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Document types in the JS nutshell
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Kaiepi committed Mar 11, 2019
1 parent b3480e1 commit aa2ae69
Showing 1 changed file with 150 additions and 3 deletions.
153 changes: 150 additions & 3 deletions doc/Language/js-nutshell.pod6
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
=begin pod :tag<convert>
=TITLE Javascript (Node.js) to Perl 6 - nutshell
=TITLE JavaScript (Node.js) to Perl 6 - nutshell
=SUBTITLE Learning Perl 6 from Node.js, in a nutshell
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -609,9 +609,150 @@ say VERSION_NUMBER; # OUTPUT: 33554432
=head2 Types
=comment TODO
=head3 Creating types
In JavaScript, types are created by making a class (or a constructor in ES5
and earlier). If you've used TypeScript, you can define a type as a subset of
other types like so:
=begin code :lang<typescript>
type ID = string | number;
=end code
In Perl 6, classes, roles, subsets, and enums are considered types. Creating
classes and roles will be discussed in
L<the OOP section of this article|#Object-oriented_programming>. Creating an ID
subset can be done like so:
=begin code
subset ID where Str | Int;
=end code
See the documentation on L<subset|/language/typesystem#subset> and
L<Junction|/type/Junction> for more information.
TypeScript enums may have numbers or strings as their values. Defining the
values is optional; by default, the value of the first key is 0, the next key,
1, the next, 2, etc. For example, here is an enum that defines directions for
extended ASCII arrow symbols (perhaps for a TUI game):
=begin code :lang<typescript>
enum Direction (
UP = '↑',
DOWN = '↓',
LEFT = '←',
RIGHT = '→'
=end code
Enums in Perl 6 may have any type as their keys' values. Enum keys (and
optionally, values) can be defined by writing C<enum>, followed by the name
of the enum, then the list of keys (and optionally, values), which can be done
using L«< >|/language/quoting#Word_quoting:_<_>»,
L<« »|/language/quoting#Word_quoting_with_interpolation_and_quote_protection:_«_»>,
or L<( )|/language/operators#term_(_)>. C<( )> must be used if you want to
define values for the enum's keys. Here is the Direction enum as written in
Perl 6:
=begin code
enum Direction (
UP => '↑',
DOWN => '↓',
LEFT => '←',
RIGHT => '→'
=end code
See the documentation on L<enum|/language/typesystem#enum> for more information.
=head3 Using types
In TypeScript, you can define the type of variables. Attempting to assign a
value that doesn't match the type of the variable will make the transpiler
error out. This is done like so:
=begin code :lang<typescript>
enum Name (Phoebe, Daniel, Joe);
let name: string = 'Phoebe';
name = Phoebe; # Causes tsc to error out
let hobbies: [string] = ['origami', 'playing instruments', 'programming'];
let todo: Map<string, boolean> = new Map([
['clean the bathroom', false],
['walk the dog', true],
['wash the dishes', true]
=end code
In Perl 6, variables can be typed by placing the type between the declarator
(C<my>, C<our>, etc.) and the variable name. Assigning a value that doesn't
match the variable's type will throw either a compile-time or runtime error,
depending on how the value is evaluated:
=begin code :skip-test
enum Name <Phoebe Daniel Joe>;
my Str $name = 'Phoebe';
$name = Phoebe; # Throws a compile-time error
# The type here defines the type of the elements of the array.
my Str @hobbies = ['origami', 'playing instruments', 'programming'];
# The type here defines the type of the keys of the hash.
# The type in the curly braces defines the type of the values of the hash.
my Str %todo{Bool} = (
'clean the bathroom' => False,
'walk the dog' => True,
'wash the dishes' => True
=end code
=head3 Comparing JavaScript and Perl 6 types
Here is a table of some JavaScript types and their equivalents in Perl 6:
=begin table
JavaScript | Perl 6
Object | Mu, Any, Hash
Array | List, Array, Seq
String | Str
Number | Int, Num, Rat
Boolean | Bool
Map | Map, Hash
Set | Set, SetHash
=end table
C<Object> is both a superclass of all types in JavaScript and a way to create
a hash. In Perl 6, L<Mu|/type/Mu> is a superclass of all types, though usually
you want to use L<Any|/type/Any> instead, which is a subclass of C<Mu> but also
a superclass of nearly every type, with L<Junction|/type/Junction> being an
exception. When using C<Object> as a hash, L<Hash|/type/Hash> is what you want
to use.
There are three types equivalent to C<Array>. L<List|/type/List> is most similar
to C<Array>, since it acts as a mutable array. L<Array|/type/Array> is similar
to C<List>, but is immutable. L<Seq|/type/Seq> is used to create lazy arrays.
C<String> and L<Str|/type/Str> are for the most part used identically.
There are several different types in Perl 6 equivalent to C<Number>, but the
three you'll most commonly see are L<Int|/type/Int>, L<Num|/type/Num>, and
L<Rat|/type/Rat>. C<Int> represents an integer. C<Num> represents a
floating-point number, making it the most similar to C<Number>. C<Rat>
represents a fraction of two numbers, and is used when C<Num> cannot provide
precise enough values.
C<Boolean> and L<Bool|/type/Bool> are for the most part used identically.
C<Map> has both a mutable and an immutable equivalent in Perl 6.
L<Map|/type/Map> is the immutable one, and L<Hash|/type/Hash> is the mutable
one. Don't get them mixed up! Like C<Map> in JavaScript, C<Map> and C<Hash> can
have any type of key or value, not just strings for keys.
Like C<Map>, C<Set> also has both a mutable and an immutable equivalent in Perl
 6. L<Set|/type/Set> is the immutable one, and L<SetHash|/type/SetHash> is the
mutable one.
=head2 Functions
Expand All @@ -625,6 +766,12 @@ say VERSION_NUMBER; # OUTPUT: 33554432
=head1 Asynchronous programming
=comment TODO
=head1 The networking API
=head2 Net
Expand Down

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