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JS nutshell: clarify variables section, clean up code examples
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Kaiepi committed Apr 8, 2019
1 parent 59560ba commit 40a534c
Showing 1 changed file with 89 additions and 81 deletions.
170 changes: 89 additions & 81 deletions doc/Language/js-nutshell.pod6
Expand Up @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ start with Node.js again:
=begin code :lang<javascript>
let name = 'Joe';
console.log('What\'s up,' + name + '?');
console.log(`What's up, {name}?`);
console.log(`What's up, ${name}?`);
console.log("What's up, ", name, "?");
=end code
Expand All @@ -65,11 +65,13 @@ between the two languages in greater detail.
Variables in Node.js can be defined like this;
=begin code :lang<javascript>
var foo = 1; // Lexically scoped with functions and modules
let foo = 1; // Lexically scoped with blocks
var foo = 1; // Lexically scoped with functions and modules
let foo = 1; // Lexically scoped with blocks
const foo = 1; // Lexically scoped with blocks; constant = 1; // Dynamically scoped; global
// No equivalent to Perl 6 dynamic variables exists. = 1; // Globally scoped
foo = 1; // Ditto, but implicit; forbidden in strict mode
=end code
Expand All @@ -78,26 +80,31 @@ there is no variable hoisting in Perl 6; variables are defined and assigned
at the line they're on, not defined at the top of its scope and later assigned
at that line.
This is how the equivalent types of variables are defined in Perl 6:
In addition to regular variables, in Perl 6 there are what is known as dynamic
variables. Dynamic variables are looked up using the caller's scope, rather
than the outer scope. This is what the equivalent variable declarations look
like in Perl 6:
=begin code
my $foo = 1; # Lexically scoped with blocks
our $foo = 1; # Lexically scoped with blocks and modules
constant foo = 1; # Lexically scoped with blocks and modules; constant
my $foo = 1; # Lexically scoped
our $foo = 1; # Package scoped
my constant foo = 1; # Lexically scoped; constant
constant foo = 1; # Package scoped; constant
my $*foo = 1; # Dynamic variable; lexically scoped
our $*foo = 1; # Dynamic variable; package scoped
my $*foo = 1; # Dynamically scoped with blocks
OUR::<$foo> = 1; # Dynamically scoped with blocks and modules
GLOBAL::<$foo> = 1; # Dynamically scoped; global
GLOBAL::<$foo> := 1; # Globally scoped
=end code
Use C<my> where you'd use C<let>, C<our> for variables you'd define in the
outermost scope needed, and C<constant> where you'd uses C<const>.
Dynamically scoped variables are not referred to in the same way as lexically
scoped ones like they are in Node.js. User-defined ones use either a C<$*>,
C<@*>, C<%*>, or C<&*> twigil. Refer to the documentation on
You may have noticed the C<$> and C<$*> symbols placed before variable names.
These are known as sigils and twigils respectively, and define what container
the variable has. Refer to the documentation on
L<variables|/language/variables> for more information on sigils, twigils, and
variable containers.
Variables in Node.js can override others from outer scopes with the same name
(though linters will usually complain about it depending on how they're
Expand All @@ -110,8 +117,8 @@ function logDupe() {
logDupe(2); // 2
console.log(foo); // 1
logDupe(2); // OUTPUT: 2
console.log(foo); // OUTPUT: 1
=end code
Perl 6 also allows this:
Expand All @@ -123,8 +130,8 @@ sub log-dupe {
say $foo;
log-dupe; # 2
say $foo; # 1
log-dupe; # OUTPUT: 2
say $foo; # OUTPUT: 1
=end code
=head2 Operators
Expand All @@ -144,11 +151,11 @@ my %map; # This is a hash, roughly equivalent to a JS object or map
my %unbound = %map;
my %bound := %map;
%map<foo> = 'bar';
say %unbound; # {}
say %bound; # {foo => bar}
say %unbound; # OUTPUT: {}
say %bound; # OUTPUT: {foo => bar}
%bound := %unbound;
say %bound; # {}
say %bound; # OUTPUT: {}
=end code
=head3 Equality
Expand All @@ -161,18 +168,18 @@ operands are different types, they are both cast to their primitives before
being compared, meaning these will return true:
=begin code :lang<javascript>
console.log(1 == 1); // true
console.log('1' == 1); // true
console.log([] == 0); // true
console.log(1 == 1); // OUTPUT: true
console.log('1' == 1); // OUTPUT: true
console.log([] == 0); // OUTPUT: true
=end code
Similarly, in Perl 6, both operands are cast to Numeric before comparison if
they don't share the same type:
=begin code
say 1 == 1; # True
say '1' == 1; # True
say [1,2,3] == 3; # True, since the array has three elements
say 1 == 1; # OUTPUT: True
say '1' == 1; # OUTPUT: True
say [1,2,3] == 3; # OUTPUT: True, since the array has three elements
=end code
The inverse of C<==> is C<!=>.
Expand All @@ -181,8 +188,8 @@ Perl 6 has another operator similar to C<==>: C<eq>. Instead of casting operand
to Numeric if they're different types, C<eq> will cast them to strings:
=begin code
say '1' eq '1'; # True
say 1 eq '1'; # True
say '1' eq '1'; # OUTPUT: True
say 1 eq '1'; # OUTPUT: True
=end code
The inverse of C<eq> is C<ne> or C<!eq>.
Expand All @@ -192,26 +199,26 @@ the same value. When comparing objects, this will I<only> return true if they
are the exact same object:
=begin code :lang<javascript>
console.log(1 === 1); // true
console.log('1' === 1); // false
console.log({} === {}); // false
console.log(1 === 1); // OUTPUT: true
console.log('1' === 1); // OUTPUT: false
console.log({} === {}); // OUTPUT: false
let obj = {};
let obj2 = obj;
console.log(obj === obj2); // true;
console.log(obj === obj2); // OUTPUT: true;
=end code
In Perl 6, the operator behaves the same, with one exception: two objects that
have the same value, but different containers, will return false:
=begin code
say 1 === 1; # True
say '1' === 1; # True
say {} === {}; # False
say 1 === 1; # OUTPUT: True
say 'ayy lmao' === 'ayy lmao'; # OUTPUT: True
say {} === {}; # OUTPUT: False
my \hash = {};
my %hash = hash;
say hash === %hash; # False
say hash === %hash; # OUTPUT: False
=end code
In the last case it's the same object, but containers are different, which is
Expand All @@ -225,11 +232,11 @@ be used to check for deep equality, which you would normally need to use a
library for in Node.js:
=begin code
say {a => 1} eqv {a => 1}; # True;
say {a => 1} eqv {a => 1}; # OUTPUT: True
my \hash = {};
my %hash := hash;
say hash eqv %hash; # True
say hash eqv %hash; # OUTPUT: True
=end code
In the case you need to check if two variables have the same container and
Expand All @@ -238,7 +245,7 @@ value, use the C<=:=> operator.
=begin code
my @arr = [1,2,3];
my @arr2 := @arr; # Bound variables keep the container of the other variable
say @arr =:= @arr2; # True
say @arr =:= @arr2; # OUTPUT: True
=end code
=head3 Smartmatching
Expand All @@ -249,14 +256,14 @@ uses: it can be used like C<instanceof> in Node.js, to match a regex, and to
check if a value is a key in a hash, bag, set, or map:
=begin code
say 'foo' ~~ Str; # True
say 'ayy lmao' ~~ Str; # OUTPUT: True
my %hash = a => 1;
say 'a' ~~ %hash; # True
say 'a' ~~ %hash; # OUTPUT: True
my $str = 'abc';
$str ~~ s/abc/def/; # Mutates $str, like foo.replace('abc', 'def')
say $str; # def
say $str; # OUTPUT: def
=end code
While we are talking about C<instanceof>, the equivalent to the C<constructor>
Expand All @@ -278,26 +285,26 @@ operators, are cast to their primitives before following through with the
operation, making this possible:
=begin code :lang<javascript>
console.log(1 + 2); // 3
console.log([] + {}); // [object Object]
console.log({} + []); // 0
console.log(1 + 2); // OUTPUT: 3
console.log([] + {}); // OUTPUT: [object Object]
console.log({} + []); // OUTPUT: 0
=end code
In Perl 6, again, they are converted to a Numeric type, as before:
=begin code
say 1 + 2; # 3
say [] + {}; # 0
say {} + [1,2,3]; # 3
say 1 + 2; # OUTPUT: 3
say [] + {}; # OUTPUT: 0
say {} + [1,2,3]; # OUTPUT: 3
=end code
In addition, Perl 6 has C<div> and C<%%>. C<div> behaves like C<int> division in
C, while C<%%> checks if one number is cleanly divisible by another or not:
=begin code
say 4 div 3; # 1
say 4 %% 3; # False
say 6 %% 3; # True
say 4 div 3; # OUTPUT: 1
say 4 %% 3; # OUTPUT: False
say 6 %% 3; # OUTPUT: True
=end code
=head3 Bitwise
Expand All @@ -306,26 +313,26 @@ Node.js has C<&>, C<|>, C<^>, C<~>, C«<<», C«>>», C«>>>», and C<~> for bit
=begin code :lang<javascript>
console.log(1 << 1); // 2
console.log(1 >> 1); // 0
console.log(1 >>> 1); // 0
console.log(1 & 1); // 1
console.log(0 | 1); // 1
console.log(1 ^ 1); // 0
console.log(~1); // -2
console.log(1 << 1); // OUTPUT: 2
console.log(1 >> 1); // OUTPUT: 0
console.log(1 >>> 1); // OUTPUT: 0
console.log(1 & 1); // OUTPUT: 1
console.log(0 | 1); // OUTPUT: 1
console.log(1 ^ 1); // OUTPUT: 0
console.log(~1); // OUTPUT: -2
=end code
In Perl 6, there is no equivalent to C«>>>». All bitwise operators are
prefixed with C<+>, however two's complement uses C<+^> instead of C<~>:
=begin code
say 1 +< 1; # 2
say 1 +> 1; # 0
say 1 +< 1; # OUTPUT: 2
say 1 +> 1; # OUTPUT: 0
# No equivalent for >>>
say 1 +& 1; # 1
say 0 +| 1; # 1
say 1 +^ 1; # 0
say +^1; # -2
say 1 +& 1; # OUTPUT: 1
say 0 +| 1; # OUTPUT: 1
say 1 +^ 1; # OUTPUT: 0
say +^1; # OUTPUT: -2
=end code
=head3 Custom operators and operator overloading
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -401,7 +408,7 @@ statements:
my Int $dice-roll = ceiling rand * 12 + ceiling rand * 12;
say 'Snake eyes!' if $dice-roll == 2;
say 'Boxcars!' if $dice-roll == 16;
say "Rolled $dice-roll." if $dice-roll !~~ 2 | 16;
say "Rolled $dice-roll." if $dice-roll != 2 && $dice-roll != 16;
=end code
Perl 6 also has C<when>, which is like C<if>, but if the condition given is
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -465,9 +472,9 @@ my Int $score = 0;
for @ranks -> $rank {
# The when blocks implicitly return the last statement they contain.
$score += do given $rank {
when 'Jack' | 'Queen' | 'King' { 10 }
when 'Ace' { $score <= 11 ?? 10 !! 1 }
default { $_ }
when 'Jack' | 'Queen' | 'King' { 10 }
when 'Ace' { $score <= 11 ?? 10 !! 1 }
default { $_ }
=end code
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -506,22 +513,22 @@ for (let ord = 0x61; ord <= 0x7A; ord++) {
// loops (typically used on objects)
for (let letter in letters) {
# A
# B
# C
# etc.
# A
# B
# C
# etc.
// for..of loops (typically used on arrays, maps, and sets)
for (let letter of Object.values(letters)) {
# A
# B
# C
# etc.
# A
# B
# C
# etc.
=end code
Perl 6 C<for> loops most closely resemble C<for..of> loops, since they work on
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -742,7 +749,8 @@ a hash. In Perl 6, L<Mu|/type/Mu> is a superclass of all types, though usually
you want to use L<Any|/type/Any> instead, which is a subclass of C<Mu> but also
a superclass of nearly every type, with L<Junction|/type/Junction> being an
exception. When using C<Object> as a hash, L<Hash|/type/Hash> is what you want
to use.
to use. One key difference between C<Object> and C<Hash> is that C<Object>
preserves the order of its keys; C<Hash> does not by default.
There are three types equivalent to C<Array>. L<Array|/type/Array> is most
similar to C<Array>, since it acts as a mutable array. L<List|/type/List> is
Expand Down

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