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Usage with Java

Here's a minimum example, in which you register a MainActivity which requires Manifest.permission.CAMERA.

0. Prepare AndroidManifest

Add the following line to AndroidManifest.xml:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA" />

1. Attach annotations

PermissionsDispatcher introduces only a few annotations, keeping its general API concise:

NOTE: Annotated methods must not be private.

Annotation Required Description
@RuntimePermissions Register an Activity or Fragment to handle permissions
@NeedsPermission Annotate a method which performs the action that requires one or more permissions
@OnShowRationale Annotate a method which explains why the permissions are needed. It passes in a PermissionRequest object which can be used to continue or abort the current permission request upon user input. If you don't specify any argument for the method compiler will generate process${NeedsPermissionMethodName}ProcessRequest and cancel${NeedsPermissionMethodName}ProcessRequest. You can use those methods in place of PermissionRequest(ex: with DialogFragment)
@OnPermissionDenied Annotate a method which is invoked if the user doesn't grant the permissions
@OnNeverAskAgain Annotate a method which is invoked if the user chose to have the device "never ask again" about a permission
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

    void showCamera() {
                .replace(, CameraPreviewFragment.newInstance())

    void showRationaleForCamera(final PermissionRequest request) {
        new AlertDialog.Builder(this)
            .setPositiveButton(R.string.button_allow, (dialog, button) -> request.proceed())
            .setNegativeButton(R.string.button_deny, (dialog, button) -> request.cancel())

    void showDeniedForCamera() {
        Toast.makeText(this, R.string.permission_camera_denied, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

    void showNeverAskForCamera() {
        Toast.makeText(this, R.string.permission_camera_neverask, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

2. Delegate to generated class

Upon compilation, PermissionsDispatcher generates a class for MainActivityPermissionsDispatcher([Activity Name] + PermissionsDispatcher), which you can use to safely access these permission-protected methods.

The only step you have to do is delegating the work to this helper class:

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    findViewById( -> {
      // NOTE: delegate the permission handling to generated method

public void onRequestPermissionsResult(int requestCode, @NonNull String[] permissions, @NonNull int[] grantResults) {
    super.onRequestPermissionsResult(requestCode, permissions, grantResults);
    // NOTE: delegate the permission handling to generated method
    MainActivityPermissionsDispatcher.onRequestPermissionsResult(this, requestCode, grantResults);

Check out the sample for more details.