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API Documentation

Users API

Registering A New User

  • description: register a new user
  • request: PUT /api/users/
    • content-type: application/json
    • body: object
      • username: (string) the username
      • password: (string) the password
  • response: 200 | 500 if server error | 409 if user already exists
    • content-type: application/json
    • body: object
      • username: the username of new user
curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" -H "Postman-Token: 1c19fbae-267c-ddfe-6076-c7755ab01356" -d '{
	"username": "test",
	"password": "test"
}' "https://localhost:3000/api/users"

Logging In

  • description: register a new user
  • request: POST /api/signin/
    • content-type: application/json
    • body: object
      • username: (string) the username
      • password: (string) the password
  • response: 200 | 500 if server error | 401 if Unauthorized | 400 if bad req.
    • content-type: application/json
    • body: object
      • status: (int) the status
      • username: (string) the username of user
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" -H "Postman-Token: b7a19d58-4e32-026c-8f7a-61a4f9e67e45" -d '{
	"username": "test",
	"password": "test"
}' "https://localhost:3000/api/signin/"

Signing Out

  • description: signs out a user
  • request GET /api/signout/
  • response: 200 | 500 if error
    • redirects to login page
curl -X GET -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" -H "Postman-Token: ba2b719a-b3ca-7167-9aa7-c9e449dbf9fe" "https://localhost:3000/api/signout/"

Gallery API

Getting A Paginated List of Galleries

  • description: gets a paginated list of gallery's where (start_index)/10 + 1 = page #
  • request: GET /api/galleries/:start_index
  • response: 200 | 403 if Unauthorized
    • content-type: application/json
    • body: object
      • status: (int)
      • galleries: (json) relevent gallery objects || (string) nogalleries, if none found
curl -X GET -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" -H "Postman-Token: d1053c47-3497-4904-a0b4-1c84a6dd2f6d" "https://localhost:3000/api/galleries/0"

Creating a Gallery (DEPRICATED)

  • description: register a new user | this is unused, but still useful for testing
  • request: POST /api/gallery/
    • content-type: application/json
    • body: object
      • username: (string) the username
      • galleryname: (string) the name of gallery
  • response: 200 | 500 if server error | 403 if Unauthorized
    • content-type: application/json
    • body: object
      • status: (int) the status
      • id: (string) the gallery id
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/javascript" -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" -H "Postman-Token: b3135819-6c15-7863-43cc-019bcb78acc7" -d '{
	"username": "test",
	"password": "test"
}' "https://localhost:3000/api/gallery/"

Pictures API

Upload a picture

  • description: upload an image
  • request POST /api/upload/
    • content-type: form-data
    • body: object
      • title: (string) the tile of the image
      • author: (string) the author of the image
      • upload: (string) the type of upload either file or url
      • picture: (file) set iff upload = file.
      • url: string the image url, set iff upload = url
  • response: 200 || 403 if Unauthorized
    • content-type: application/json
    • body: object
      • status: (int) status code
      • id: (string) the ID of the image that you just added
$ curl -X POST
  -F title=title -F upload=url -F author=author -F url=url localhost:3000/api/upload/

$ curl -X POST
  -F title=title -F upload=file -F author=author -F picture=@localfilename localhost:3000/api/upload/

Getting a picture/image

  • description: retrieve a image; if /:id = first then gets first image, else must specify an image id
  • request: GET /api/image/:gallery/:id
  • response: 200 || 403 if Unauthorized
    • content: application/json
    • body: list of objects
      • status: (int) repsonse
      • raw: object (contains image data)
        • title: (string) image title
        • author: (string) image author
        • type: (string) image type (url or file)
        • source: (string) location of image, if type = url then its a url if type = file then its the file name accessable at localhost:3000/source
        • _id: the image id
        • createdAt: when the image was made
        • upadatedAt: when the image was last updated
$ curl http://localhost:3000/api/x/image/first
where x is the username of the user who's gallery you want to access

Getting the next image

  • description: given an image id get 'next' image. This is for the next image button on the front-end and behaves as one expects it to (i.e. A1 specs).
  • request: GET /api/next/:gallery/:id
  • response: 200
    • content-type: application/json
    • body: list of objects
      • status: (int) status
      • raw: object (contains image data)
        • title: (string) image title
        • author: (string) image author
        • type: (string) image type (url or file)
        • source: (string) location of image, if type = url then its a url if type = file then its the file name accessable at localhost:3000/source
        • _id: the image id
        • createdAt: when the image was made
        • upadatedAt: when the image was last updated
$ curl http://localhost:3000/api/next/x/TpDXlZpFPlyxKN8N

** where TpDXlZpFPlyxKN8N is an arbitrary img id **
where x is the username of the user who's gallery you want to access

Getting the previous image

  • description: given an image id get 'previous' image. This is for the previous image button on the front-end and behaves as one expects it to (i.e. A1 specs).
  • request: GET /api/prev/:gallery/:id
  • response: 200
    • content-type: application/json
    • body: list of objects
      • status: (int) status
      • raw: object (contains image data)
        • title: (string) image title
        • author: (string) image author
        • type: (string) image type (url or file)
        • source: (string) location of image, if type = url then its a url if type = file then its the file name accessable at localhost:3000/source
        • _id: the image id
        • createdAt: when the image was made
        • upadatedAt: when the image was last updated
$ curl http://localhost:3000/api/next/x/TpDXlZpFPlyxKN8N

** where TpDXlZpFPlyxKN8N is an arbitrary img id **
where x is the username of the user who's gallery you want to access

Deleting an image

  • description: remove an image given its id
  • request: DELETE /api/image/:gallery/:image
  • response: 200 || 403 if Unauthorized
    • status: (int) status
$ curl http://localhost:3000/api/next/x/TpDXlZpFPlyxKN8N
** where TpDXlZpFPlyxKN8N is an arbitrary img id **
where x is the username of the user who's gallery you want to access

Comments API

Adding/Creating A Comment

  • description: create a comment, recommend test using form on front-end
  • request POST /api/addcomment/
    • content-type: application/json
    • body: object
      • imgid: (string) the id of image associated with comment
      • name: (string) the name of posting user
      • content: (string) the comment content
      • timestamp: (string) when the comment was created
  • response: 200 || 403 if Unauthorized
    • content-type: application/json
    • body: object
      • status: (int) status code
      • id: (string) comment id
$curl -H "Content-Type: application/json"
  -d '{"imgid":"xyz","name":"xyz", "content":"zyx", "timestamp":"timestamp"}'

Getting Comments

  • description get the next (start_index + 10) comments for image with a given imgid
  • request: GET /api/comments/:imgid/:start_index
  • response: 200 || 403 if Unauthorized
    • content-type: application/json
    • body: object
      • status: (int) status code
      • comments: (list) of comment objects
        • imgid: id of the image comment belongs to
        • html: the html content of comment
        • _id: the comment id
        • createdAt: when comment was made
        • updatedAt: when comment was last updated
$curl http://localhost:3000/api/comments/xyz/0

Deleting a Comment

  • description: remove comment given its imgid and html content, recommend testing using front-end (make a comment then press x to delete - it makes a call straight to this method). Moreover, for whatever reason curl commands act weird with passing body to DELETE.
  • request: DELETE /api/comment/:id/:owner
    • content-type: params
    • id: (string) the id of the comment to delete
    • owner: (string) true if the requesting user is the OP of comment false o/w
  • response: 200 || 403 if Unauthorized
    • body: object
      • numRemoved: (string) number of items removed (1 or 0)
$ curl http://localhost:3000/api/next/TpDXlZpFPlyxKN8N/true
where TpDXlZpFPlyxKN8N is an arbitrary comment id