend the hsvs segmentation if you're going to use ACT. Note that this requires --freesurfer-input


This workflow uses the msmt_csd algorithm [Jeurissen2014]_ to estimate FODs for white matter, gray matter and cerebrospinal fluid using multi-shell acquisitions. The white matter FODs are used for tractography and the T1w segmentation is used for anatomical constraints [Smith2012]_. The T1w segmentation uses the hybrid surface volume segmentation (hsvs) [Smith2020]_ and requires --freesurfer-input.


Identical to :ref:`mrtrix_multishell_msmt_ACT-hsvs` except FSL's FAST is used for tissue segmentation. This workflow is not recommended.


This workflow uses the msmt_csd algorithm [Jeurissen2014]_ to estimate FODs for white matter, gray matter and cerebrospinal fluid using multi-shell acquisitions. The white matter FODs are used for tractography with no T1w-based anatomical constraints.


This workflow uses the ss3t_csd_beta1 algorithm [Dhollander2016]_ to estimate FODs for white matter, and cerebrospinal fluid using single shell (DTI) acquisitions. The white matter FODs are used for tractography and the T1w segmentation is used for anatomical constraints [Smith2012]_. The T1w segmentation uses the hybrid surface volume segmentation (hsvs) [Smith2020]_ and requires --freesurfer-input.


Identical to :ref:`mrtrix_singleshell_ss3t_ACT-hsvs` except FSL's FAST is used for tissue segmentation. This workflow is not recommended.


This workflow uses the ss3t_csd_beta1 algorithm [Dhollander2016]_ to estimate FODs for white matter, and cerebrospinal fluid using single shell (DTI) acquisitions. The white matter FODs are used for tractography with no T1w-based anatomical constraints.


This workflow uses the AFQ [Yeatman2012]_ implemented in Python [Kruper2021]_ to recognize major white matter pathways within the tractography, and then extract tissue properties along those pathways. See the pyAFQ documentation .


Identical to :ref:`pyafq` except that tractography generated using IFOD2 from MRTrix3, instead of using pyAFQ's default DIPY tractography. This can also be used as an example for how to import tractographies from other reconstruciton pipelines to pyAFQ.


This workflow estimates the NODDI [Zhang2012]_ model using the implementation from AMICO [Daducci2015]_. Images with intra-cellular volume fraction (ICVF), isotropic volume fraction (ISOVF), orientation dispersion (OD) are written to outputs. Additionally, a DSI Studio fib file is created using the peak directions and ICVF as a stand-in for QA to be used for tractography.


Here the standard GQI plus deterministic tractography pipeline is used [Yeh2013]_. GQI works on almost any imaginable sampling scheme because DSI Studio will internally interpolate the q-space data so symmetry requirements are met. GQI models the water diffusion ODF, so ODF peaks are much smaller than you see with CSD. This results in a rather conservative peak detection, which greatly benefits from having more diffusion data than a typical DTI.

5 million streamlines are created with a maximum length of 250mm, minimum length of 30mm, random seeding, a step size of 1mm and an automatically calculated QA threshold.

Additionally, a number of anisotropy scalar images are produced such as QA, GFA and ISO.


This workflow implements DSI Studio's q-space diffeomorphic reconstruction (QSDR), the MNI space (ICBM-152) version of GQI, followed by automatic fiber tracking (autotrack) [Yeh2020]_ [Yeh2022]_ of 56 white matter pathways. Autotrack uses a population-averaged tractography atlas (based on HCP-Young Adult data) to identify tracts of interest in individual subject's data. The autotrack procedure seeds deterministic fiber tracking with randomized parameter saturation within voxels that correspondto each tract in the tractography atlas and determines whether generated streamlines belong to the target tract based on the Hausdorff distance between subject and atlas streamlines.

Reconstructed subject-specific tracts are written out as .tck files that are aligned to the qsiprep-generated _dwiref.nii.gz and preproc_T1w.nii.gz volumes; .tck files can be visualized overlaid on these volumes in mrview or MI-brain. Note, .tck files will not appear in alignment with the dwiref/T1w volumes in DSI Studio due to how the .tck files are read in.

Diffusion metrics (e.g., dti_fa, gfa, iso,rdi, nrdi02) and shape statistics (e.g., mean_length, span, curl, volume, endpoint_radius) are calculated for subject-specific tracts and written out in an AutoTrackGQI.csv file.


The MAPMRI method is used to estimate EAPs from which ODFs are calculated analytically. This method produces scalars like RTOP, RTAP, QIV, MSD, etc.

The ODFs are saved in DSI Studio format and tractography is run identically to that in :ref:`dsi_studio_gqi`.


This uses the BrainSuite 3dSHORE basis in a Dipy reconstruction. Much like :ref:`dipy_mapmri`, a slew of anisotropy scalars are estimated. Here the :ref:`dsi_studio_gqi` fiber tracking is again run on the 3dSHORE-estimated ODFs.


Reorients the qsiprep preprocessed DWI and bval/bvec to the standard FSL orientation. This can be useful if FSL tools will be applied outside of qsiprep.


[EXPERIMENTAL] This pipeline is for DSI or compressed-sensing DSI. The first step is a L2-regularized 3dSHORE reconstruction of the ensemble average propagator in each voxel. These EAPs are then used for two purposes

  1. To calculate ODFs, which are then sent to DSI Studio for tractography
  2. To estimate signal for a multishell (specifically HCP) sampling scheme, which is run through the :ref:`mrtrix_multishell_msmt` pipeline

All outputs, including the imputed HCP sequence are saved in the outputs directory.

Building a custom reconstruction pipeline

Instead of going through each possible element of a pipeline, we will go through a simple example and describe its components.

Simple DSI Studio example

The reconstruction pipeline is created by the user and specified in a JSON file similar to the following:

  "name": "dsistudio_pipeline",
  "space": "T1w",
  "anatomical": ["mrtrix_5tt_fast"],
  "atlases": ["schaefer100x7", "schaefer100x17", "schaefer200x7", "schaefer200x7", "schaefer400x7", "schaefer400x17", "brainnetome246", "aicha384", "gordon333", "aal116", "power264"],
  "nodes": [
      "name": "dsistudio_gqi",
      "software": "DSI Studio",
      "action": "reconstruction",
      "input": "qsiprep",
      "output_suffix": "gqi",
      "parameters": {"method": "gqi"}
      "name": "scalar_export",
      "software": "DSI Studio",
      "action": "export",
      "input": "dsistudio_gqi",
      "output_suffix": "gqiscalar"

Pipeline level metadata

The "name" element defines the name of the pipeline. This will ultimately be the name of the output directory. By setting "space": "T1w" we specify that all operations will take place in subject anatomical ("T1w") space. Many "connectomics" algorithms require a brain parcellation. A number of these come packaged with qsiprep in the Docker image. In this case, the atlases will be transformed from group template space to subject anatomical space because we specified "space": "T1w" earlier. Be sure a warp is calculated if using these (transforms).

Pipeline nodes

The "nodes" list contains the workflows that will be run as a part of the reconstruction pipeline. All nodes must have a name element, this serves as an id for this node and is used to connect its outputs to a downstream node. In this example we can see that the node with "name": "dsistudio_gqi" sends its outputs to the node with "name": "scalar_export" because the "name": "scalar_export" node specifies "input": "dsistudio_gqi". If no "input" is specified for a node, it is assumed that the outputs from qsiprep will be its inputs.

By specifying "software": "DSI Studio" we will be using algorithms implemented in `DSI Studio`_. Other options include MRTrix_ and Dipy_. Since there are many things that `DSI Studio`_ can do, we specify that we want to reconstruct the output from qsiprep by adding "action": "reconstruction". Additional parameters can be sent to specify how the reconstruction should take place in the "parameters" item. Possible options for "software", "action" and "parameters" can be found in the :ref:`recon_workflows` section.

You will have access to all the intermediate data in the pipeline's working directory, but can specify which outputs you want to save to the output directory by setting an "output_suffix". Looking at the outputs for a workflow in the :ref:`recon_workflows` section you can see what is produced by each workflow. Each of these files will be saved in your output directory for each subject with a name matching your specified "output_suffix". In this case it will produce a file something_space-T1w_gqi.fib.gz. Since a fib file is produced by this node and the downstream export_scalars node uses it, the scalars produced from that node will be from this same fib file.

Executing the reconstruction pipeline

Assuming this file is called qgi_scalar_export.json and you've installed qsiprep-container you can execute this pipeline with:

$ qsiprep-docker \
    /path/to/bids /where/my/reconstructed/data/goes participant \
    --recon_input /output/from/qsiprep \
    --recon_spec gqi_scalar_export.json \
    --fs-license-file /path/to/license.txt

Spaces and transforms

Transforming the a reconstruction output to template space requires that the spatial normalization transform is calculated. This can be accomplished in two ways

  1. During preprocessing you included --output-spaces template. This will also result in your preprocessed DWI series being written in template space, which you likely don't want.
  2. You include the --force-spatial-normalization argument during preprocessing. This will create the warp to your template and store it in the derivatives directory but will not write your preprocessed DWI series in template space.

Some of the workflows require a warp to a template. For example, connectivity will use this warp to transform atlases into T1w space for calculating a connectivity matrix.

Reconstruction Outputs: Connectivity matrices

Instead of offering a bewildering number of options for constructing connectivity matrices, qsiprep will construct as many connectivity matrices as it can given the reconstruction methods. It is highly recommended that you pick a weighting scheme before you run these pipelines and only look at those numbers. If you look at more than one weighting method be sure to adjust your statistics for the additional comparisons.


The following atlases are included in qsiprep and are used by default in the :ref:`preconfigured_workflows`. If you use one of them please be sure to cite the relevant publication.

Using custom atlases

It's possible to use your own atlases provided you can match the format qsiprep uses to read atlases. The qsiprep atlas set can be downloaded directly from box.

In this directory there must exist a JSON file called atlas_config.json containing an entry for each atlas you would like included. The format is:

  "my_custom_atlas": {
    "file": "file_in_this_directory.nii.gz",
    "node_names": ["Region1_L", "Region1_R" ... "RegionN_R"],
    "node_ids": [1, 2, ..., N]

Where "node_names" are the text names of the regions in "my_custom_atlas" and "node_ids" are the numbers in the nifti file that correspond to each region. When :ref:`custom_reconstruction` you can then inclued "my_custom_atlas" in the "atlases":[] section.

The directory containing atlas_config.json and the atlas nifti files should be mounted in the container at /atlas/qsirecon_atlases. If using qsiprep-docker or qsiprep-singularity this can be done with --custom-atlases /path/to/my/atlases or if you're running on your own system (not recommended) you can set the environment variable QSIRECON_ATLAS=/path/to/my/atlases.

The nifti images should be registered to the MNI152NLin2009cAsym included in qsiprep. It is essential that your images are in the LPS+ orientation and have the sform zeroed-out in the header. Be sure to check for alignment and orientation in your outputs.