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File metadata and controls

183 lines (136 loc) · 7.08 KB

Command Line Interface

As of version 0.8, rasterstats includes a command line interface (as a rasterio plugin) for performing zonal statistics and point_queries at the command line.

Usage: rio zonalstats [OPTIONS] FEATURES...

zonalstats generates summary statistics of geospatial raster datasets
based on vector features.

The input arguments to zonalstats should be valid GeoJSON Features. (see

The output GeoJSON will be mostly unchanged but have additional properties
per feature describing the summary statistics (min, max, mean, etc.) of
the underlying raster dataset.

The raster is specified by the required -r/--raster argument.

Example, calculate rainfall stats for each state and output to file:

  rio zonalstats states.geojson -r rainfall.tif > mean_rainfall_by_state.geojson

--version                       Show the version and exit.
-r, --raster PATH               [required]
--all-touched / --no-all-touched
--band INTEGER
--categorical / --no-categorical
--indent INTEGER
--info / --no-info
--nodata INTEGER
--prefix TEXT
--stats TEXT
--sequence / --no-sequence      Write a LF-delimited sequence of texts
                                containing individual objects or write a
                                single JSON text containing a feature
                                collection object (the default).
--rs / --no-rs                  Use RS (0x1E) as a prefix for individual
                                texts in a sequence as per
                                text-sequence-13 (default is False).
-h, --help                      Show this message and exit.
$ rio pointquery --help
Usage: rio pointquery [OPTIONS] FEATURES...

Queries the raster values at the points of the input GeoJSON Features. The
raster values are added to the features properties and output as GeoJSON
Feature Collection.

If the Features are Points, the point geometery is used. For other
Feauture types, all of the verticies of the geometry will be queried. For
example, you can provide a linestring and get the profile along the line
if the verticies are spaced properly.

You can use either bilinear (default) or nearest neighbor interpolation.

--version                   Show the version and exit.
-r, --raster PATH           [required]
--band INTEGER
--nodata INTEGER
--indent INTEGER
--interpolate TEXT
--property-name TEXT
--sequence / --no-sequence  Write a LF-delimited sequence of texts
                            containing individual objects or write a single
                            JSON text containing a feature collection object
                            (the default).
--rs / --no-rs              Use RS (0x1E) as a prefix for individual texts
                            in a sequence as per
                            /draft-ietf-json-text-sequence-13 (default is
-h, --help                  Show this message and exit.


In the following examples we use a polygon shapefile representing countries (countries.shp) and a raster digitial elevation model (dem.tif). The data are assumed to be in the same spatial reference system.

GeoJSON inputs

First we must get our data into GeoJSON format. There are a number of options for that but we will use fio cat command that ships with the fiona python library:

fio cat countries.shp

This will print the GeoJSON Features to the terminal (stdout) with Features like:

{"type": Feature, "geometry": {...} ,"properties": {...}}

We'll use unix pipes to pass this data directly into our zonal stats command without an intemediate file.

Specifying the Raster

There is one required option to rio zonalstats: the --raster or -r option which is a file path to a raster dataset that can be read by rasterio.

So now our command becomes:

fio cat countries.shp | rio zonalstats -r dem.tif

GeoJSON Output

The output FeatureCollection will contain the same number of features, same geometries, etc. but will have several additional properties attached to each feature:

  "type": "Feature",
  "geometry": {...} ,
  "properties": {
    "country_name": "Grenada",
    "_min": 0.0,
    "_mean": 210.47,
    "_max": 840.33,
    "_count": 94

Fairly self explanatory; the min, mean and max are the default summary statistics and the count is the number of overlapping raster cells. By default the property names are prefixed with _ but you can specify your own with --prefix:

$ fio cat countries.shp | rio zonalstats -r dem.tif --prefix "elevation_"
  "type": "Feature",
  "geometry": {...} ,
  "properties": {
    "country_name": "Grenada",
    "elevation_min": 0.0,
    "elevation_mean": 210.47,
    "elevation_max": 840.33,
    "elevation_count": 94

If we want to save the output, simply redirect to a file:

fio cat countries.shp | rio zonalstats -r dem.tif --prefix "elevation_" > countries_with_elevation.geojson

Sequences or FeatureCollections

By default, all of the features are collected into a single GeoJSON FeatureCollection which is echoed to stdout.

You can choose to emit sequences of line-delimited Features with --use-sequence and add the optional rs-delimiter with --use-rs. The use of sequences for input and output features allows you to stream large datasets without memory limitations:

fio cat large.shp | rio zonalstats -r elevation.tif --sequence | some-other-process

Other statistics

The main README contains the complete list of summary statistics, any number of which can be specified using the --stats option in the form of a space-delimited string:

$ fio cat countries.shp \
    | rio zonalstats -r dem.tif \
          --prefix "elevation_" \
          --stats "min max median percentile_95"
  "type": "Feature",
  "geometry": {...} ,
  "properties": {
    "country_name": "Grenada",
    "elevation_min": 0.0,
    "elevation_median": 161.33
    "elevation_max": 840.33,
    "elevation_percentile_95": 533.6

Rasterization strategy

As discussed in the main README, the default rasterization of each feature only considers those cells whose centroids intersect with the geometry. If you want to include all cells touched by the geometry, even if there is only a small degree of overlap, you can specify the --all-touched option. This is helpful if your features are much smaller scale than your raster data (e.g. tax lot parcels on a coarse weather data raster)