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Advanced example

This document will walk through advanced usage of pescador.

We will assume a working understanding of the simple example in the previous section.


Generators in python have a couple of limitations for common stream learning pipelines. First, once instantiated, a generator cannot be "restarted". Second, an instantiated generator cannot be serialized directly, so they are difficult to use in distributed computation environments.

Pescador provides the Streamer object to circumvent these issues. Streamer simply provides an object container for an uninstantiated generator (and its parameters), and an access method generate(). Calling generate() multiple times on a streamer object is equivalent to restarting the generator, and can therefore be used to simply implement multiple pass streams. Similarly, because Streamer can be serialized, it is simple to pass a streamer object to a separate process for parallel computation.

Here's a simple example, using the generator from the previous section.

import pescador

streamer = pescador.Streamer(noisy_samples, X[train], Y[train])

batch_stream2 = streamer.generate()

Iterating over streamer.generate() is equivalent to iterating over noisy_samples(X[train], Y[train]).

Additionally, Streamer can be bounded easily by saying streamer.generate(max_batches=N) for some N maximum number of batches.

Stream re-use and multiplexing

The mux() function provides a powerful interface for randomly interleaving samples from multiple input streams. mux can also dynamically activate and deactivate individual Streamers, which allows it to operate on a bounded subset of streams at any given time.

As a concrete example, we can simulate a mixture of noisy streams with differing variances.

for train, test in ShuffleSplit(len(X), n_iter=1, test_size=0.1)

    # Instantiate a linear classifier
    estimator = SGDClassifier()

    # Wrap the estimator object in a stream learner
    model = pescador.StreamLearner(estimator, max_batches=1000)

    # Build a collection of streams with different variance scales
    streams = [noisy_samples(X[train], Y[train], sigma=sigma)
               for sigma in [0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0]]

    # Build a mux stream, keeping only 2 streams alive at once
    batch_stream = pescador.mux(streams,
                                1000,   # Generate 1000 batches in total
                                2,      # Keep 2 streams alive at once
                                lam=16) # Use a poisson rate of 16

    # Fit the model to the stream
    model.iter_fit(batch_stream, classes=classes)

    # And report the accuracy
    print('Test accuracy: {:.3f}'.format(accuracy_score(Y[test],

In the above example, each noisy_samples streamer is infinite. The lam=16 argument to mux says that each stream should produce some n batches, where n is sampled from a Poisson distribution of rate lam. When a stream exceeds its bound, it is deactivated, and a new stream is activated to fill its place.

Setting lam=None disables the random stream bounding, and mux() simply runs each active stream until exhaustion.

Streams can be sampled with or without replacement according to the with_replacement option. Setting this parameter to False means that each stream can be active at most once.

Streams can also be sampled with non-uniform weighting by specifying a vector pool_weights.

Finally, exhausted streams can be removed by setting prune_empty_seeds to True. If False, then exhausted streams may be reactivated at any time.

Note that because mux() itself is a generator, it too can be wrapped in a Streamer object.