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Document control flow in the JS nutshell
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Kaiepi committed Mar 9, 2019
1 parent c980c20 commit 828a841
Showing 1 changed file with 246 additions and 10 deletions.
256 changes: 246 additions & 10 deletions doc/Language/js-nutshell.pod6
Expand Up @@ -337,7 +337,7 @@ multi sub infix:<||=>($a, $b) is equiv(&infix:<+=>) { $a || $b }
my $foo = 0;
$foo ||= 1;
say $foo; # 1
say $foo; # OUTPUT: 1
=end code
Operators can be defined as C<prefix>, C<infix>, or C<postfix>. The
Expand All @@ -356,28 +356,264 @@ us to override any native operator we want:
multi sub prefix:<++>($a) is default { $a - 1 }
my $foo = 1;
say ++$foo; # 0
say ++$foo; # OUTPUT: 0
=end code
=head2 Conditionals
=head2 Control flow
=comment TODO
=head3 if/else
You should be familiar with how C<if>/C<else> looks in JavaScript:
=head2 Control flow
=begin code :lang<javascript>
let diceRoll = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 6) + Math.ceil(Math.random() * 6);
if (diceRoll === 2) {
console.log('Snake eyes!');
} else if (diceRoll === 16) {
} else {
console.log(`Rolled ${diceRoll}.`);
=end code
=comment TODO
In Perl 6, C<if>/C<else> works largely the same, with a few key differences.
One, parentheses are not required. Two, C<else if> is written as C<elsif>.
Three, the if clause may be written I<after> a statement:
=begin code
my Int $dice-roll = ceiling rand * 12 + ceiling rand * 12;
if $dice-roll == 2 {
say 'Snake eyes!';
} elsif $dice-roll == 16 {
say 'Boxcars!';
} else {
say "Rolled $dice-roll.";
=end code
=head2 Functions
Alternatively, though less efficient, this could be written to use C<if> after
=begin code
my Int $dice-roll = ceiling rand * 12 + ceiling rand * 12;
say 'Snake eyes!' if $dice-roll == 2;
say 'Boxcars!' if $dice-roll == 16;
say "Rolled $dice-roll." if $dice-roll !~~ 2 | 16;
=end code
Perl 6 also has C<when>, which is like C<if>, but if the condition given is
true, no code past the C<when> block within the block it's in is executed:
=begin code
when True {
say 'In when block!'; # OUTPUT: In when block!
say 'This will never be output!';
=end code
Additionally, Perl 6 has C<with>, C<orwith>, and C<without>, which are like
C<if>, C<else if>, and C<else> respectively, but instead of checking whether
their condition is true, they check if it's defined.
=head3 switch
Switch statements are a way of checking for equality between a given value and
a list of values and run some code if one matches. C<case> statements define
each value to compare to. C<default>, if included, acts as a fallback for when
the given value matches no cases. After matching a case, C<break> is typically
used to prevent the code from the cases that follow the one matched from being
executed, though rarely this is intentionally omitted.
=begin code :lang<javascript>
const ranklist = [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 'Jack', 'Queen', 'King', 'Ace'];
const ranks = Array.from(Array(3), () => ranklist[Math.floor(Math.random() * ranks.length)]);
let score = 0;
for (let rank of ranks) {
switch (rank) {
case 'Jack':
case 'Queen':
case 'King':
score += 10;
case 'Ace';
score += (score <= 11) ? 10 : 1;
score += rank;
=end code
In Perl 6, C<given> can be used like switch statements. There is no equivalent
to C<break> since C<when> blocks are most commonly used like C<case>
statements. One major difference between C<switch> and C<given> is that a value
passed to a C<switch> statement will only match cases that are exactly equal to
the value; C<given> values are smart matched (C<~~>) against the C<when> values.
=begin code
my @ranklist = [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 'Jack', 'Queen', 'King', 'Ace'];
my @ranks = @ranklist.pick: 3;
my Int $score = 0;
for @ranks -> $rank {
# The when blocks implicitly return the last statement they contain.
$score += do given $rank {
when 'Jack' | 'Queen' | 'King' { 10 }
when 'Ace' { $score <= 11 ?? 10 !! 1 }
default { $_ }
=end code
If there are multiple C<when> blocks that match the value passed to C<given>
and you wish to run more than one of them, use C<proceed>. C<succeed> may be
used to exit both the C<when> block it's in and the given block, preventing any
following statements from being executed:
=begin code
given Int {
when Int { say 'Int is Int'; proceed }
when Numeric { say 'Int is Numeric'; proceed }
when Any { say 'Int is Any'; succeed }
when Mu { say 'Int is Mu' } # Won't output
# Int is Int
# Int is Numeric
# Int is Any
=end code
=head3 for, while, and do/while
There are three different types of for loops in JavaScript:
=begin code :lang<javascript>
// C-style for loops
const letters = {};
for (let ord = 0x61; ord <= 0x7A; ord++) {
let letter = String.fromCharCode(ord);
letters[letter] = letter.toUpperCase();
// loops (typically used on objects)
for (let letter in letters) {
# A
# B
# C
# etc.
// for..of loops (typically used on arrays, maps, and sets)
for (let letter of Object.values(letters)) {
# A
# B
# C
# etc.
=end code
Perl 6 C<for> loops most closely resemble C<for..of> loops, since they work on
anything as long as it's iterable. C-style loops are possible to write using
C<loop>, but this is discouraged since they're better written as C<for> loops
using ranges. Like C<if> statements, C<for> may follow a statement, with the
current iteration being accessible using the C<$_> variable (known as "it").
Methods on C<$_> may be called without specifying the variable:
=begin code
my Str %letters{Str};
%letters{$_} = .uc for 'a'..'z';
.say for %letters.values;
# A
# B
# C
# etc.
=end code
C<while> loops work identically between JavaScript and Perl 6. Perl 6 also has
C<until> loops, where instead of iterating until the given condition is false,
they iterate until the condition is true.
C<do/while> loops are known as C<repeat/while> loops in Perl 6. Likewise with
C<while>, C<repeat/until> loops also exist and loop until the given condition
is false.
To write infinite loops in Perl 6, use C<loop> rather than C<for> or C<while>.
In JavaScript, C<continue> is used to skip to the next iteration in a loop, and
C<break> is used to exit a loop early:
=begin code :lang<javascript>
let primes = new Set();
let i = 2;
do {
let isPrime = true;
for (let prime of primes) {
if (i % prime == 0) {
isPrime = false;
if (!isPrime) continue;
} while (++i < 20);
console.log(primes); # OUTPUT: Set { 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19 }
=end code
In Perl 6, these are known as C<next> and C<last> respectively. There is also
C<redo>, which repeats the current iteration without evaluating the loop's
condition again.
C<next>/C<redo>/C<last> statements may be followed by a label defined before an
outer loop to make the statement work on the loop the label refers to, rather
than the loop the statement is in:
=begin code
my %primes is SetHash;
my Int $i = 2;
repeat {
next OUTSIDE if $i %% $_ for %primes.keys;
} while ++$i < 20;
say %primes; # OUTPUT: SetHash(11 13 17 19 2 3 5 7)
=end code
=head3 do
C<do> is not currently a feature in JavaScript, however a proposal has been made
to L<add it to ECMAScript|>.
C<do> expressions evaluate a block and return the result:
=begin code
constant VERSION = v2.0.0;
constant VERSION_NUMBER = do {
my @digits = VERSION.Str.comb(/\d+/);
:16(sprintf "%02x%02x%04x", |@digits)
say VERSION_NUMBER; # OUTPUT: 33554432
=end code
=head2 Types
=comment TODO
=head2 Types
=head2 Functions
=comment TODO
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