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Supervisor Input Plugin

This plugin gather information about processes that running under supervisor using XML-RPC API

Plugin minimum tested version: 1.17.0

Supervisor configuration

This plugin needs TCP HTTP server to be enabled without basic auth for collecting information. Here is example of inet_http_server section in supervisor config that will work with default plugin configuration.


Plugin configuration

  ## Url of supervisor's XML-RPC endpoint
  # url="http://localhost:9001/RPC2"
  ## Use supervisor identification string as server tag
  use_identification_tag = false
  ## Gather PID of running processes
  gather_pid = false
  ## Gather exit codes of processes
  gather_exit_code = false

Optional metrics

By default this plugin doesn't collect any information about processes pids and exit codes, you can enable it by setting gather_pid and gather_exit_code options in configuration file.

Server tag

Server tag is used to identify metrics source server. You have an option to use host:port pair of supervisor's http endpoint by default or you can use supervisor's identification string, which is set in supervisor's configuration file.


  • supervisor_processes
    • Tags:
      • server (Supervisor address or identification string)
      • name (Process name)
      • group (Process group)
    • Fields:
      • state (int, see reference)
      • uptime (int, seconds)
      • pid (int, optional)
      • exitCode (int, optional)
  • supervisor_instance
    • Tags:
      • server (Supervisor address or identification string)
    • Fields:
      • state (int, see reference)

Supervisor process state field reference table

Statecode Statename Description
0 STOPPED The process has been stopped due to a stop request or has never been started.
10 STARTING The process is starting due to a start request.
20 RUNNING The process is running.
30 BACKOFF The process entered the STARTING state but subsequently exited too quickly to move to the RUNNING state.
40 STOPPING The process is stopping due to a stop request.
100 EXITED The process exited from the RUNNING state (expectedly or unexpectedly).
200 FATAL The process could not be started successfully.
1000 UNKNOWN The process is in an unknown state (supervisord programming error).

Supervisor instance state field reference

Statecode Statename Description
2 FATAL Supervisor has experienced a serious error.
1 RUNNING Supervisor is working normally.
0 RESTARTING Supervisor is in the process of restarting.
-1 SHUTDOWN Supervisor is in the process of shutting down.

Example Output

supervisor_processes,host=localhost,group=ExampleGroup,process=ExampleProcess,server=localhost:9001 exitCode=0i,pid=12345i,state=20i,uptime=4812i
supervisor_instance,host=localhost,server=localhost:9001 state=1