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Adding a Pane Widget
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finanalyst committed Nov 8, 2016
1 parent a403ec7 commit 949481f
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Showing 2 changed files with 107 additions and 0 deletions.
63 changes: 63 additions & 0 deletions examples/18-pane-with-frames.p6
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl6

use v6.c;
use lib 'lib';
use GTK::Simple;

my $app => 'Example 18');

# my $some-text =;
my $t =;
$t.text ~= [~] gather for ^25 { take ' ' x $_ ~ "the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog\n" };
# $some-text.set-content( $t );

# my $more-text =;
my $u =;
$u.text ~= [~] gather for ^25 { take ' ' x (25 - $_) ~ "Twas brillig and the slithy toothes did gyre and gymbol\n" };
# $more-text.set-content( $u ) ;

# my $exit-b =>'Exit');
my $h-paned =;
# my $v-paned =<vertical>);

C<orientation> may only take the values 'horizontal' (default) or 'vertical'
The standard GTK-3 Pane has two pack functions (pack1 and pack2)
These are kept, but an additional helper C<set-contents> function combines them
(Note the extra 's').
Each of the two panes have two presentation options, called C<shrink> and C<resize>.
C<shrink> = True (default) allows the pane to go smaller than the minimum widget size
C<shrink> = False sets a minimum size defined by the contained widget
C<resize> = True (default) allows the pane to be resized (expanded or contracted)
C<resize> = False freezes the pane to the initial size request of the contained widget.
For C<set-contents> these are shrink-a, shrink-b, resize-a, resize-b.
The widget associated with C<pack1> and C<a> in C<set-contents> is placed in the left pane for horizontal
orientation, and the top pane for the vertical orientation.

# $h-paned.set-contents( :a($some-text), :b($more-text) );
# $v-paned.set-contents( :b($some-text), :a($more-text), :resize-a(False), :shrink-b(False));

To do the same as the line above using pack1/2 would require

# $h-paned.pack1($some-text); $h-paned.pack2($more-text);
# $v-paned.pack1($some-text,:resize(False)); $v-paned.pack2($more-text,:shrink(False));

$h-paned.add1( $t ); $h-paned.add2( $u );

# $v-paned.pack1($t,:resize(False)); $v-paned.pack2($u,:shrink(False));

# my $v =
# $h-paned,
# # $v-paned,
# # $some-text, $more-text,
# $exit-b
# );
# $exit-b.toggled.tap(-> $b { $app.exit } );

$app.set-content( $h-paned );
$app.border-width = 20;
44 changes: 44 additions & 0 deletions lib/GTK/Simple/Paned.pm6
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
use v6;

use NativeCall;
use GTK::Simple::Raw :paned;
use GTK::Simple::Common;
use GTK::Simple::Widget;

unit class GTK::Simple::Paned does GTK::Simple::Widget;

submethod BUILD(:$orientation = 0) {
self.WIDGET( gtk_paned_new( $orientation ) );
# submethod BUILD( :$orientation where { $orientation eq one('horizontal', 'vertical') } = 'horizontal') {
# self.WIDGET( gtk_paned_new( $orientation eq 'horizontal' ?? 0 !! 1 ) );
# }

method add1( GTK::Simple::Widget $child ) {
gtk_paned_add1(self.WIDGET, $child.WIDGET );
# gtk_paned_set_position( self.WIDGET );

method add2( GTK::Simple::Widget $child ) {
gtk_paned_add2(self.WIDGET, $child.WIDGET );
# gtk_paned_set_position( self.WIDGET );

method pack1( GTK::Simple::Widget $child, Bool :$resize = True, Bool :$shrink = True ) {
gtk_paned_pack1(self.WIDGET, $child.WIDGET, $resize, $shrink );

method pack2( GTK::Simple::Widget $child, Bool :$resize = True, Bool :$shrink = True ) {
gtk_paned_pack2(self.WIDGET, $child.WIDGET, $resize, $shrink );

method set-contents(
GTK::Simple::Widget :$a!, GTK::Simple::Widget :$b!,
Bool :$shrink-a = True, Bool :$resize-a = True,
Bool :$shrink-b = True, Bool :$resize-b = True) {
gtk_paned_pack1(self.WIDGET, $a.WIDGET, $resize-a, $shrink-a );
gtk_paned_pack2(self.WIDGET, $b.WIDGET, $resize-b, $shrink-b );
method set-position( int $position ) {
gtk_paned_set_position( self.WIDGET, $position )

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