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File metadata and controls

131 lines (123 loc) · 6.86 KB


The @perfective/common/string package works with the standard JS String type. It provides the following functions and additional types.

  • Type guards:

    • isString<T>(value: T | string): value is string — returns true if a given value is a string.

    • isNotString<T>(value: T | string): value is T — returns true if a given value is not a string.

  • Properties:

    • length(value: string): number — returns the length of a given string.

  • Predicates:

    • isEmpty(value: string): boolean — returns true if a given string is empty.

    • isNotEmpty(value: string): boolean — returns true if a given string is not empty.

  • Operators:

    • lines(value: string): string[] — splits a given string into an array of string based on the line separator (\n, \r\n, and \r).

    • lowerCase(value: string): string — converts a given string to lower case.

    • upperCase(value: string): string — converts a given string to upper case.

    • trim(value: string): string — removes whitespace from both ends of a given string.

  • Curried functions:

    • charAt(index: number): Unary<string, string> — creates a function that returns a UTF-16 code unit at a given zero-based index in the input string.

    • concat(…​strings: string[]): Unary<string, string> — creates a function that returns a string built from the input string and concatenated with given strings.

    • concatTo(value: string): Unary<string | string[], string> — creates a function that returns a string built from the input string(s) concatenated to a given string.

    • endsWith(search: string, endPosition?: number): Unary<string, boolean> — creates a function that returns true if a given search string is found at a given endPosition index of the input string.

      If endPosition is omitted, the input string length is used.

    • includes(search: string, position: number = 0): Unary<string, boolean> — creates a function that returns true if a given search string is found in the input string starting at a given position index.

    • indexOf(search: string, from: number = 0): Unary<string, number | -1> — creates a function that returns the index of the first occurrence of a given search string in the input string, starting at a given from index; or returns -1 if the given search string is not found.

    • lastIndexOf(search: string, from?: number): Unary<string, number | -1> — creates a function that returns the index of the first occurrence of a given search string in the input string, starting at a given from index; or returns -1 if the given search string is not found.

    • padEnd(length: number, fill?: string): Unary<string, string> — creates a function that pads the of end the input string with a given fill string up to the target length.

    • padStart(length: number, fill?: string): Unary<string, string> — creates a function that pads the of start the input string with a given fill string up to the target length.

    • repeat(count: number): Unary<string, string> — creates a function that creates a string consisting of a given count of copies of the input string.

    • replace(search: string | RegExp, replacement: string): Unary<string, string> — creates a function that replaces given search substrings in the input string with a given replacement.

    • replaceWith(search: string | RegExp, replacement: Replacement): Unary<string, string> — creates a function that replaces given search substrings in the input string with a result of the replacement function (invoked on every match).

    • search(search: RegExp): Unary<string, number | -1> — creates a function that returns the index of the first occurrence of a given regular expression in the input string; or returns -1 if the given expression is not found.

    • slice(start: number, end?: number): Unary<string, string> — creates a function that returns a section of the input string from a given start index to the end of the string, or to a given end index (exclusive).

    • split(separator: string | RegExp, limit?: number): Unary<string, string[]> — creates a function that creates an ordered list of substrings by splitting the input string using a given separator and up to an optional limit.

    • startsWith(search: string, from: number = 0): Unary<string, boolean> — creates a function that returns true if the input string begins with a given search substring at a given from index.

  • Utf16CodeUnit: — an integer between 0 and 65535 (0xFFFF) representing a UTF-16 code unit.

    • charCodeAt(index: number): Unary<string, Utf16CodeUnit> — creates a function that returns a UTF-16 code unit value at a given zero-based index in the input string.

  • CodePoint: — an integer between 0 and 0x10FFFF (inclusive) representing a Unicode code point.

    • codePointAt(position: number): Unary<string, CodePoint | undefined> — creates a function that returns a code point value of the character at a given index in the input string; or returns undefined if the given index is out of range.

  • UnicodeNormalizationForm:

    • normalize(form: UnicodeNormalizationForm = 'NFC'): Unary<string, string> — creates a function that returns a string containing the Unicode Normalization Form of the input string for a given normalization form.


  • Format — represents a template with tokens that can be turned into a string.

    • format(template: string, tokens: Tokens | unknown[] = {}): Format — creates a {@link Format} record with the given template and tokens.

    • formatted(input: Format): string — replaces Format.tokens in the Format.template and returns the resulting string.

      Each token is wrapped in the double curly braces. For example, a template with a token {{foo}} will be replaced by the string value of the token foo.

  • Tokens: — a mapping between a token and its string value.

    • tokens(tokens: unknown[] | Tokens): Tokens — creates Tokens record from a given array of positional tokens, where each token is an index of each value in the given array.

      If given a Tokens object returns the given object.
